If Pays To Advertise I Through The Columns of IT REACHES ? THE PEOPLE ? "? J- -- ^---- 1-! o EaMftht Publishing Co., PtlMn> G. A. ROUSE, Editor. VOL. VI l AXJOUST 20, 1915 Merchants I Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS MORE THAN 25 MESS MEN SIGN CREDIT BtiWKS Credit Association Gets -Enthusiastic Welcome From Farmville Merchants ? Will Be Fine F*lan. \ i" , About 25 local merchants and representative business men of Farmville have signed the coQ' , trad of organization for a credit union aqd arc cooperating to belter t|ie local credit and trade conditions. Hearty endorsement has been given the organization and partically no opposition of any kind has Win voiced aftvinrfi the pro]c<fl. ''A meeting is to be held in the near future when k permanent plans of organization will be adopted. K. U. KcnLricl;, ^late ofjjan ittt who has associated with ;t him J. "t. Henry, has been work ing' up interest in the local organization and will remain here until every business man and professional man has 'co operated in the work. They will theft; visit every merchant in Beaufort, Pitt, and Martin coun ties, getting their support in making ouc'of (he be& Credit Experience Guides of the &ate in this district. Mi'. Henry was in Raleigh Fri day, where he addressed the Raleigh Merchants Association. Great tacere& was shbwn in the j matter in ibat city. NVhole heart ed support of the plan' was pledged. In Goldsboro, where the work o ? getting up a Guide has ju4t been completed, over, severity five business men cooperated, and in Wayne county 1 3C Signed themselves as favoring the proposition. The Guides Qf Goldsboro and Raleigh, its Well ns all other North Carolina towns, are furnished the Farm villc officc. In this manner a quick rating may be obtained on fill new comers within a radius of 150 or 200 miles from this dty- ' '? '? . ? " |Slg mm Year Through TMr Inability to Oat Product* to Market. $ ? - ! V ????[ f . #!,* Jgi "Bad roads tn Wut Vtr?Wa crud the auto tM.QM.000 a yaar." declared A. D. Williams of Morgan town, state road engineer, to a Washington Post ? representative tha oOtT day. "1 mean' r by this that a *)east that much money la wasted every year by reaaon of the inability 'of the farmers to get their products to market Th on tan 4* of tons of apples and other fralt, garden track and food puppUaa .U* allowed to rot la the orch&rda and gardena became (he roads are tdo bad to haul It to taarkat Just to Illustrate, Joe Bwope. editor of a county paper, noted that he Was paying one dollar a bush el Mr apples. A neighbor la en a* Joining couaty, sixteen mUea away, <V. ?-? oendoua economical problem, sot merely one of convenience. The *u tomobllo undoubtedly hu been largely I bkatrumeqtal in bringing about Die good roads movement, or rather In giving 'mpetaa to It. That and the high coat of Uvlng are principal fac tor* In tha general campaign now go ing on In' many states foa good roads. West Virginia this year will a pond J5.O90,C0ft In Improving her hlghvayi, tha different counties having voted bbnda to that amount, and In tha whole United States the amount aptnt I foi good load* this year will probably reach J360.000.000. Last year wo apent about 1200.000,030, and tha increase thla year will be fully 20 per cent. I be Mm.' .. . . . 1 ?' " , ,1' ' Millinery for the Late Summer I .. I. i Just now. whan It Is Ute for summer and fan early for autuuo wlUlnffry, the buying of a hat Is Intereatloc-rand districting. But a good millinery max* Im m*y t??tle one's m'.r.d, ir.dUiat ts, when la doubt, choose a sailor. With this abapo It la Impossible* t<? go wrong, for they are made and trimmed In such great Variety that everyone may-.be anlted. There Is a perioral widening of brims In the latest uillon and much efficient millinery work In finishing them. Crowna are moderato In size or small. . K Is to the management of trimming tnat pne must look for origi nality. Corbean or dark navy btup with white la a favorlto color combination and as smart and effective ?* the ev erywhere popular black and white. For August, solid white, black ahd white and dark blue awl while may be depended - upor. as authentic good style. These color combinations ap peer In the body of the hat or <re added to all-white shaifts In their trimming. Three sailors for the late summer are shown In the group pictured. At tSe left a wide-brimmed lut'of white satin hai n white brim and dark bine crown. The brim is bordered with a wide flar.ge of the dark bluo satin. A trig, spreading bow of ribban Is made of dark bluo raolre laid over a pluln white taffeta. It consists ot loops that extend far beyond the crown on which the bow la perched; they reach to the edse of the brim at the right aide. A look Jet pin la thrust In the bow apparently fixing It to the crown. The hat at the center la In solid white and the shape la ahown In My oral materials, aa kid, aatln or straw braid. Ita trimming la a band ot heavy black and white atrlped ribbon with tbo slmrlo.t ot bowa at tho front eentercd with a pearl btickle. Another all-white ahope la trimmed with white ribbon having a wide aatln border. Tbo almple tied bow. at the front la mounted on the crown, wbicji to of, the sloping variety. ' ^ Long stems, a alngle flattened daisy in dark, rich dahlia ahadea, and om[ or two gloaay leaves in dark green aro laid about the brim for trimming. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. z Large Jet Bsada. There ta In many directions a pro nounced vogue for large cnt Jet beada, many acrvlng to finish off a doeolle tage, placed cither In cloaa, serried Unit, or at wide Intervals, united by cbalna of smaller beads. Again a mass of festooned- chaise la alung-'about both ca-vag? and aklrt. while acquln net frequently flguros aa a slim under tklrt to a full tun{o of plain net. