LOCALS AN OP Farmville and Suit RSONALS TO f W g Sections TOWN DEMOCRATIC TICKET. 1 jR" , The following is- the Demo cratic ticket qf town officers fo be elected to office Tuesday, ? May 4th. , '/> ?' For Mayor: - ben. a. joyner. For Commissioners: R. L. DAVIS V: R- E- BELCHER - B.S. SMITH J. I. MORGAN * T. E. JOYNER. M B" "o?r? went to Nor folk, Va., Wednesday. W: ? .^IMwes Lila Bed and Sarah Martin spent Eaifter in Selma. Mr, W. N. Harrell, of Wilson, . 'pent Wednesday in Farmville. to Rev- ?nd Mrs. J. K. Kirk Sunday night, April 4th, a ' . W' ? Bora to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. ?j Gay Sunday morning, April 4th, ? ton. Mrs. Paul E. Jones is on a visit to relatives in Bethel and Rober U ??aviUe. ? , -V: Mr. and Mrs. Cha* Harper, Of Caston* were FarmviUe visitors Wednesday. Mm^ w1 WarreQ an* Mri <8$?SZ. w?' ? G-* ? Mr. and Mrt. a M. Holden ' wer,e Snow Hill visitors Wed nesday and Thursday. Attorney J. Loyd Horton went - to Wilson today (Friday) on profcMtonal business. - ' a jS**?? Neal Clark and h ' *? " Earmvflle. N. C. ?'i ? ? Mr. Bnnn Newton, of Dur JM?. spent Barter in Farmville Mr. M. Cohen and friend, Mr. h. rd(^' ,pent * {ew daya in Show Hu< this week. They re turned today. Hermgny friends will regret to leara that Mrs. McD.- Hortoa ??PCd t0 her room again ; wuh,llDe?- ; '.rf'." ? Miss Bessie Croom left Thurs day morning jar Greenville to aoceot a tuition as saleslady with B. /. Pulley. Her many friends regret to ; 'earn thai t Mrs. J. W. Parker has been confined to her room with lagnppe this week. Solicitor J. Loyd. Horton went to Greenville Monday where ho presided at the iir/aeSS of Pltt'a County Court. Note the special message h thus issue from Jovner Furniture Co., and see them for anything 4 y?u may need for (he home. Miss Annie Laura Lang ac fa wS "ard,y;.n!i,h0 A- C C in Wilson, spent I*?er at home. Messrs. R. u. Newton, j. T. I- We notice lo W. M. LangCo's. window a nice line of Spring hats. We are glad" to report that Ma&er Jinimie Barrett, who bos been ill for some time with pneumonia, is now (bought to be convalescing. Wo are requested to announce that the Singing Class of Oxford Orphanage will give a concert in the opera bouse in Farmville Tuesday night, April 13tb, be ginning at 8.30. " Ju$ received a complete line of Thompson Bios, shoes for Spring at W. M. Lang Co's&ore. -Call. Mrs. Ida B. Myers left Mon day for Richmond, A-'a., to Jake her littlt> daughter, Dorothy, to a hospital for 'refitment for ner vousness. She was also accom panied by "her son,'. Mr! John When you are ready for a nice shirt.? They have them lo suit at W, M. Lang Go's. Price arranging from $1. to $5. The Geo. P. Ide Shirt. 'Messrs. Fred Albritton and J; H. Darden attended the marriage of Mr. Albritton's brother, Mr. Edward Albritton, to Miss Ava Taylor, which took place Wed nesday night at the home of the bride, about three miies South of Snow Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. R. Town send returned this week from an extended bridal tour throughout the western part*, of ' the United States, including the' Panama Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco, California. They report a grand pud glori ous tour. If you attend the concert to be given by the children from the Oxford Orphanage, which comes to the opera house in- Farmville Tuesday night, April 13th, yotr w4U Spend - a modi enjoyable hour, and at the sbme time yoo will aid the In&itution in its work of love. The conctyt is satd to "be welt worth more than the ad mis?I6n price/ j Revival services at the ISap tiit church, beginning Thursday night April 15th. Preaching by Dr. L. T. Reed, of EJaabeth City.