the Photo Drama of 0M Film CQmpamy \ CHAPTER V. ' Tho Problem of the 8oal?d Box. "Gone!" Jones kept Baling to himself that be roust ctrlvo to be calm, to think, toink. Despite all bla warnings, the warning* of Norton, a he had tricked them and run away. It was maddening, tie wanted to rave, tear hla hair, break things. He tramped the hall. It would be wasting time to send for the pollcc. They would only putter about fruit lessly. The Black Hundred knew how to arrango these abductions. How had they succeeded In doing It? No one had entered the house that day without his being present. There had been no telopbono call he had not heard the gist of. nor any letters' he bad not first glanced oyer. How had ttjey done It? Suddenly Into bla mind Hashed tho remembrance of the candle light under Florence's door the night before. In a dozen bounds he waa In h?r room, searching drawers, , paper boxes, baskets. He found nothing. He returned in despair to Suaan. who. during all this turmoil, bad sat aa It frozen In her chair. "Speak!" be cried. "For Gods aake. tay something, think sonethlng! Those devils ore likely to torture her. hurt lief I" He leaned against- tho wall, his head on hts arm. When he turned again he was calm. He walked with bent head toward the " dcor, opened It and stood upon the threshold for a space. Across the i a shadow stirred, hut Jones did not see It. Hla gate waa attracted by something which shone dimly white on the walk Just beyond the steps.. He ran to' It. A crumpled letter, unsd dressed. He carried It back to ths house, smoothed it out and read its contents. Flcrenco In her haste had dropped the letter. Ho clutched at his hat, put It on afcd | ran to Susan. "Here!" be cried, holding out an an> I tbmatlc# "If anyone comes in that J da don't know, shootl Don't ask quea, | tlona, shoot!" . . Trvr'ra'.d!" She breathed with dlf-| Amity. , "Afraid?" he roared it her. He put I !hs weapon In her band, ft slipped | and thudded to the floor. He stooped | for It nnd slammed It Into "bar lap. "You lovo your life and honor. You'll know how lb shoot whet> the time comes. Now,, nttenfl to me. If i'm not back here by ten o'clock turn this nets crrer to the police. If ivo can't do that, then God help us *11!" Aad with that ha ran from the house < Susan eyed the revolver with grow ing terror. For what h>|d ahe left the peace arfl quiet of Miss Farlow's; SS-. aasalnatloo, robbery, thieves and kid-.' nspera? She wanted tb shriek, but her threat was as dry as paoer. Gin gerly the touched the pistol. The cold steel seat a thrill of fear over her. He hadn't told Mr how. to shoot it I Two Mocks down the street, up en alief. Wis I he garage wherein Har greavu bad been wmitto keep hls oar. Toward tile Jones rtn'wlth the speed of a track athlete. THere Wight be half a dozen taxlcabe about, but he would not run the risk of engaging any one of them Tho Black Handrad was capable of anticipating bis every movement. - .... The shadow across the stre?t etood undecided. At length he concluded to glvo Jones ten minutes In which to re turn. If he did not return within that time, the watcher would go up to the drag store and telephone tor Instruc tions. But Jones did not come back. Where's Howard?" be demanded. "Hallo, Jones; what's upr v ' -Howard, get that car out at once." "Out abe comes. Walt till I give her . .-adlator a bucket ot water. ,Oeel" whispered Howard, whom tiargree*' often used aa his chao??nr. "get on q> ' his nibs! Flrwt time I ever sew him awake. I wonder what* doing? Too never know what's beck of these mammy-facet beadwalters. rtsht, Jones!" ?? I The chauffeur Jumpef Into the car | and Jones took the seat f ? '?*- " -Where to?" . . -Number 7? . . and the rest of 1 It trailed away, smothered In the vlo- 1 lent thundor of the big stile i _ During the car's Sight several potto*- 1 men balled It without sucoeee. Down I this street, up that, round this corner, I M miles en boar; and all tho while | JoSMS ohouted: "Faster, faster I " < Within twolvo m la u tee treat the time | It left (he garage, the oar stowed op* I . poslte No. 73 Orov< street, Md lease | got out, ?Ws't here. Howurd. If eereral I come rushing cat, or I ?dtlt an , within fee mien tee. fit* ?| couple ot tlmee tor the poUee. >f went them If W? f .They'd only I ? 'All right, Mr. J fear. He had. If an boor, i respect for th? I *;gular feCAw, ; .ivns. ? l.Aa ^oaea i place la .discovered. Bamove It to a more secret .pot at one?. 8. H."