if. .11 j... It Pays To Advertise ? ; Through The Column* of The Farmville Enterprise IT REACHES ? THE PEOPLE Merchants! Get Wise Let Ua Write Yon an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS hi Subscription 51 a Year in Advance. _ i ? Mf-'- ~ l-ABHVIUJB. PITT COUNTY, NOBTH OAROLIN 1 ' . ? L. Editor. vbi* vi A, AUWU8T 27, 1915 mm to MEET SEPT. 1, ill GREENVILLE i> ' : Arrangements have been per feded to hold a Farmers' Meet ing at Greenville for Pitt county on Wedneseay, September 1A, 1915. . There will'be a morning and an afternoon session.! The morn ioz session will begin at 10 o'clock promptly. The subjeds to be discussed and the men who will Iedure, will make this a notable and an educational meeting. One of the distinguished doc tors in the U. S. Public Health Service will discuss ecrse local ; and vital health problems. Evei-y intelligent man realizes the importance of growing more and better &ock. How1 may it bef done cheaply and profitably? An expert from the Bureau of Animal Indu&ry will tell you. A pidure is ofteta more im pressive than the spoken word. A ftereoptican will be used to throw large pidufes on a screen, illustrating the Health talk and showing pidures of $ock, cattle dipping and other phases of farm activities, all from real life. We need inspiration and en couragement in our work. Our ideas need re-sharpening. We need help in getting out of the ruts of life. A distinguished gentleman from the Bureau of Rural Organization- will talk about the better things in rural life. At this meeting a very special attraction for the ladles has been provided. One of the modi ef ficient women of the South will talk to women about the Home and Home-Keeping. The ladies are urgently invited. There will be a special session for them. There will be a basket picnic at the noon recess. Take a cold lunch with you. Tables will be arranged on the grounds, and all will lunch together. Firemen's Mass Meeting. : ? /-*. vA '^- ' i' Every one is requeued to at tend a meetinc in Tu mage's Opera House Friday evening ? Aug. 27lb, at 8:30 p. m. Ill is a very important meeting and all citizens are uijjpjtWattend. M. so the ladies.' Tber purpose of this meeting is to h'trengtlien our Are department, and Mr. Sher wood Brockwelt of Raleigh, who is ah expert fireman will be present and deliver a ledturp. '?> , - Beo. A. Joyner, Mayor. Koike Lidtos. The ladies are cordially revit ed jo atted a Firemen's meeting ? in TuraageV Qpera House, Fri Wo berpi >aay evening Aug. 27, 8:30 P. rr..\ ISBbv *? *r;{ oyner, Mayor. WANT STATE Asheville, N. C. ? The Good Roads movement .gels another boo& in the agitation ju& started by the Asheville Board of Trade to work all ablebodied male con victs oot the public highways of the state. At a recent meeting the resolution following was un animously passed: "Recognizing that substantial growth and prosperity follows the conAriuflion of good roads, and the growing interest in their value as exemplified in the 'Land of the Sky', the stite- of North Carolina and the entire country, together with the in creasing demands of the people for better roads, and "Believing that this great ques tion has become one not only of statewide bui of nationwide im portance, "We. the Directors of the Asheville Bos>;d of Trade, repre senting nearly six hundred busi ness and professional men of Ashe.ville, Weftern North. Caro lina, do moil earnestly reaued and urge the people of North Carolina to demand the working of all able-bodied male date con victs on the public roqds through out the state under the general supervision of the State High way. Commission and such rules and regulations as may be neces sary to secure the greatest effi ciency therefrom. "That a copy of the above be sent to the G6vcruor and other Official;, to the editors of news papers throughout the date, and to the various' civic organiza tions, with the reque$ that every effort be used to arouse public sentiment to the enormous vclue of the above policy." Everybody urge the date au thorities and next legislature to "work &ate convicts on- public roads." ROBERT S. JONES, ? President. I.E. RANKIN, Chairman Good Roads Com. N. BUCKNER, V'' Secretary. Nolk* F iremtn, ? : ? You are requeued to be pres ent at a meeting to be held in Turnage's Opera House Friday evening Aug 27th. at 8 JO p> m. Mr. Sherwood Brockwell of Ral* eigh will be present and deliver a lctfornrtWL' IS.' ? R. E. Belcher, Chief : ' ? gftV Notice Colored Citlient. You are invited to attend a Firemen's meeting in Turoaee*? Opera House Friday evening' at 8:30 p. m. Part of the Opera House will be reserved for you; '-?? Bun. A. Joyner, Mayor. NOTICE. The fire alarm whiffle- will blow e.ich day at 13 o'clock, the vvbiiUc has to be used or it wBf Mr. Clay Bardin, of Wilson, was in town .Thursday. Mrs. Fannie L. Joyner is visit ing relatives in ' Kindlon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. A. Joyner spent Sunday in Wilson. Mr. W. J. Turriagc has tone north to purchase goods. Miss Mary May, of .SaAford, is visiting Mrs. B. S.'Smitb. Don't forget Taylor's Studio, in front of Hor'on Hotel. Mr. Guy Taylor vf Hookerton was a visitor here Thursday. Mr. Rufus Shaw is spending a few days at bis home in Halifax. Miss Annie Perkins spent sev eral days visiting friends here this week, Mr. David Lang . returned from Baltimore Wednesday night. ' i Mrs: Allen A. Joyner is spend tag several days here with rel atives. Mrs. Almeta