It Pays To Advertise Through The Column* of The Farmvill* Enterprise IT REACHES ' V THE PEOPLE Subscription $1 a Year in Advance. VOL. VI FAItMVIIXE. PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. AUGUST 13, 1915 Merck / Get IV/se Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS G. A. ROUSE. Eoitor. NO. 12 LET US HAVE BETTER MIIIDS No doubt mo& of the people ol Farmville Township, bnve taken note, that on September 21ft an eledlion will be held on the proposition of a fifty thou sand dollar bond issue for build in e, improving and maintaining our public highways. We are ,all of one opinion, that we need and mu& have better roads. We differ only in how we shall get them. In veiw of the fad that all other methods .having failed to keep then up, even lo the low ebb of more primitive days, when traffic was much less than now, we muft at luSl be convinc ed, that if we have roads they muft necessarily come through a bond issue, there is nio other way to get the money, and it isa fad well substantiated by the experience of pail ages, and in many countries. \ j" ?, Although we have suffered much and paid a heavy toll to bad roads, we have at laft taken our lesson from more progres sive communities; and with a good objed lesson right at our door, jusT across the way in Greene County, we see our loss, and our neighbors gain, and con gratulate these people on the for ward Sep they have taken. But in the same breath let us with one accord deplore our loss in ourignorable failure to take a similar flep, when the oppor tunity was presented to us, juil at it was to them. Those of us who are anxious for and willing to work for good roads, do not hesitate to say that ? we expert to cany Ibis bond is sue. What we want is a united house; we want all the tax payers aud the no tax payers to be with us, and carry this oletfiion by d unanimous vote, lor in unity' there is Arength. In our failure to carry a similar proposition, at a previous elec tion, by a very small margin, 1 have calculated that the defeat of the measure was due to three fa&ore, viz. fir& the sif-gill inac tive manner of all of us who Ad vocated the bond issue, 2nd, (he citizens of one idea, filled with prejudice for anything progres sive and tor the' public good, and / thirdly by those who worried about the possibility thai with good roads their ta* might be a few nickles more, thus prevent ing them from taking these, along with any other accumula ' lion in their possession along with them to Paradise, when they die. One of the saddeA conditions that evet exiiled in a community is to see the good old hone# far mer, the king bolt of the whole concern, have to abandon the farm and move to town, because the roads is so bad he is afraid . to send his children over tbem to school. It is also a reproach to us all to. see a team #nly par tially loaded, ftruggling .through the mud or sand, as the case may be. and tile briars and bushes jobbing them on fc*cb side. Nar ? row bad roads are always dan gerous to life and limb. Listen h to me, for a few reasons Why we should vote for thfc bond issue. Ift, we ore M* and neighbor across the line, (OLDS TOWNSHIP) in Greene County. 3rd, Because the good roads bond issue, is a clean cut, busi ness like proposition, that will give us good roods right away, and work no hardship on any citizen. 4th, Because a sydlem of good roadsln Farm ville town ship is absolutely necessary to keep abrevtftof the times and en able us to carry on business of the community. 5th, We muft adopt and take advantage of modern and economic methods, as exemplified in. good roads building. 6th, Because the peo ple who live in the town of Farmville and pay a good part of the bond tax, owe it to their fellow citizens in the country to help them in the work of road building, although none oi the money derived from the sale of bonds can be used within the in corporated limits of the town. The people of the rural diArid and town should bejp closer I touch and sympathy with each other, each being dependent on the other. 7tb, Because the building of good roads does greatly enhance the value of property? who would not rather live on a turn-pike than a fox path. 8th, Because a farmer can haul over a good road a heavy load much easier than he can a light load over a bat' road, and with so much less wear to his horse, vehicle and harness. 