? He laughed and *hook hi. heed. ' I'm aftald that wlll'nerar do." ? .I'd "It she read. It. J one* win. Tfca maa with the opera llluw may. see ?o tee thing There', a chance Jaoee might become worried." , "Well, well lire It adbsoaoe." It -waa midnight whsa ha made Ha ..ung V.mTOae-?niUl.TOnlUThehia not dreamed existed In her .11m body. "Florence, I am Jonea!" She stopped. recognised him, and without a woM r/a across the .treat to the automobile and climbed Into the tonneau. Jonea followed Immediately. "Homo!" . The car .hot op the dimly lighted street, shone palely for a second under the comer lamp, and vanished. "Ah, child, child!" groaned the man at her side, all the tenseness gdne from his body. He waa Jopes again. Still she did not speak but stared ahead with unseeing eyes. Nq further reproach fell from the butler'e lips, it was enough that Ood had guided him to her at the appointed moment. Ho felt assured that never again would ehe be drawn into any trap. Poor child! What had they said to her. done to her? How, in Ood's nainoi ha<f she escaped from tbam who never let anybody escape? Presently she would become normal, and then she woyld tell him. "I found the lying not*. You dropped '*?" r * "Horrible, horrible!" ahe said Vmost inaudlbly. . "What did they do to you?" . "He said he waa pny father. . . . He put bis arms around me. . . . And 1 knew!" "Knew what?" "That he lied. 1 can't explain.*' "V , "Don't try!" Suddenly she laid her head against the butler's shoulder and cried. It waa terrible to hear youth weep In1 this faahlon. Jones put his arm about her, and tried to console her. "Horrible!" she murmured between the' violent hiccoughs. "I was wrong, wrong! forgive me!" Unconsciously the arm sustaining h^r drew her closer. "Never mind," he consoled. "T?U no onq-what has happened. Go about aa usual. Don't let even 8usan know. Whatever your poor father did was for your sake. He wanted you to be happy, without a car* In the world." .,"1 promise." And gradually the sobs ceased. "But I feel ao old. Jonea, so vary old. I threw over the lamp. I. threw a chair through the window. They thought that It wa? I r ho hktf jumped out That gave me the oeoee ttdry time. I don't underetand how I did it I wasn't- frightened at all till I gained the street" They found Susan atflt aeated In the chair, the automatic In her lcp. She had not moved in: all this time! Bralne paced the apturtment ol the Princess Prrlgolf. From the living the boudoir and back, fully twenty times. From the divan Olga watched blm nervously. He waa like a User, fresh fn captivity. All at oooe he paused in front of hor. "Do you realise wbatathat 'men chit didr V. -1 do." "Planned to tha minute. Wa !"ad her; aeven of us; doors locked, and all that No weeping, no -vailing; I oould pot U'.dernurid then, but f da Bow. It'e In, the blood. Hargreave waa aa peaceful aa a St. Bernard dog, till yoc cornered him. and then he was a lion, O, the devil! Hipped out of our fingers like an e?l. And across tha street. Jones In ? racer! I never paid *ny particular attAtlon to Jonea, but ftom now on I shall. Tha girl nay or may ooi know when the money la, but Jonea does. Jonea does! Two men ahali watch. Felton on the street and Orloff frohi tha windows of tha in serted house, with opera ha will be able to Uke note of all.ttat happens ia tbe house during tho day. He will be able to see the 4Jrt'a room. And that's the Important point It waa a good pUn, little woman; and It would have, beep plain soiling' If oniy we had remembered that U>? girl waa Hargreare'a daughter. Be ful hereafter whan you night Ilka this will have .. pictous of every one. Our #tth yon. Anything on your "Tea. Why not Insert1* tha Herald?" She draw papar toward her and or course,- I'lorence re?0 Uie "per sons! " 3Uo took the nsyspaper at onco to Jones, who smiled grimly. "You nee, I trust you." "Aiid io long a* you continue to trust mo uo barm will befsll you. You were left In m / care by your faihsr. I am to guard you at tiie expense ol toy life. Loot night's affair was a miracle. Tbe next time you will sot and It so cosy to eecape." Nor did she. "Thare will be no next time," grave ly. "But 1 am going to aak you a di rect question. U my lather a lite?" The butler's brow puckered. "1 bave promised to aay nothing, one way or tbe otber." She laughed. "Wby do you laugh?" "1 laugh bccailae If be were dead there would be 4o earthly reason for yotir not saying so at once. But I hato money, tbe name of It, the sound of It, the sight of It. ?( tbe bottom of sU wars and chmes. 