It Pays To Advertise Through The Columns of The Farmville Enterprise IT REACHES ? THE PEOPLE Merchants! Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS Subscription $1 a Year in Advance. G. A. ROUSE, Editor. VOL. Y COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. APRIL 10, 1016 TWISTING THE TAIL OF THE GOLDEN RULE .Itbe Golden rule is a good rule, but we often twiA its tail to a frazzle It waa laid down as a guiding flar to .the faltering: and way ward footsteps of humanity. But there arc many feet in this slate that negletft to trestd the golden pathway of life. It has been taught us at the mother knee, preached to us from the pulpit, fed us in the schools, declaimed from the lec ture platform, mid advocated from a thousand other sources. But there are' local ears that bear not and eyca that refuse to see. The tail of the Golden rule is receiving some vigorous twiils in this, section. Often we ore asked by some merchant to pteach the dodrine of "trade at home." We preacl) it, and it helpa to enrich the merchant who made the request. That is good, for we believe in patronizing local institutions ? welikefto see them grow^ we want the money ke^t at , home But when the tame merchant whose money till we have helped to fill tends out of town for his job printing we can Dot but pity the isolation of the poor old Golden Rule. Some people make their mon ey in (hit c6mmuoity, enjoy life in the community, educate their children at the expense of the community, and then buy their goods from merchants who are not in or of the community. There are some people who want the earth for what they sell aad then expeft to receive some of their own purchases for lest than coft, And the Golden Rule is helpless? forgotten? k i c k e d into the ditcard. A few people make a practice v.&l sight, though the leat fortu nate experience the gnawing pangs cf hunger. Occasionally wiice a sancti monious countenance in church while the mind within is devis ing means of skinning others out of their hard earned dollars. Why,. the poor, decrepit old rule it Wrangling three hundred ' and sixty-five days in the year. It't coat of gold has tdrneo to rufc and the once sparkling wa ters of its purity arc tflagnant from disuse. Cab you point to a soul in this wide world who la all thing? does unto otherv as he ttxfld Jiave them do unto him? * Possibly we, too, are twifting t!>e tail of the Golden Rule when we publish this article, for w< r telling others of their faults when we have many of our own ?which we too often (orge^ And yet vo repeat, the Gol V den Rule is a: good rule. Some want to hog everything THE FOUNTAIN AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION THAT SYMBOLIZES THE BUILOING OF THE PANAMA CANAL *??? iAbJp that went Into the building of the Panama canal la symbolized In the Fovntaln of Energy, by A. Stirling Caldej*. This hsrolo sculpture stands in the center lagoon of the three lagoons of the doiith Gardens and faces the main entrance gates. The waters were first released on opening day. February 10, colnclflently'wlth the j opening of the portals of the exhibit palaces and by the same means: tho electric spark transmitted acrosa the con j tlnent when President Woodrow Wilson opened the great exposition at San Francisco by wireless. the shadow ol the Golden Rule, though our Steps be faltering and our limbe over weary. For we are but human, and no human being of today is perfect. Yes, the tail of the Golden Rule receives, many twiSts, yet it is the tail that never kqpws disjointment. Get Oat of the Old Rut. tyhat's the use of spending our whole lives sleeping in the same old rut when 'there are bigger ones all around ns? What's the use of being in a rut at all? We want more industries in Farmville, and new industries are never found ib ruts. Ruts are too small for them. Let's crawl up out of our rut. There is nothing in the old rut for us, but there are oppor tunities' in every direction if we care to reach out and grasp them. It is up to us. We can Magnate in our rut, or we can reach out and grasp something? pnll ourselves Out? do something? get' 10 the top. But well never do it a* ioog as we rattle arinjnd in the same old rvwith t he dry bones of our ancestors for company, Wfe need new industries, and ihere are manufacturers all over the country locking for changes invocation. : But they will never credt their plantt in a rut. ? They ara fult of life, a -^V they want a live atmosphere about them. 