9th, Because the building of good roads is not a local, but a State and National affair; nor is it a new idea, for more than six thousand years ago, the firfl Egyptian civilization recognized the advantage of solid roads, and they built them from the site of Memphis, to the outlets oi the Nile. .T i, , , . . . | l'our inousaou years jaier, im perial Rome, having so far ad vanced in civilization, reorgan ized the road system with such results that sections ofthese fa mous highways are s'lill in good condition, though two thousand years have passed since then, geflnd finally no inter than the time of the French revolution, the Emperor Napoleon Bona-, parte, seeing that France was going to dncay, began the work of re generation by rebuilding the great thorough fares leading out Xrom Paris, even to the re mote Provinces. Before the beginning of the present war, Palestine, with its burden of four hundred years of Turkish rule and plunder, was no doubt the poore& locality in existence. But no where in Palestine \yill you see such roads as we have in Farmville town ship. It is a well kco 'n iptfl to all of us, even partial ly infc.rmed, that of the original thirteen colo nies, North Carolina is the mo$ backward in road building, and the caAern aetfioo is from twen ty-five to fifty years behind the weilern, and the moil backward one of the counties is Pitt, and the mod backward township, with any life at all is FnrmVific. We ate to vote on a fifty thousand dollar bond issue, will you come out and help us carry it? Through the colums of The Enterprise, we will- attempt to answer, from time to time, such ue&iens as any one may see fit FARMVILLE'S TOBACCO MARKET 10 OPEN MY. AUGUST 17. As previously announced, (be Farmville /Market will open on Tuesday morning, Augo& 17th, for the sale of Leaf Tobacco, with ? large corps of Buyers, who are now anxiously awaiting. No market in the rfiate has made greater improvement this year for die handling of the crop than has Farmville. During the past few months two new large, commodious and handsome brick warehouses have been ere&ed, also several new large storage homes. t One of the new brick warehouses has been ereded in what is known as "tbbacco town" by the Darden Warehouse Co., just ?cross the (street from the New Farmv-IIe Warehouse. This house will be known as the Centre Brick Warehouse and will be run b) Messrs. R. H. Knott and J. R. Newton; while the other warehouse has ju? recently been , completed by Mr. G. R. Townsend, who will run same. This house bears the name of its owner and is located on South Mrin ftreet near Norfolk Southern railroad. The Farmville market this season, with its wonderful im provemnnt? together with its record of leading all other markets in the Ea& with highest averages? should easily reach the ten million pound mark. ... ? ? Remember, the opening date is Tuesday, August 17th, and that you and your neighbors are especially invited to be present. to ask, and let us at all times keep in mind ther heavy tax we are now paying to rough bridge less roads, in the way of un necessary delay in travel, dis comfort in travel, broken springs, and vehicles, horse* and mules drained all out of shape, loss of time in having to haul small load instead of full loads, and the disgrace is to the people to have such roads as we have. Yours very truly, - D.S.MORRILL. It* QoMm Thst Dm Affect The Hud ItCMN of Its took and luatlte effect. I. AXA TIVH BROMO QUININK la belter than ordinary Oalnioe and docs not cause nerroaaness nor riaflDi la bead. Remember the fall name and look for the signature ol K. W. GROVE. 25c. An Evening Most Enjoyably Spent A dance was given in the new Centre Brick Warehouse Friday eyening, Aug. 7tb,- by th^young people of Farmville, compli mentary to the visitors. During the intermission all joined in the Grand March, led by Mr. John Shelton and Miss Ruth Cobb, of Greenville. . The music was furnished by the Rocky Mount orchestra. About thirty couples par-i ticipatcd, mos? of whom enjoyed all the new dances. m Co m, Mm ImIn Woo' i Cm*. Porter'* Antiseptic lie all off Oil. It relieve* Pain and Ileal* at the mm tUnt. 23c. 50c. flJOB. ,-t i ? Mrs. R. 0. Owens Entertained. Foutaio Auk. 4th?? On Wed rfesday night Mrs. R. B. Owen gava a delightful watermelon patty in honor of her