? .1 ! It Pays To A V; TtrougU Tbei The Farnivillfl IT REACHES ? 1 Merchants! Get Wise Let Ua Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS - - ? ? | ? 1 'n - ? Subscription $1 a Year in Advance. G. A. ROUSE, Editor. VOJj. VI FAHMVILLB. PITT COUNTY, NQBTU CAROLINA, JUNE 4, 1916 of art, its learned scientists and its literature, is under t^ spell of thi* fanatical William. ;? The whole world can nowundeitond He kncw thnt one weft the in will tell the holy Imperial gov ernment ju4l what it may exped from now on. It is the duty of tliis govern ment to outline its plan to tlie Imperial government so Ibat it will know juil what to exped. No hady ad ion, that will cause a war, is necessary, and a firm demand upon the Germans will answer. Then it is their busi ness to either concede to .our de mands, or to openly refuse, and tben the part of ndion rc?ls on Amcrica.? Reflector. PROGRESSIVE SPIRIT IS PUT INTO ACTION. ? We are glad to note the pro gressive spirit of our citizens now being put into real adion. Mr. H. L. Humphrey haf jud let tbe contrad for two brick store buildings to beerededon Wilson Areet, and. the properly owners on Wed Wilson direct are having the side walks paved. The new pavement walk will extend when completed? and work is being pushed with rapidity by the cott tradors? from T. L. & W. J. Turnage Co.'s dore up to and beyond the new Centre Brick Warehouse. This is indeed an improvemeat that will be greatly enjoyed by all pededrians, There has also been n decided improve ment made on the interior of some of tbft business houses. The WhelessDrug Co., has re cently spent some over a thou sand dollars for up-todate fix lures for their flore, including two large and handsome -wall mirrors, show cases, tables, etc. And lad, but not lead,- the Civic Club of I'armville has jud pur chased and had placed on the Greets a large number of garbage cans for all refuse. Tbk body of energetic and untiring wo-i men are to be congratulated for, efforts they arc putting forty to rid our town of all filtb, and* we are glad to say that they are. re ceiving the hearty to operation of all our citizens in this impor tant work. ? Death of Mrs. Welb. ??? p. Mrs. Jcnnctt Elisabeth Wells, wife of Mr. ]oha H. Wells, formeraliy of ^Coldsboro, but now of Kindlon, who came to Farm villa is March to visit 'fc? daughter,' Mis. J. Wells Smith, died Tuesday night, JubeUl, of heart disease, oiler being confin ed to her bed for. about eight weekly She wasin ber sixty-six year and had been in' feeble health for the pnstt two ye?W$.J1 The remains were laid to reft in the cemetery here Wednes day afternoon, in the presence of a large number of grief dlricfc; en relatives and frieods. The funeral services were conduced by Rev. Nathanal Wright, of the M. E. church. She ia survived by her huaj band and two daughters. Mrs. Ji Wells Smith, c? IWville; Mm Ed Newell, of Saratoga; and three sons Mr. John L. WeDs, ol Elizabeth City, and ,Mesanl George and Walter Wells, ol Kinfos^aH of whom were pros KNOW THY COUNTRY '? I 1 J ' II? Railroads In o one-fourth of the country's population and at the same time shows what is possible in tbe reduction of the ? rate as well as in the eiiuituniiou of the disease. Cambridge, Bridgeport, Worcester and Seat tle maintained a rate under 5. These large citie* throughout the country who have so admir ably reduced iheir rates from typhoid, did so, fir&, by main taining a public water supply free from typhoid baderia; secoud, by the increased pract ice of pasteurizing milk; and third, by preventing typhoid through the use of anti-typhoid vaccine. Their methods are nothing s^dacular or unusual, but are Ihe rational and p radical means for fighting typhoid, and for preserving health from many other points of view. The above encouraging note, however, becomes a discord when applied to the passing of typhoid in North Carolina, especially in her several largest towns. In&ead of a rate of 10, or even 17.9, tbe average rate in the United States, per 100,000, she had In& year the lamentably high rale of 54.7. This would hold out disparagement to the mod optimi&ic health worker and sanitarian were it not for the fad that Statistics are show ing a gradual decline in her death rate from this disease. It is believed that with the ef forts that are now being made by the health departments of several of the wide awake coun ties whereby (he people are to be given an opportunity to be come immune to typhoid free of charge, that North Carolina's rate may jgoon be somewhat re duced. But sanitation which in cludes abolishing open back closets, and fly preventiqp, muft play an adiva and lmpo*tant role before there will he any ?reat appreciable difference. It is easier to tear dow* than to build up; to b* an iconoclast than a s^u'ptor. But because a thing ii easy is no reason why it should not be done. The obvious, the easy things are blten left undone, which should be done. When they cry aloud "Betfold theiconocladrwemaft remember the truism thai juSlicc is a natural law, not an emotion. 1 , _ ' Many epigrams afe written in the evening to be erased during tho morning attack of sanity.