1 despise It!" "The root of all evil. Yet It per forms many noble deads. But never mind the money. Let us give our at tention to tb|s personal. Doubtless It originated la the same ralnd wblch conceived the letter. Your father would never have Inserted such a per sonal What! Give his enemies a chance to learn his secret? No. On the other band I want you to show this personal to all you meet today, Susan, the reporter, to everybody. Talk about It. Say that yob wonder what you ahall do. Trust no one with your real tboughta." "Not even you, Mr. Jones," thought the girl as ebe qoddod. "And tell them that you showed It to me and that I appeared worried." That night there waa a meeting of the organization called the Black Hun dred. Bralne naked If anyone knew what the Hargreave butler looked like. "I bad a glimpse of h'm the other night; but being unprepared. I might not recogtflce him again." Vroon described Jbnea minutely. Bralne could almost see the portrait "Vroon, that memory of yours la worth a lot of money," ^ was bis only comment "I hope It will be worth more soon." "I believe lU be able to recognise Mr. Jones If 1 aee him. Who Is he and what is he?" ?' v "He has been with Hargreavo for 14 yean. There was a homicidal caae In wblch tare* waa acthre. Hatgreave saved him. He 1*' faithful and uncom municative. Mosey Will not touch him. If he does know where that 'million 1?, hot irons could not make him own up to It. The only way la to w^cb him, follow him, welt for the moment when (hell grow careleea. No man la always on hla mettle) he lets up sooner q x later." "He la being watched, as you know." vrpon nodded approvingly. ,,Th? cap tain of the trrunp steamer Orient, by tbe way, was eeen with ? foil pt money. He Was Is ons of ths water front saloons, bragging bow he had hoodwinked some one." "Did he say where he'd. got the cash?" asked Bralne. "They tried to pump him on that, but be abut qp. Well, we have sftreed that Felton shall watch from tbe street and Orloff from tbe windov, Orloff will whistle If be sees Jones removing anything from any of the rooms. The rest will be left to Felton." -And.' Felton. my friend,"' sold Bralnn Siftly? he al-vaym spoke softly when he was In a deadly humor? "Fel ton, you slept on duty the other bight. Hargreare (tote up, connuUed Jones, sod sot away after knocking me doi!n. Tlx next failure wll) mopn abort shift. Be warned!" "1 aaw cply jou. air. So balp me. I Vaa not asFsapt 1 raw you run down the street alter the taxlcab- ( did not *<M anyonn else." N Bralne abrugged. "Remember what I said." Fdtcg bowed respectfully and made his exit. Hs wished In hU soul tbat be might some day catch tbs master mind tios of bla sternal mask. It WM an Iron hand which ruled them and there ware friends of bis (Feltoo's) who Iip.i1 mysteriously ' Ttalshed tdtltr a brief Nrtod of rebslllpa. TU boss was a swell; probably belonged to clubs and eoclPty which he adroitly pilfered. The organisation always had moss?. When ?rsr there was a desperate lob undertaken, Vroon simply poured out the. money necessary to prompt* fit. Wbeu?*er Bralne <anS Vroon became engaged In sarnest conversation they talked 81st. Bralne was nerer called by name here; the boss, stmplr thai ?WaU, ten per cent of a minion was a hundred thousand. This would he equally dlrUted between the second ten of the ? Hundred. Another ten baa there been' any d'atrult 06 Tjii paitv - ?. - -My child, your father la alive than?" animatedly. "We don't koow." sadly.- r "Why. I nhodld aay that thla provet -On the contrary, It prove* nothlnx of the sort, since 1 have yet to di? cover a treasure la tble houee. I tor V*fy^" ; Florence Gray. hunted la STory nook, diawtir; I've xearcbed for pedis. looked In trunks for* falsa bottoms. -Nothing, nothing! Ah. If 1 coulAonljr And It!" . "And whei WC^id you do with lit" "Take (t at oroe to some bank and offer t ho whole of It toy the cafe re turn of m? father, every penny of It, 1 don't know what to do, which way to turn," tears gaiherlns In her eyes and' they were genuine tear*, too. "Ttiere are millions In stocks and bonds and I cannot touch a penny or It because thu legal documents hare not been found. I can't even prove that I am his daughter, except for half an old bracelet, and my father'* lawyers eay that that would not hold In any court." 'Tou were born In 8t Petersburg, my dear. Have the embassy there look up the )>lrtb registers." '"that would not put me Into slon. Nothing bnt the return of my father will avail roe. And there's a hor rible thought always of my not being his -real 'daughter." "There's no doubt In my mind. I have only ti?, recall .tCatrlna'a facto to know whose child you are; But what will yon lire onf" Hate wss.a (jar greater mlxup than she had calculated upon. Supposing after all It was only a resemblance, that. the. child was not Hargreaie'a, a substitute just to blind the Black Hundred? To keen them away <rom th? tree daughter? "Her mind g*iw bewildered over such pos sibilities The single and oply way to settle all doubts w'i? to make this ehlld a prisoner. . If she yu Har grcavrr true daughter be would coma out of his biding. . She heard Flortn-e answering her question: , "There is a oum of ten or twelve thousand In tho Jllvcrdale bank, under. the' ioatrol of my father's but ler. After that is gene, 1 don't know wjjat will happen to ui. Susan and bKU* . .'At ,^'.T{?