cue& Miss Peart Owen, of Farmville* When the gueAs arrived they were ushered out to the back vcrander which was beautifully lighted with Japanese lanterns, where they enjoyed a delicious water melon fcafi. Then the gue^ls were ushered in the parlor when | they played fames and enjoyed beautiful music by the Owen firing band. At 10:30 they were ushered $a the back reception hall, which was beautifully dec orated with fetus, pot led plant* and cut flowers where icecream^' cake and fruit were served by [ Mr. and Mrs. Owens. TN; enjoyable e\r"t closed at the midnight hour, departed very NOTICE! Notice of registration and elec tion upon the proposition to is sue Fifty 1 housand Dollars worth of Road Bonds by Farmville township, Pitt County, North Carolina. North Carolina, Pitt County. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Pitt County in regular session assem bled on the 5th day of July, 1915, it being the regular meeting held on the lirjft Monday of July, 1915, ordered an eletflion to be held in Farmville township, Pitt county. North Carolina, on Tuesday the 21ft day of September, 1915, at the regular polling place in the town of Farmville for said town ship on the que&iop or proposi tion of issuing Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars worth of Road Bonds, to bear Five per cent interest per annum, payable semi annually, and to run for %a period of Thirty (30) years, the funds received for the same to be used for the purpose of laying out, e&ablishing, repairing, grad ing co nil ruling and itaiproving in any way the Public Roads in Farmville township as provided by an Adt of the Legislature of North Carolina, Session of 1913, u^ignatcd as Chapter One Hun died and twenty- two <122) of the Public Laws of North Carolina. " \nd notice is further hereby tea that an entirely new regis triiion for said election was or dered and called and that B. O. Turnagt was and is appointed Regferar for said Election, and that tne Books for Registration will be, opened on Monday, Aug ud 16, 1915, and fcloied at sunset on Saturday, September 11, 1915, that on cach Saturday during the said Registration period the Reg istration Books will be open at the tegular Polling placo In the town of Farmville, North Caro lina, and at Ml oiher times during said period will be open at the office of B. O. Turnage in the town of Farmville, North Caro lino, and aB #Uensdcdriog to .yoto in s*'^ Bond Section to be held on September 21, 1915. w?U (be required to register. This 8th day of July, 1915. S. A CCJN< FIRE DISTRICT ANDJLARMS. Ever since the organization of the , Fire Department, a com jgjttce from tbe Department has Tieen at work trying to lay out tbeitown in diftri&s and to form signals for each district so that it wftuld be easier for tbe firemen to locate a fire. This report, to gether with a map, showingeach fire diftricft and the signals for each diftridl was presented at the regular meeting of tbe Fire Department Monday night, Aug ust 2nd and adopted, subjedt to the approval of the Board of Town Commissioners. Tbe Commissioners, realizing that the committee of Fire men had made a thorough s'tudy of the situation, unanimously adopted' the report as sent up to them by the Fire Department and now f6r the firft time the department is ready'to lay this report before the general public. According to the report the town has been divided into live fire djftrids with streets for di viding lines, hence it will be nl moft necessary for the public to become familiar with the n-Jmcs and locations of the directs of the town j uft as the members of ?the Fire Department have done.. The firft diftrufl embraces all the territory Weft of Barrett Street, and includes the tobacco warehouses, oil mill, etci The second diftrid embraces the territory between Barrett Street and Walnut Street. The third diftri<5) embraces the territory between Walnut Street and Contentnea Street, and in cludes the business sedtion of the town. ? l lie lourtti diStric't embraces oil the territory Ea& of Content nea Street. -The fifth di?ltidt embraces all' the territory South of Norfolk Southern Railroad. The fire alarm will always consist of a general alarm by means of the fire bell, consisting of any number of taps over five, tbqn a pause and taps indicating the di&ridl according to its num ber. This will always