Iftt Pays To Advertise Through The Columns of ^ IIP* 1*anaviUc linprpril#^ IT REACHES ? THE PEOPLE ??????? ', * - ? ?;S -? 1 ! Merchants! Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll opeo your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS i i i 1 1 ' " ' ? ? Subscription 9) a Year la Advance. FAHMYHxLB, PITT COUNTY, tfORTH CAHOIJNA, MAY 21, 1915 G. A. ROUSE. Editor, SUM CAUSES SER iM- ' . Italy's Attitude. And American! k;;, Position Toward Allies Con sidered Fatfors yfei ^>.\ -J. : NO FEAR OF TORPEDOING ' In Diplomatic Quarters Friendly To Germany It Is Believed That Reply Will be Concilia tory If Strong Efforts Are Made To Induce Allies To Abandon Embargo. Washington. D. G, May 18? Two important fadors, it be came known today are working: to delay for another week Ger many's reply to the Lusitania note. Fir#, the next few days | expedled to show whether Ger many will be confronted with a new military situation by the - entrance of Italy into the war. - Second, iUiere&ed diplomatists here believe the interim of de lay will reveal whether the United States of its own initia t i ve will send a general protect to the allies again# alleged vio lations of international law by interfering with commerce be tween ports and neutral coun tries. Officials here generally think the Auglrian-Itnlian situ- 1 a lion hi ny absorb the attention of the German government and delay final composition of the reply, ft is realized that should Italy become a belligerent, Ger many would lose all hope of ob taining foodAuffc or other sup plies through the Mediterranean and if Rumania followed Italy's > le?d, as predided the wheat sup ply from Southern Europe would be cut off. In such drcum fiances it was explained in diplomatic quarters Germany would Gnd the submarine even more invaluable as a weapon for reducing enemy supply and commerce. The idea that the United Slates will send a note to tbe al iies seeking, modification of the order in council has' its origin in quarters where Jhe convidion is held that such a move would : , ^dcmonilrato to Germany thai the Unite* States intends to be equally vigorous lii 'insi&ing on the observance of nentral right* by Great Britain and Jier allies nfaking unnecessary an offer by Germany to return to the mari time rules of international law if the a I ligk do likewise. . Although without definite in formation, there is a disposition in well informed quarters here to ?ji believe the President will with hold any representations to Eng land until Germany's reply is "V received, because- of desire to obtain a frank understanding * . with Germany without compjfr eating the situation aj exiting between the United States oad ??M the allies. W' : It is known that for several weeks, there havtebeen ijnder preparation two notes eventually jSt T?| io dc seal to ureal unlaw, one dealing with the general subject of contraband and the other em bracing general representations or detentions of vessels plying between neutral ports cairjiug non-contraband American goods. Secretary Bryan said today that from twenty to tbirfy ship* had been detained by the allies, mo& of them carrying cotton. He explained the State Depart ment was pot yet in possession of all the facts and was investi gating. British officials here indi cated that, In their opinion, modi of the detentions and delays were due to carelessness by American shippers in failing ?o give selling prices and other in formation i? their invoices. In diplomatic quarters friendly to Germany, it is confidently be lieved that the German reply to the United Slatei will be con ciliatory and make broad con cessions in principle if it is cer tain that strong efforts will be made (o induce thie allies to abandon their commercial em bargo. There i* little fear now that any passenger ships will be torpedoed while the diplomatic discussions are i? progress, for it was poinded out that since the suggedlons of the AuArian and German embassies here that the submarine program be suspend ed had reached Vienna and Ber lin, there had been no such at 'acks, although many oppor iunities had presented them selves. The Lusilania case, it Is be lieved, will be dealt with separ ately from the general subjedl In the German reply. Comments of the Berlin press confirm views expressed here that Ger many will disavow any intention of destroying American lives, contending that ull would have been saved but for explosions in the ammunition cargo. r. -i ; . : i ? > Unthouglitedly Your May Save; Several of the leading rflores of Farmville have made arrange ment with the Union Cash Sales Company of Richmond, Va-, which will enable them to give away with all cosh purchases Gold and Silver Certificates representing the amount of the purchase. These Certificates are of convenient, denominations ranging from 5c. up so that a Certificate Is given to each cu#omer on t no matter what u thereof is. These are in the nature of 2 pons and ore i Citizens Bank, Of Fa Xmas Savings Fund. Full details of the plan may -lie obtained from the. Bank or anyofthe merchants who are 'distributing Certificates among their i. :.v children in a number of cities where this plan is in operation have formed the habit of Saving and- hundreds of sav ings accounts have been opened through the medium of these Certificates. The firms now giving away these Gold and Silver Certificates arc: en & -Pearson, Dry Goods, I " ete. 2* ? . Fields, Jeweler & "" i,?re c? r Wffi nicumaKcr. JoyncroFurniturc Co., Furni, & Sbackleford, Meat IU <J& THE BABIES WELL ? "M $%?