'I -They , want to locate io a oom munityiwith advantages. We have lben*fc&": They want to be S3&2... ?v?ev? dynamite, but it is in a rut and needs some one to blow it out. Let's all get busy and blow. Let's pull some of those manu facturers into Farmville on a tour of inspedion, and then let's give them a fair opportunity to size up our natural advantages and our intellectual force. We won't Ret them all, but we will get come of them. Nobody ever swallows a loaf of bread at one gulp. Many bites make tip a square meal, and many efforts will brine new industries into our mid&, with bigger pay rolls, and mora money in circulation, and more houses to be filled and mouths to be fed. It all contributes to the pros perity of a community. We want prosperity here, but prosperity never goes out look ing for a place to light. Wemuitbook it On the f|y, and our hook mud be well bait ed or the other fellow will have the&ronge& pull. Again we say, let's get out of our rut and do something* Let's make a careful and sys tematic campaign tor new indus tries, increased population and greater prosperity. ^ It's waiting for us, but it won't come to us. We muft go out after it. y Opportunity is everywhere, but it won't crawl into our pock ets uninvited. We must i reach out lor it, grasp it, haul it in with a united cpmmunity pull. How many of our citizens would like to see factories come to this town? How many are willing to join whole heartedly in an effort to get them? Let's stand up and be counted. i ' Pflea Corqd In 6 to 14 Days ypor wtii refund merer if tazo OINTMKN? UtlM 4o xvrc a by c??e of Itch tor. M^Mec?iii|?rho(nidinrnte?ia6iol4dan, dm IUk MdUcat 20c. ] fi ?? ???'? i 5-t J; A SUCCESSFUL MEETING OF M1SSIONERY S. The missionary society of the M. E. Church South, met at the home of Mrs. Chriiiman Friday afternoon April 9th at 3:30 o'clock. The meeting was called to order by the president. "All Hail the power of Jeasus, uame/* was sung. The meeting was then taken charge of by Mrs. Mor gan, who had charge of the literary program. After Teading the 6lil chapter ot Igiah.her sub je<5l ? "social service" which was moil ably handled, impressed upon the society their duty to follow in the foot ileps of our Lord and Mailer. "As much as ye have done it unto one of the ieail of these ye have done it unto me." NVe then had a moil helpful leaflet by Mrs. Morgan, on '.he '"Uplift of Humanity." Then a poen*r11A~house by the side of the road," by Mrs. Lovelace, also a reading by Mrs, Bynum. The literary program then closed! With a little tnlk^by^Mrs. Morgan which contained many helpful thoughts, to take home with us. The meeting was then open for busino63. Afier reports of different committees, collodion of dues etc. the talent money Was turned in. This was the crowning,?vent of the' meeting, the ladies had about two months ago been given 5c. a piece to use as talent money. The Amount given out as a whole, amount ing to 80c. ; The amount turned in was $50.00. At the suggestion of the president, every one arose and sang, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," and sung it with their whole hearts. This amount, together . with a contribution from the Philathca class, will go towards placing a nimble front in (he M. lv church in memory of Mrs. Ada Thome, who so many remember and love as one of the moil earneil workers of the church. This, one of tl?c moil enthus iailic meetings that has been held, was brought to a close in a moil delightful manner by our moil charming hoiless and daughters, serving the dantieil refreshments. .."Chicago woman kidnaps her wealthy husband," is the lateil ipUfoaliil thriller. Skylarking in nigh finance. STOP AND TAKE NOTICE IT WILL BE A BENEFIT TO YOU .* - Are you thinking of buying yourself a nice watch soon? I can save you money if you will call on me before you buy. fcMfi : ' A 7 jewel Walt ham or Elgin complete in a 20 year Crown case, nickli move ment 16 site is only VT- ? < $7.85 A 15 jewel WaUham nlckle movements in a 20 y*sn Hunting case, she 16. $1050 y A 12 sfae 20 year ?si 7 jewel Elgin nickle movements, only $6.00 A 17 jewel Elgin or Waltham com plete in 20 year screw back fceiej case, only - . $11.75 ?&$o lid gold band rings from SI. to $6. , ~ Band rings for babies, only 40 and 50c, Gold cuff buttons, from $2. up. Ladies solid gold neck chains, 50c. up. Ladies Bet rittfifrom $2. up. solid gold. Men's and boy's signet rings, )1 up. Gents cameo scarf pins from $1.25 up Ladies three span tang6 bracelets $1.50 Men's soMgoUde clasp, only $1. Ladies' solid gold cuff ptas, only 75c. ; . Ladies or gents And buttons die tarter kind, only - * 50c. J* Loyd Horton Attorney- At-Law Rooms 3? 3a. Horton Building Practices wherever ser vices ore desired. ' FarmvUlc, N.. Carolina. FARMVILLE LODGE I. 0.0. F. No. 373. Meets every Monday nigh! in K. of P. hall in the Horton Build-1 ing. All visiting Brothers wel come. FARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218 K. of P. Meets Every Tuesday Night in their Hall in Horton Bldg. Visiting Brothers Welcome DR. PAUL E. JONES DENTIST Office in Lang Building FARMVILLE - N. C. W. C. DRESBACH Civil Engineer & Surveyor Greenville, N< C. COUHTY SURVEYOR FOK PITT. E. M. COX Attorney-at-Law FARMVILLE. - N. CAROLINA Office over CiUxeoa Bank Pridieee Wherever Sentiw en Delred. Special Attention Psid to Co?eAl?? sod Writing of Deeds. HortMti, Etc. Specials!! Pastime Theatre. Episode 6 u He ? A . ' ? \ Dollar Friday Night, ALSO A **t3? j jftfi r'' ' ' . ' ' KEYSTONE '?'? *s!5 1 ^ 7\?T : ? COMEDY s\t ;; ' .*?>?.? -? f;