be re peated three times. The signal for diflrit'l number one will be a general alarm, a pause, and one tap of the bell. Throne t*ps indicating the dis trkS . This will be repeated three times. The signal lor diilridV number two will be n general alarm, a pause, and two taps of the bell. The two taps indicating the dis trict This will be repeated three times. The signal for di&ri(5i number three will be a general alarm, a pause, and three taps of the bell, the three taps indicating the dis tridl- This will be repeated three times. If .the fire is in the business section on Main Street the sig nal will be n genera) alarm, n pause, three taps of the bell, a pause, and three taps of the bell The extra three taps calling special attention to the fact that the fire is in the business serfioo of the town. This will be repeated three times. The signal for di&ri<5i number four will be a general alarm, a pause, and four taps of the bell. The four taps indicating: the dis trid. ? , This will be repeated three times. The signal for diilrid number five will be a general alarm, a pause, and five taps of the bell, the five .taps indicating the dis trict. ' This will be repeated three times. In order that the public as well as the firemen shall learn these signals, there will be several false alarms turned in during the day time within the next thirty days. As soon as they can be gotten, maps showing the different dis trids will be polled at different parts of the town so that the pub lic can become familiar with the location of the several fire dis tricts. . R. E. BELCHER. Chief of Fire Department. NOTICEI Notice of regis1 ration end elec tion upon the proposition to is sue Fifty Thousand Dollars worth of Road Bonds by Falkland town ship, Pitt county, VortK Carolina. Nortli Carolina, Pitt County. Notice is hereby fciven that thi Board of Commissioners of Put County in regular session assem bled on the 5th day of July 1915, it being the regular meeting held the 1SI Monday of July, 1915, or dered an election to be held in Falkland township, Pitt county, North Carolina, on Tuesday the 21SI day of September, 1915, at the regular polling place in the town of Falkland for said town ship, on the question or proposi tion of issuiug Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars worth of Road - Bonds, to bear Five per cent interest per annum, payable semi-annually, and to run for a period of thirty (30) years, the funds received from the same to be used for the purpose of laying out, establishing and repairing, grading, con^t ru&ing and im proving in any way the Public Roads in Falkland township as provided by an A (ft of the Legis lature of North Carolina, Session of 1913| designated as Chapter One Hundred and twenty-two (122> of the Public Laws of North Carolina. And notice is further hereby given (hat an entirely new regis tration for said eledion was or dcfbd and called, and that J. H. Smith was and is appointed Reg istrar for said Eledion, and that the Books for Registration will be open on Monday, Auguft 16, 1915, and closcd ut sunset on Sat urday, September 1 1th, 1915, that on each Saturday during the said time the raid Registration books will be open at the regular poll ing place in the town of Falkland, and at all other times at the resi dence of the said J. H. Smith in the said Town of Falkland, North Carolina, and all citizens desiring to vote pn said Bond Eledion 'to be held on September 21ft, 1915, will b& required to fegiftcr. This 9th day of July, 1V15. S. A. CONGLETON, Chm. Board County Commissioners. BRASCOE BELL, Clerk. f Beware of Continents for Catarrh That Ccntain Mercury as mercury \rill aure^ / desiroy . the- senao of smell nnu t oKtfttSiu'y 'kronen . tho Whole pyvldm wIu ji tulcrlag It-through* tho mucous i urfactiJ, <fuch article* should paver bo uoetl . iratr.t on proscriptions from reputable ?l)y*tulns. as tWo damnr. tboy will da l.i t-^n fcfcl to tho cood you ? n possibly derive' from them. If air* itarrh Ore, manufactured liy P. J. Hy & Co., Toledo, t>.. contains no ry. and fx ta*en internally. ncllnc ,ly upon tho b!>?sl tkp? murou* svr of tbr system. In mEBSt Mall's rh Curp bo tors yon 11.- Kenp it t? taken InlernjIU an d mads la Ohio. by P. \ j + Co. Tos ts frctw ti'-'tr - rtiaSBg ;; - ?-'? -

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