}$ Flies and Heat Increase Baby Death Rale Tib Season. Duriug th^ months of May and June the baby death rate begins to climb, reaching its height in July and Augusil. It should not be forgotten that this is the sea son when babies should be given the greateil care and attention in order to keep them well. There aro two causes demand ing this: heat and flies. Heat is depressing. It increases -evety danger that baby is disposed to. If there is lack of cleanliness about baby or baby's things, heat increases it and makes it harder to bear; if baby lives in foul and &u(fy air, heat make i it sickening and .unendurabk: if its food is not handled with greatcd cleanliness aud care, beat makes greater its infection and therefore increases its dan ger to baby's health and life. Then there are flies. Flies are baby's greatest enemy. They should never be allowed to come in cohtatf with baby itself, or its food, or any of its playthings! They carry numerous diseases but are the main carriera of diarrhoea! diseases, cotnmon]y known as "baby summer com plaint. . - ;i ~ The baby death rate from this disease climbs especially high during these months. And grange as it may seem to some mothers this is a preventable disease. It is mainly a fly-borne disease, though it may some times be carried if impure water and milk. The mother would therefore be safe in giving iier child only pafteuiized milk and an abundance of cooled boiled rnter, and in keeping it from flies and fly infetfed food. To keep the baby well will be worth all the pains and more. ' '-i? ? i ~ ' . - ' ? ? ' ' I ~ ? ' ? r- V : 'r . ' AT HOME. _ Monday afternoon from 4:30 to 6-30, Misses Emily and Mary Frances Puryear v.cre at home to quite a number of their little friends in honor of Mary Fran ces' 4th birthday. JuS at the ap pointed hour ibe little gue& be gan to arrive and soon all were there and then the fun Parted,. They etfjoyed the old fashion "ail round the ring" matching round the level, jumped the rope etc, out on the lawn, until the threatening thunder florin drove them in. They were then tish cred into tho darkened dining room beautifully decaratcd with out (lowers. and plants, and light ed by the four little tapering can dles, where they were served with a delicious fruit course, salted peanuts, chocolate candy and iced pound cake. Lailly hut not lea#, Mary Frances took the happy little throng to the Drug Dum? Had fQdnay TrottbU store and served strawberry ice cream. By this time the hour to depart bqd arrived all too soon and at each one bade the little "May Queen" goodbye they voted' her charming, and silently wished for her many more birthdays and "parties too". She was the receipent of numer ous presents. Those present were: Mutes Lucile and Lucy Ann Flanagan, Mary Privelt Wheless, Elizabeth Long. Eliza beth and Roscoe Fields, Louise Smith, Louise and Edward Hio son, Lizzie Barrett, Lillian Sav age, Robert Lang, Edwin Wilker son, Cecil Johnson, Dora Shackelford, Emily,- Reginald and Mary Frances Puryear. TOWN OFFICERS WERE SWORN IN MONDAY NIGHT. Much Business Transacted. The town commissioners met T uesdny niglit and bad a lone and busy session. Mayor eletf, Ben. A. Joyner returned from his bridal trip Monday moraine and qualified as Mayor Monday afternoon-. A great deal of busi ness was transacted and the fol lowing officers were eletfed: Clerk, R. L. Davis; Treasurer, J. O. Pollard; Chief Police, J. L. Taylor; Night Police, Andrei -J: Moore; Supt. Water and Light Plant, W. T. Vines. Finance committee. It. L. Davis, T. K. Joyner and B. A. Joyner. Water and Light, R. E. Bel : her, and J. I. Morgan. Street, B. S. Smith, R. E. Bel cher, J. L. Taylor. Cemetery, T. E. Joyner, Ben. A Joyner, J. L. Taylor. Ordinance, R. L, Davis, T. E. Joyner, Ben. A. Joyner. Building, ft. L Davis, E. Joyner, B. S. Smith. Sanitary, Ben. A. Joyner, and Drs. D. S. Morrill, H. P. Mosely, and C. C. Joyner.' Tax Colle<5lor, J. L. Taylor. . Mayor Ben. A. Joyner suc ceeds T. C. Turnagc who has served for the pa& several years. Mr. Turnage .refused to fiand for re election. His term was a busy one nnd Farmville it in debted to him for the service he tendered the town. Messrs. T- E. Joyner and J. I. Morgan succccd W. A Pollard and McD. Horton. Both Messrs. Pollard and Horton have served the town long and well, and they asked not to be re elected. Mr. ?. M. Davis the retiring Treasurer has served about thirty years. Mr. Davis has