-, Servfces every evening, beginning at 7:45. Come and worship with us, it will do ,you good. Plain preaching, .gospel singing, afid a hearty welcomc awaits you.? J. E. Kirk, pa&or. ? -K* . : All over "tNorlh Carolina and iu othei^tftatesenn be found boys and girts leading honorable, use* ful lives who were trained at the Oxford Orohnnage. The busi new of this In&itotion is to pro vide e home for homeless chit JUST ARRIVED A full tine of Ladies and Misses coat suits, Children and Misses Middy and Balcan Blouses Children's dresses and Ladies' Shirt Waists have ju& been received, and are ready for your inspection. Kindly come in and examine them no matter whether you intend to buy Or not We are always at your service. Yours to serve Cohen & Pearson "Leading Outfitters for the entire family." Farmvllie, N.Carolina dren and train thetn (or ChriAian citizenship. All who arc in sym pathy with Such work should lend a helping hand. The Sing ing Class of this In&tution will give one of their high class and entertaining concerts in the opera house in Farmville, April 13th; it being Tuesday night of next week. Make yopr plans now to bear these children and thereby help this worthy cause. ? , ' ? ^ ? . ? . ? QUICK ACTION WANTED. - When one" is coughing nod spitting? with tickling throat, tightness in chest, soreness in throat and lungs? when head is aching and the whole body racked with a cough thct won't permit sleep? he wants imme d'.ate relief. Thousands say Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound is the surest and qoickest ndling mcdic'ne fo- coughs, colds, croup and la grippe.? G. E. Moore, successor to S. M Pol lard. ' ? V A German Secret '> ,-*V - * Much inter has' been created by observing on the windows of our drug #ores, the. .new, richly colored signs Which are even more striking alter dark than in day lighL They are a filmy,' transparent material, radiant with royal col ors and the process of their manufatfure is a German secret. Before the commencement of boeftitities, we are told, a supply was ordered by the' makers of the famous Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and sixty , days alter war was declared it was necessary to get the?a through the lines from the interior of Germany by carrying the entire consignment as persontfr bag gage throui.<i to the Iioitaml American Steamship Co.. in Rotterdam? another tribute to American ingenuity and. presis teucy. ? 'p mm? Beware of Ointments for Catarrh Tbct Contain Mercury M-mcztMry-rrlU otirciy Cea^ojr the sense of omeJl tir.il t '.v Ucranxo \ho WbOle ej'stcm tvhen cQlrriB? It through, the raucous ouirfaccj. f3uvh articUs should never. bo vera exrc9>t on ? prescriptions from, reout^hlo pltyiricinns, cm tho dazhago uey trjii rto ti t?n few txtfcc cood you eajr ptKz'M" dcr!vo frt-r> ? them. Hall'* 'Catarrh CcrJ, mmnfacwrcd by P. 1. Chimoy 6 0\, Tn'oda, O., coalsJna no neniury, r.=rt H Int^rsnHy. nctln* directly upon J ho Hood nr.4 tr.ucoca cur BM0 of W srste^C : In b's*7tnr Hair* Catarrh Cure 1* euro you fprr tJvS Rbnti Ine. It t* *kJ??n ln*er??tHy aM m~6r> In ssb& * Bold by DniicKtats. I?r!r? Zr. per bottle, Taks ffan'oFcdlg Dlls Fct ctrati potion. V ' * YOUR ATTENTION IS IN VITED to the quality, variety, ntid prices REST GROCERIES IN TOWN Colfees, Teas, Flour, fruits, etc T rade w in nine prices. : " We're tagging; the goods, showing the brands, and selling in rapld tran sit time. Don't delay? buy our GROCERIES TO-DAY. You'll need *em all to-morrow. " ? J. A. M1ZZELL & CO r"-"nfe N- c- ' ? ? ? ? ? ; ? mi.mi FOUNTAIN DEPARTMENT U ?' A. F. EASON. Reporter -'v;<C/a A* * i t'-.fcSS :/ . :!?