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS ? YOU'LL PROFIT THEREBY UNITED STATESVVASV WEALTH While Europe le Moving Backward Thle Country I* Advarclng Toward Still Greater Opulence. Englieh economists have declared that America's wealth grows five bil lion dollars a year. Since the official estimate of our national wealth three years ego exceed* $187,000,000,000, tho total today rauBt now have passed beyond the two hundred billion point. These figures ore colossal be yond compare. They mean $2,000 of wealth for every inhabitant. They represent more {han double the wealth of the' United Kingdom, our closest competitor, and they very nearly match the combined wealth of England, France and Germany. ' Our wealth is ten times that of Italy, eight times that of Austria and four times that of France. These leading European countries aip~. now tearing at one (mother's vitala and destroying property much faster than they can create it Hence alt Eu rope is today actually moving back ward while the 'United 8tatcs ia sweeping swiftly forward to.* state [of still greater opulence. Ours is the land of plenty ; of peace and of opportunity. These three factors are 'aiding powerfully in persuading the individual investors of Europe to hold fast their American securities, since hern is the spot where their capit&l will be freest of perils and surest of winning a larger reward. ? Philadelphia Ijedger. , LETTER8 OF WRATH, Mother ? Cuthbert, what come* after "R?" Cuthbert? "S." * Mother? And after "S?" , Cuthbert? "T." Mother? And after "T V Cuthbert (with sudden anima tion) ? Esther, and he kisses the gor ?rness. ? London Punch. PROSE V8. POETRY. I Said She ? And would you be will ing to die for me? Said TTe? Not me ? but I would be willing to earn a living for you. PROMPT PAY FAIR PAY SLOW PAY-NO PAY How Will You Be RATED??? w "v -SL ' v QK' .. ? '* at v ? ; As every mail's credit record is of (he utmost importance to him, we wish to ^ive every citiien amplr notice that they are being rated? prompt pay, fair pay, slow pay, and no pay, according to the w?y they \>ay their Do&or, Dentil, Druggie, Grocer, General Merchant, Hardware, Coal Man, Rent Man, Jeweler, Furniture De^erf Publisher and Printtr, and cverfone who extends them credit As this book Is used by all business and professional, neo of Farmvillc and vicinity is their guide in extending credit, we . tru& that jou wtU find it to your best interest to call on anyone o^'Wbom you may owe money and {My If you can't pay all pay as much as you can, so > that 'tfc^^a?^ve^^^et ;^)d 'ifj WOTHING CAN DAUNT WEST Fihner'e Attitude a Pair Sample et the Spirit That riaa Made the Country Qreat. Wearing on oilskin "slicker" and a ('60uVast" hat, a fanner of Miami county, Kansas, mood out in th< pouring rain on tlm edge of a lakr af muddy water fr< in the creek thai had overflowed anil mined his 50 aero field of corn. A aci*!;|jj: , p: -- Ing in a buggy, stopi>*d and shouted : "Hello! Brooding over your troubles?'1. ,. - "Broodih* nothin'. I'm watchin' thchi ducks. Ain't they liavin' a fine time?" the farmer answered. That is tho spirit that has made Kansas ? nnd the entire West ? great. Nothing can daunt these western states. (J r a 8 s ho ppo rs , floods, droughts, hot winds, tornadoes ? no catastrophe can destroy the faith of the' true Westerner. Thousands of acres of crops that promised v^cll are under water now. But the waters will recede, leaving a rich deposit of jilt upon the land, u the Biver Nile enriches its lands, the crops will be replanted, and the added moisture in the soil will make the yield bigger' than it would have been; and- prices will be higher thin they ever were. All's jtell in the West I? Kansas City Times. THREE KINDS OF PUBLIC MEN ? ? ? ? Pavld LloydG?orge Claaalflo? Leaders of Opinion In Military T?rni Qulck-Flrsr Loads. There are three kinds of men in public life. I will tell ytSxt what they ire, and in military terms. The firBt is the heaTy gun. It fires slowly, ponderously, with much effort, but if the shells contain a good quantity of high explosives, the havoc wrought imongst t"he 'enemy is terrible. But if they- don't ? and very often they don't? they drop heavily into tho clay, get thoroughly embedded there, out of sight, and are absolutely- for gotten ijntil in a future generation some excavator picks them up as a curiosity to point out t*\e sort of weapon that was used in past dark ages. That is tho heavy gun. There is another ? the idealist, the howitzer with a high trajectory, pointing to the heavens, but fixing a missile which comcs down with crushing effect on the intrcnchmcnts of tho enemy on the earth. There is a third ? the quick-firing gun, liming straight at the ranks of the .mewy, firing unceasingly de structive shot and shell, breaking through the ranks and dispersing them. ? David Lloyd-George. ANOTHER "EXPERT" NABBED. More light is thrown on a compli cated situation by tLe arrest in New York of Qustav 8 to hip, charged with perjury; Herr Stahle, it will be re called, evroro that tho Lusitania was srmcd. If convicted, 99 years in a safe institution would be about right. Stahle is not a safe person to bo at large in this country, and if guilty he should be put where the wagging of hia tongue cannot possibly do any barm. A "foot pound" Is the forco exerted to ralso one pound a perpendicular dis tance of one foot from tho earth. The North'sOa, eorerftig an area ot til, 000 square miles, has Us greatest depth of 2,000 feet Boar tho Skaggor Rak. Wfcsui ir Yoa NwUflmul Took: Tako Qrm's The Old Standard Otove'a Tastelass chm Tonic la equally valuable as a OUMial Toole because it comaica the n-tllkaown tonic lm>pertte?ol QUI KI^U M^i IVct^ttu5l5oodtivca

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