made an excellent officer, and it was at his request that he was not re elected, ' Mayor's Court. ? _ Frank Langley did nt>t like sonic things in Farmville, so he proceeded to spc&d bis opinion in terms not intended for Indies to hear. For which he pnid $7.75. John I (olden had been warned that unlc&s he went to work he would be employed by County, S3 now he is doing thirty days servicc on the road. Leslie Speight chargfci with vagrancy was continued onlil Monday. Mayor Joyner Anted that lo#<-' Island idleness would not be tolerated, and those who con template such had better cange their minds and find work. DELINQUENT TOWNS Towns and Neighborhood That Have Ncgleded Clean-Up Days. The State Boaid of Health has its eyes on a number of towns and communities throughout the State that have not, up to the present time, held an annual clean-up week. Whether they intend to or not is not known. But it is known that if clean-up weeks are to be productive of the greateft good, that the soon er they are observed from now the more good they will accom plish. Ju? as it is too late to lock the stable after the horse is stolen, so it becomes too late after the flics are hatched and swarming to clean up as a means of fly prevention. This applies of course to the firfl fly crop which is, more or less, an easy matter to prevent if begun in time, but as there are other xrops to fol low in rapid succession, about every ten days, no time can be lo$ in preventing a full harvest. The greater the delay in getting at it, the harder the fight will be. It was with a feeling of pride, no doubt, that the Goyernor of "North Carolina, in viewing the matter oi clean up week, deemed it unnecessary to issue a Clean up Week proclamation. Gover nors of Other Aates have taken this means by way of suggesting to the people the importance of guarding against disease by pro moting cleanly and sanitary home conditions. But there is no doubt but that North Caro lina's Governor felt that the pride and the intelligence of North Carolina's citizens needed not this injunction to make them clean up their homes, neighbor hoods and towns. He took this as matter of course. Whether or not the Governor placed too high an estimate on the people's pride and health intelligence re mains yet to be seen. Some towns and communities have only a few days of grace in which to prove themselves. Towns and neighborhoods that have no clean up days are held in as high c&ecm as housekeep ers who have no house clean ings. They in the same class. JONES-CARBO. Engagement of Miss Carbo and Mr. Joaes, of Baltimore, Announced. The following, taken from the Washington Evening Star, will be of interest to a number of our readers, as the groom to be is a son of Mr. S. M. Jones, of Bethel, and a brother of our townsman, Dr. Paul E. Jones. "Mme. Carbo, widow of the former minister of the United States from Ecuador, announces the engagement of hor daughter, JbCatie Angelica, and Mr. Willis Roscoe Jones, of Baltimore. Miss Carbo has been a great favorite in society hero, and tUp family residence on I direct has been the scene of many delightful en tertainments. Mr. Jones is a graduate of the Unniversity of Maryland law school and a member of the bar of Baltimore. The wedding is expe<5ied to take place in the fall." J. Loyd Horton Attorney- At-Law Farmville, N. Carolina. Room* 3 ? 3a. Horton Building Practice* wherever ser vices arc desired. la Gnurlllr Moadif. Xmtsdtf 6 Wtdanday James M. Parrott, M. D. - Pndke Limited To Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Gen cral Surgery and Consultation Kinslon, N. Carolina FARMVILLE LODGE L 0, 0. F. No. 373. Meets every Monday night in K. of P. hall in the Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wel come. FARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218 K. of P. Meets Every Tuesday Night in their Hail in Horton Bid?. Visiting Brothers Welcome DR. PAUL E. JONES * DENTIST Office in Lang Building FARMVILLE - N. C. W. C. DRESBACH Civil Engineer & Surveyor Greenville, N. C. COUNTY SURVEYOR FOR FITT. E. M. COX Attorney-at-Law FARMVILLE. - N. CAROLINA Office over Citizens Bank (?radices Wherever Services are Desired. Sped** Attention Paid to CoOedioa* and Writing ol Deeds. Hottest**- Etc. Schedule of Passenger Trains Through Farmvillc , ' Norfolk Southern Ea& Bound . Weil Bound 12:39 a. m. 3:35 a. m. 9:06 a. m. 8:29 a. m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p. m. Sunday Schedule 9:06 A. 1VL ' 6:00 P ,M. Eait Carolina Railway. North Bound South Bound 7.40 a. m. 1.40 p. in. 3.00 p. m. ' 6.40 p. in. 5.12 p.m. 2:15 p.m.' Sunday Schedule 10:30 A. M- 3^0 P. M. our motto, '-'fair prices for high quality goods." We offer you the FINEST GROCERIES on earth, fresh, tempting, appe tizing. Gone in to-day and run your critical eye over oar lift of winners, and you'll see the economy of exchanging your dollars for something good to I. A. MIZZELL & CO FamMIfe, N. C.

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