*,; -ili ? _ _ ??r* ? a . . Rev. J. E. Kirk, of Farmville, warin totfn "Friday. , Mrs. A. F. Windham spent toil week visiting in GreenvU|e. . Messrs? A. C. Owens and C M. Smith were Greenville visi tors Friday. Messrs. Abner Eason and A. F. Windham were Wilson via tors Thursday. Don't fail to be present at* the concert by the Oxford Orphan Asylum, here oa Saturday night April 10<h. Tickets on sale at Fountain and Go's Sore. ' ! The revival began Monday night April 5th and will con tinue for ten days. Services every evening at 3 o'clock and at night at 7:45, conduced by Dr. Lewelyn T. Reed. Be sure and come and lct'^ give Dr. Reed a full house at e very ser vice. * / The board of town commis sioners met Mohday night, April 5tb, and enabled a law to pro hibit the sale of eider, orheef or any imitatiofts thereof after May IS. We feel that this is a good l?w and a great Sep forward toward the progress and welfare of the town. At the Mayor's court hero Saturday April, 3rd, the follow ing cases were tri&l and disposed of, Bynum Battle (colored* af fray, fined $1. and cotft Thomas Everette (whits) affray, fined SI. and corft. B. F. Varnell "and James Perry (white) tjttray, judgement suspended upon payr ment of co&. B. F. Varnell as1 sault with deadly weapon bound over to court. At the Democratic mass meet ing; held here in the town hall, Wednesday night Mar. 31fl, for the purpose of nominating candi dates for the coming election, the following nominations were made. For mayor: Abner Ea son; for town clerk; W. J. Tug well; for treasurer: M. D. Yelver ton; for chief of police: Jno. T. Eason; for commissioners: J. R. Owens, R. A. Fountain, and R. L. Jefferson. The ele?5tion will be held on May 4tb. Much to our sorrow Mr. R. A. Fountain, chairman of the board of school committee received Friday April 2nd ? statement from county Superintendent Mr. S. B. Under woo I, Sating - that our school funds were exhausted and we would be compelled to close our school. . It was quite unexpe<5ied to all of us, at we were sure of an 8 month term. The teachers Mere preparing for a commencement7 and were also intending to have a picnic at the 'close. It was thought thai enough money could be made up for the >chool to run for 2, weeks loneer in order that wc could prepare the com mencement, and on Monday ' all the pupils returned, bat Prof. Mnttox announced to them that school had closed. It was quite sad to both pupils and teachers. ?On being told that the school had closed, 'Mr.']. T. Eason hur ried to the school house and served fruits and candy, which was higdly enjoyed by all. CALOMEL DYNAMITES YOUR LIVER! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Mm's Unr Tut" Stub Ynr Unr BKkf Tka CUsMi Ml Yn -> i Tvv.* IwiJ^Wirt pleasure; be viporons and full of ambi tion. I hit take no nssty. dtitr-toun calomel ImftUM it nikn you sick and jrou may low n day'* work. SSV- \? ~i ' Calomel la jnerMiry or qulok?!lv*r whi5f causA nooroti* of ue bone*. Calomel crashes into ?our bl l<- lik. dynamite, breaking It. up'. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. ? Lfrtcn to mo! If you want to enjoy the nicest, jfiiitl? t I Utlt and ? bowel cUansing you ever experienced Juit t*k<J a spoonful ?I hanuleu I'-odson'a Lfvcr i _ Vour druggist or dealer fegj *<*, ? W cent bottE-of Do5??', n.ivtr Tone under ray personal money tack guarantee tint each apoonful will 1 clean j-DUr ahigvlah liver better than a doM of nuty calomel and that it won't mako'yoa eick. . Dodaon'a Liver Tone ia real liver Incdlcwc. You'll know it next morning trcauae you will wak. up feeling fine, your liver *j|l bo working; headaclw nnd diitinen ronci ataaach will bo rweet and bowels regular. ' I>*Iwn'. j4j*t Tone la entirely vege table theref<*? harmless and can not S'W* it to, jronr children. are nsfHMDodeoa't Lh^f Wo* instead ?jf dsngcroni calomel ?otr. Your druggist will tell you tbat entlnTy" ' U ^ 1 FOR THEIR always hardest to *eU a carriage for the fin* b*^^$e rcalUe t and this is the model that almost invariably pleases boih father I mother. ometrical design, perfect finish, detachable box cushions, reverai we waai 19 ?b?w uu? v??^|v ??

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