/| "Tfce door of , Miss Fsrlow's -sin al ways be open tu you, Florence." . re plied rimsn. with loro In ber eyes.' This Interesting conversation wee Interrupted by the advent of Norton. He was alwaya dropping in daring the late afternoon hours. Florence "llkod him tor two reasons. ' One waa that Jonee trusted hi* to a certain extent and the other was tfctt . . that sbe liked hln>. Sko finished this sen tence la her heart deOantl^. Today be brought her n Vyr of beao' tlful roses, and at the sight tC them tUe princess entiled faintly. Bet. the #U?a in quarter? She could have itnghed. lleiv was "jtrr revenue afcalnst this meddler who took no particular notice of ber. vrtil'.e Florence Was in tbt room. Site would encourage Ulro. poor grubbing newvpapor writer, with his beggarly pKtanfce! What Chance had he of marrying 0?U girt . with mil iums within reach o I btr hand?. . The peculiar thing atoat thU^waa that Norton waa entertaining the seme thought at the seme time: what estiU ly char.ce had he? man. .Bat when his glasses v>' -? "'i ' - ? ? .. lucked Ilia box under ots arm tod in ado hit. oxlL j 'iM-'i' Tb? mau louollqc In lb* ,,ah?dow heard ft lolut whistle, li was tlx olc nal agreed upon. The ma a Kelion no, ncrosa th? street tpd boldly rang thp b-.-il It waa only (hen that Florcnra missed (be ever pnaqnt butler. She hesitated, then aont Susan to thetloqr. '1 moat Kt llr. Jonea upon vitally Important business." "He hat sob* put," aald Susan, and ??ry sensibly cloecd the door befoie Feltoq's foot succeeded In getting In side It waa time to act. He ran ftrpon4 to tbe rear. The ladder convinced blm that Jonaa bad tricked him. He waa wild with rage. Ho was oyer tbe wall In an Instant. Away down tbe back] "A Hundred If You Overtake Thai Boat." street his ?T? discovered bis nipn Is (till (light He !>(< chase. Aa be Ipsmc to the flrel eomer ha waa nearij . - ? r : ^ 'T ~~~ ~ knocked ovsr Dy ft man coming thf other wa> "Who ere you bumping Into?' growl* i K el ton. ."Not eo fast, Fe'tonl" , . "Who tba devil are you?" Tfca stranger made a sign which Pat ton Instantly recognised. "Quick! What lis* happened?" "Jones ha* the million and Is mak ing hla getaway. See him hiking to ward the ifater front?" The two men began to rah. There followed a thrilling chafe. Jones engaged a motorboat and It wae speeding aeaward when the two pur suer* arrived. They war* not Ucgartl There was another boat and they made for It. "A,1 hundred ' If you overtake that boat," Mid Felton'a strange companion. Felton eyed htm thoughtfully. There was something familiar about that voice. Great plumes of water shot op Into the atX It did. not prove * short race by any means. It^iook half an hour for the pursuer to ovorhanl the pur BUCd. "Is that Jones ? "Vea." Felton fired hi* revolver Into toe air Ib nope* of terrifying Jones' en gineer; bu: thorr. was Ave hundred dangling before Inst lndlvldul'a eyes. "Let them (ot a little nearer," shout ed tho butler. The engineer let down the apeed ? ? notch. The other boat crept np within twenty yard*. Jonas sought a perfect range. Ua would have to find this spot again. .1 "Surrandtrl" yelled Felton. , la reply J one* raised the precloua box and deliberately dropped it Into \ tn* sea. Then he tamed hi* auto matic upon his pursuers and succeeded In setting their boat afire. All this within the apaco ot an boor. During dinner that night (there ?*? now a cook) Jones walked about the dining table, rnbbtng hla hand* to gether from time to time. "Joe as," ^ald Florence, "why do you rob your hand* like that?" "Was 1 rubbing my hands, Ulss Florence V he aak^d innocently. ? (To be continued) ? THE MOMENT YOll,VE CONVERTED YOUR CROPS IN TO MONEY? when the golden grain has yielded a bounti ful glittering iSream ol cash-bring the surplus dollars to this Bank and immediately pat them to work for you. , i ? Their earning capacity begins the moment they cross our counter. The interest is sub&antial, and Ac Steady, silent increase increase in your * funds will be comforting to you and youra m ? later years, f A- V ? WE r.IVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FARM ERS' ACCOUNTS, AND OFFER THE GRFAT P EST ACCOMMODATIONS CONSISTENT WITH SAFE BANKING. .... THE BANK OF FA V-W ? m FARMVILLE, N. C. ' 'Vi ? ? ' Our line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries la *ow the freshen to be had and Is complete V in every way. We catty only and can supply your every want. pu to get

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