Through The 1f*P FarmvUle BWWKfa. Merchants! Get Wise Let Ue Write You ?D' Ad. li tad we'll opM your tjre? f l ? Year in Advance. mm* ? ? 4?l J'i - j I ' " G. A. ROUSE. Editor. ? 'i.i f 1 1 V 'r/. K/k 1 0,030,000, or 75 percent.' renting on this end showing the bright outlook iased. on the tan jtear increase the Philadelphia E^n ing Ledger, has tlujj0 tan 17 "The United States in lis .short period, bos added to hat re tsobrcef it sum within $5,000.M jetr OhatloD is bearing lti most goldjn trait In America. Wo ar* note* toe oor Industrial achievements as j|fo^ ra noted for her pyramids; Jenua ?lem for her religion; Oreece for; her art; Phoenicia tor her Beets; Chaidea for tcr astronomy and r.ouje totrher laws. Likewise tvo havo men >h6 win go down la the worlds history as p4f| erful products of Ui?lr age. Kor.stsifcJ tn^?t the source of etery glgantja moremest that gweys civilisation lis ' creat man. The greatest minis trafel la the greatest direction, and tho coin merclal gociuso* of 'this ago Irould hsve beta the sculptors, ports' pblT osophers. a^Ust* qt ? *arller civilisations. "? ? As Mlchaol An goto took a rack and with a ehls*l hewed H Into the fmsgo of an angel that ever beckon* i man fcM made America, muter pi the 4'? finances, brousbt Klos*4o oar lert windows, the uatlons of tb? t M? M' deaks ??4 pUc* MtSSlONEHf; SOClEltj [1 : O* Monday r.ftetnoon May the I7tb, the cljtu regular monthly! roeetin;* with Mre- Japk $q>ilh. , . . i It was Krattiyiog to have m many '6f thfeiirtmbers of pr<#ehV * ad ihw'^ niaiiy dtht^ivh >m broadcDciI. nud -ea^b^i^i by fc CM?/ui^Wi(I>t>V 'these. >&issi t>b Studjporofcramr.and by apply nji tbeprinciplcs involved in Hici xr> The subjedi Cor tfludj^Mfa:. adequate P o B ram (or jhc c&unirjyMtt J. W. Parkdr ably' led lh tl(6 discussion of this subject. ' ': J. when risked tor conucdtipg )jpl? beu\*en :his lesson, aqd jtmypj-. the previous Ipontb, Jiaye t&e key noie, of the whole subjectlkT-."we-'CJnnoi ret nearer to God than our, laiktrs did, but we cati brin^ God neur er to more points of life ur.d more crudes'of men.1' ' '??T . r , Mis. Parker read a beautifully prepared and mu^ typic-al paper on ifca Hut aliGhurcb. Tbfc was followed, by a tfear cut ?^nd uinu.*' j U mountain' T. mountain life ihidi ^bad comc j?det .her observation id ber mountuin home. ? ' Mrs. Roscoe l;ietds. n^xt 'read a paper on the case of the believe Mu. Fields bBDught some points' to light on ??| -? JV*?VO| lucfa Mw.'LovcIacb offtied n Went pWj$ter." r Following pray ? all joined in singing; t*4 Who i# v N&ghbor?" JSf /V> ? -sr. ti' (^rju4giraij|tfpro ^?moS|RS iOn delightful of ic08i ? - Am&thc milling ol voices, !artwd| t, cou)?l be heard#.. 3 Soope to icvt yon again." ''1 ' ? 1 ' I It is not rcnough to kaort^BU}, i MEETING ? frvsr underthe direction ig&pjsft $J1> di spirited Song; iS pel Preached ii IS CLUBS OF PITT r ' ' : . Tb^lMRHS meeting of the ? >U?fjufl^federajk>a pi^wom Sraan cHr. of Greenville, W siiledM{s. H. R; Cotton in re . The, (our club# lorming this wsa# "Sail's Soacl," of Greenville, and the "Magazine Club," ol Faypville, were well ^cejpjre 'tter a feligljifiif coun ify Win ner served "on Ac lawn the meet ing was called to order by the president. Before proceeding with the business the' delegates present who attended the State Federation cf Woman's Clubs: in GofdSboroTweiti called on to give some of their impressions Of (he fttiteMtith. Miss WiiHe'ilie newly eleded chairman of education, was im pressed most with the Feder ation's endorsing the movement of eliminating adult illiteracy in oriiix2ar/t? v?rt ite??ljie< -to iKte) ;l* luxury Inspire confidence ti - keary ttafflo ?partowaanj*. .0'^.-. ? -..x- I ^ i"? _to?g are&miana, it is encnaiitmg to noto that thWef *Ul-h? a martetou* UMfer ?ence between * jruhb*?(*nd _M> iron age. Tbe rubber ttre will scatter the cities throughout the valleys for 'with transportation a( ' -every ihan'a door, why-a.dtyTii Jf.?in.tauMtMi4he con tinent with a net work of Macadam highways ns beautiful a* the boule vard buflt by Napoleon. Jt will par > alyse th? law nahlag bodies ot this nation lor libit rould the legislatures ran wltho?tf the railroads to Operate ' -X:<' ?"? ?* ?v V^'^ViNk1 coviuiANt. n 4. - jL' ?? ? , - - ? ' God Almighty fwe Bv* -to Adam with tba pledge that ?he would be Ml helpmeet and with this order of com panionship civilization baa towored to Its greatest heights, la thla rela tionship, God has Ms? lid woman and man has honored her and altar (our man by asking tor suffrage, thereby by amending, an agreement to which aflffSU'tidt a pa ttf. 1 t :? ? ? Woman, remember that the Israelite scorned a dfrtH ?d aa a raault wandered forty years la tie wJSfeW**-" ?ttho?t Oq4, likewise man shoold remamberthat It Is a ianCvfona