?I. ... Ill ..li.-. . i> 'iiji.ii.il', ' ' - J- ? i ? ? ... It Pays To Advertise Throuarh The Columns ?f Tl?o Farmville Ente/prisc IT REACHES THE PEOPLE Merchants ! Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS G. A- ROUSE, Editor. ' ' ' 1 ? " . ? ... . FABMVIIXK, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAEOLTNA, JUNE 85; 1015 ? ? - vol. Vi Farmville. >rv Every Citizen Would Do Well To Read The Fol lowing And Take It To """? I wish to thftnk you for your expression of confidence and eilcem mauifesfled inoledlinjj me mayor of your town. "\j am not vain enough to believe for a moment that your a<5iion - was prompted by personal admi ration or that you deemed me the mod cabbie, nor thut you intended my elevation to this office to be solely honorary, but that you hoped and intended that 1 should, in tome measure at leaSI, be successful in ac complishing something for the progress of our beloved town. While I feel my un worthiness and my ioabiUty to measure op to the demands, 1 bog to assure i 'Jouthat I shell firive earnestly and faithfully to render the very beit service of which I am capable. I believe that with your hearty assistance and co operation we shall succeed as w* dfeaerve, but l>5vool<2 be un ;> true to myself, to you and to the town which I represent did I not remind you that without your cooperation advancement is .'m possible In behalf o( the town I want to thank the ladies of the Civic Laagye for the work they have tweenty-two dollars worth of garbage cans so that the waSle paper, trash and rubbish can be deposited in these cans inSlead of beiag thrown out into the Streets. This work on the part of the Civic League proves that the ladies have the sanitary con ditions of the town at heart. ; ? 3 Wei admit that the sanitary conditions and the Streets of Farmville need improvement, and we especially need to im prove our sanitary conditions, but when we review the ad vancement and progress that has been made in the pail few years that we have butt donfe Iheso responsibilities and oppor tunities arc individual as well as coiledive. Each iias bis or her own pail to perform. We grow and prosper by service nnd good deeds. It is easily within the range of posii>ilities to clean off_ ill the weeds and Hash on on* Jlreets and btclc lots. About July fiift tha Commis jioocrs are going to take Aep? greatly to improve the geoclW sanitary conditions and ins very essential that every citiwm of Farmville, white nnd eolored, rich or poor, encourage this move pttnL We want to adopt a meth od "lo swat tie flies" and pre vent mosquitoes as much as pos sible, and to do th}s we mufl fujl clean up our back lots and yards dear of all waflc paper, dccayed fruits and vegetables, and when we have once collen them en tirely cleaccd up I beteivc every one will take a pride in keeping ihem so. 1 have given lliis matter a great ueal ot thought, and I have come to the conclusion that the beil and mo& praccch," Read the Advs in this issue. SUPPLEMENTAL ORDINANCES Passed by Board of Town Commissioners in Special Session, and Which Go Into Effetf July lsft, 1915. Be it ordained that chapter 12, section one, of ordinances shall be amended as follows: . Druggists may keop their doors open on Sunday from Odober the fiiil to May finS, from eight o'clock a. m.to ten a. m. and from four to six o'clock p. m. instead of from seven to nine a m. and five to seven o'clock p. m. Be it ordained that chapter 12, section 2, shall be amended by inserting Ihe words "or drug itorc or cold drink Stand" between (he words "pool room and shall. Be it ordained that restaurants or cafes, where operated sep ante from drug Store, cold drink stands, and independant of any' other business, may be kept open until eleven o'clock p. m., icclud in* Sunday. Be it ordained that ordinance relating to market license for markets operated outside of the regular market, be changed so as to grant license for six months, payable in advance; said license to date either- from November 1S1, or May 1#, and no license shall be issued for less than six months. Be it-ordained th.a liconsc for operating Pool Tables, Billard. Tables, Bowling Alley's, or alleys of any kind for public use, shall, not be granted outside of the following dtstrid: On Main street from Church to Belcher Slrcets; and on Wilson direct trom Con tentnea to Walnut Greets. Be it ordained that fees lor tapping the city mains shall be as folVSws: three-quarter inch $lo.oo; onfc irtch $2c.oo. Be it ordaioed that no person shall be permitted to run an Au tomobile with cut-out open on the following Greets: Main, Con icnirtest, Church, Wilson and Pine. Any person violating this or dinance shall pay a line of $5.oo for each offense. ; Be it ordained that Opera Houses pay a tax of $25.oo. Be it ordajned that Pool and Billiard Tables and Bowling A1-. leys, etc , for public use, pay a tax- of $3o.oo each. Be it nnlain?-d th-it r er,rcfuse to pyy the ooA of qpv, ?r vehicle FUNERAL OF GOV. JARVIS ' Impressive Services Over The Remains Of The Il lustrious Statesman. Greenville, June 21. ? "In peace, the breath of spring," says the itscriptioa which has placed above the mantel in the parlor of the Jarvis home at Greenville, and with that peace which pass eth all understanding the por tion of the late Thomas Jordan Jarvis, his remains were laid to rerfl here this afternooo in Cherry Hill cemetery. From all sec tions there were present wn and women who in words, flow < rs and in silence paid tribute to the heroic dead, for Thomas J. Jarvis, a hero in peace an