? * . H Farmville Enterprise 4 Published by I The Kuter prise Publishing Company G A. KOUSE. I'.'ltor tml A?A. Min B. A. lOYhLR, Asia. Editor. One Dollar Ihe year ? In adra.uv. it itcrcd iu lUc Tu&( Officc ai l anu villi*, N. C., as second cla>f mail nutlet. lltlDAY, JUNK 4. 1915. Mr. and Mrs. Crill:nden of Home. The following, which ii taken fiom the Wilson Times, will be of interest lo their many friends in l'arinville, hs Mr. aid Mr'. Crittenden resided here several months a few years ago: Onj of the most original and unique entertaiumeuls that has take a pluce in Wilson lately, oc curred Saturday eveuing, May 29, at the home of Mrs. H. '1'. Crittenden on Dauiel s'trcet, when Mr. ai.d Mrs. Crt'0".dcn celebrated Ihe anniversary of their Wooden wedding. The in vited gueils included only rela tives. The guests were met at Ihe front door by Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden, then served delicious punch by Miss Lucy Farmer and Mrs. B. A. Joyner, of Karinville. Everything uniquely carricd out the idea of the wooden anni vereary. The punch was served from a bucket drawn from n wooden well artiilically en twined in crimsdn rambler, using the old iiyle dipper. The young peoplp enjoyed some lively games of rook. The guesfts were then ushered into the brilliantly lighted din iaetoom where a delicious ice course was served from wooden plates. The dining table for its centerpiece, had an old timcy log cabin on which was running a crimson rambler rose. Through the window a tiny lighted lump disclosed a little pickanninny reclining in the doorway. On the side of the house a small tree full of ripe cherries carried out the color scheme of red and green. The walk, was desig nated by a small &one wall which proved to be block mints. On the lawn mounds of rock, in reality, salted peflnuts. At a late hour the guests de parted, declaring they had spent a very pleasant evening. The presents were numerous aad handsome. THANKS His Back Hart When He Stooped catch in tar back hut ow jra. I tried medkniM wltft rMfltU 1 bought * bottle of ney. rillit, and lost the on* ?ly relieved my backa?b?b en seme time since I took I think I am well/* ed. overworked, stopped-up - _ause stiff Joints, sore mus rheumstlsm, sleep disturbing It allmrnia, blllousnoaa and ? other Ilia. Foley Kidney Pllla scientific medicine, compounded ?- the kidneys and restoro them y action by dissolving and oat of the system the _ duets and poisons that causa troublo and bladder ailments. __ like their tonic and reetor atljs ^etlon, read? effect and quick ? G. E. Moore, successor lo S. M. Pollard, Farmvi'le, N. C. In behalf of the members of the Dixie Band and thq pupils of the Dixie High School of Edgc combe county, and for myself, 1 desire to thank everyone who so bravely faced the rain and mud, and helped us to make our enter tainment of lail Friday night a success. It is sweet indeed for one whose work has called her away from her heme town for several ycirs, to return and find that her friends have not forgotten her, but instead, who'i prove by their odlions that they are juft as ready to support her in her efforts for good, as in former days. Thanking each one of you agsio and tiu&ing that no dis comfort has been felt from ex p sure to bad weather at this lime. I am, Gratefully yours, Miss Azncs Moore. "Mat's Lint Tim" Stub Ynt Urn Mkr TUi CiM ul Dmil Siliirt K MiU Yw Skit. Liaton to net Take no more sick ening, salivating calomel when bill qua or conaUpated- Don't loee a day's work! Calomel ia mercuipr or auickailver which cause* necroeia of the bonea. Calomel, when it cornea into contact with &our bile craahes into it, breaking it up. Thla ia when you feel that awful nausea and cramping*. If you are slug glah arid "all knocked out," if your liver ia torpid and bowel* oonatipated or you have headache,, diudnea*, coatcd tongue, if breath ia bad or atomalh aour juat take a spoonful of harmless Dod bon'a Li ver Tone on my guar an Uv. Jlere'a my Wafantae? Go to any drug atore and get a SO Mat bottle of-DoI son'e I.ivcr Tone. Tako a spoonful to. night uu and make you fuel Duo and 1 vigorous by morning I want you to go back to the atoro and get your money. Ltodson's I.ivcr Tons is destroying tic sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine i entirely vegetable, therefore It can not salivate or make you tick. 1 guarantee-that one spoonful el Dod son'a Liver Tone will put jrwr sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that aour bile and constipated waste which is alogging your system and mak ing you feel miserable. 1 guarantee that a bottle of Dodson'a J-iver Ton* ^wUI keep your entire family feeling fine (or months. (Jive it to your children. IVis harmless; doeant grl Ipc and they lUw ita pleasant taste. THE GKEATLST HOME CO Mr OH 1 is a in odd bathroom, especially when Sutuuut tome* wMh it* hnt Hi? fanrilyifl moves in the bt& society? for his honor and integrity re- ~t fleds upon them? insuring a happy future. Your future ai:d your family's depends upon; aprompt determination to save. Start now by deposit: ^ tag a little each week in this tank. ' 'V. r - ,-7\ . ' . ' TisUPk <5?: . ' FARMV1LLE, N. C. mm OUR Mi