King, of New Bern, N. C, is visiting Mrs. Nan Moore. The next series of Farmville Building and Loan will foe open Od. ltf. Miss Martha and Daisy .Fields, of Fieldsboro, were in town Tuesday. Dr. Paul E. Jones went to Norfolk Saturday night and re turned Monday. The Misses Sutton, of Lu Grange, are visiting relatives and friends in Farmville. Mr. W. C. Joyner spent lail Sunday in Rocky Mount and re turned Monday p. m. Mrs. G. M. Holdcn spent Wed nesday and Thursday with her parents in Snow Hill. Mr. T. E. Joyner and Van hughes went to Wilson Thurs day afternoon on business. Mr. W. A. Wells, of Kinston, is spending a fqw days here with !iis sister, Mrs. J. Wells Smith. . Quite a number of Farmville people attended the yenrly meet ing at Kind's X Roads Sunday. Mrs. A. B. Dean?, o! Wilson, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ben. A. Joynor. Miss Tabitha DeVisconti is spending a few days in the coun try. Someone is mighty lonely. Elder Isaac Jones will condudl services at the Primitive Bapt&l church in Farmville Friday uigTlt Attorney E.. M. Cox, spent the fir& of the week in Greenville in attendance upon Superior court. Mr. W. A. Pollard went to Norfolk Wednesday. ? .Masters Willie und Mack accompanied him. Miss Gertrude Eason, of the Lizzio se<flion of Greene, is spending a few days here with friends. I Solicitor J. Lo;d Honon spent the firtfl few day", pi Shis week in Greenville on professional business. Mr, Hay wood Smith has gone to Baltimore to spend a few days, -he was accompanied by his father. Mr.. Morrill Me wborn, of Kin dlon, who has been doing some electrical work here, has re turned home. Misses Gretchen Winilead and Emma Braswell, of Elm City, are the fcue^ls of Misses Sue and Midnie Thome. '?"> Mr. Ellis Joyner of Littleton, who has been visiting his aunt Mrs W. M. Lang, returned home Tuesday, afternoon. Messrs. Wiley Dildy, Hubert Joyner, W. Leslie Smith and Mr. Forte, went to Seven Springs Mbnday on Mr. Smith's car.' Y 1 , 1 . 11 % WILL OPEN MONDAY AtTG. 30TH, WITH A Mr. J. G. Smith left for Balti more Saturday flight to pur chase the fall line of millinery for his wife Mrs. J. Wells Smith. Mr. B. Ii. Howard, one of Wil sop county's progressive farmers shipped a car load of wheat to Burlington, N. .C. some few weeks ago. * Miss Mamie Ruth Pollard and gue&, Miss Jeanoette Cox, of Winterville, are spending a few days with Miss Helen Smith, at King's X Roads. Mr. Marvin Jones, a former Farmvilte boy, but now of Rich mond, Va., is spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jones. Her many friends regret to learn that "Miss Alice Tankard has been confined, to her room with illness this week, and jarc glad to see her out again. Davis Horse & Mule Exchange is showing a line of fine horses and mules. Mr. Chri&man recently returned from the We& and brought them with him. . ' Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Johnson entertained a. number of Ithiir friends of Farmville and vicinity at their country home Friday night. All report a merry time. Mr. M. Cohen, Kvho for the pa& few months has been up in New York ?late, returned to Farmville Tuesday, and went over to Sijow Hill Wednesday. The farmers are very busy these days; some few dtill curing tobacco, and mo<St of them are taking advantage of this nice weather and saving their fodder. > We wish to call your attention to the ad in this weeks issue of tbe Hub Hardware Go. They are-offering thier entire flock of glass, china, crockery and enamel ware, at greatly reduced prices. Mrs. W. M. Lang, Miss Annie Perkins, Mrs. Paul E. Jones and Masters Jack and Robert Lang spent Wednesday and Thursday with relatives and friends in Kin Aon. . , ? ? Mr. Hubert Joyner, Hugh Bar ret and several whose names we are unable to get, went on the excursion to Norfolk Wednes day. About twenty tickets were cold from here. Supt. H. H. McLean received a telegram Tuesday announcing the d?ath of his uncle in Blacks burs Va. Monday and ho left for Richmond Tuesday night to at tend the funeral. ' Remember the P&ime Theatre will bigins it shows each night of intere&ing movies next Mon day at 8 o'clock with a special 5-real feature. Tbe price will be 10c. to everybody, and you can expedi something good. Mr. Sherwood Brockwell, of Raleigh, is here training our fire men. Mr. Brockwell was cbeif of tbe fire department in Raleigh until be was employed by the state to train and in&rndt fire companies all over the State. R?v. N. M. Wright, accom panied by Mr. Predion Wright, left Thursday for' his old home in Scotland county to spend a few days with relatives. He made the trip in his Ford Road fler which he purchstv*! recent ly Oa last|:T uesday night about thirty ol Farmville's represen tative business men met in Turnage's opera house and organized Farmville's Business Men Credit Prote<5tive Associ ation. The following gentlemen were ele&ed officers for a term of one yean , | Pres. Ben. A. Joyner; lgt vice pres. J. R. Davis; 2nd vice-pres. T. C. Turnage; Sec. & Treas. J. Loyd Horton. The purpose of this Aossoci ation is to get a rating on every body in the town and country, and to ascertain whether they are good pay, prompt pay, slow pay or no pay; and everybody's name will be published in the rating book, showing in what mannci they meet their obli- . gations. The Association will also endeavor to promote the be& interest of Farmville in gen eral. The next meeting will be held in the Town Hall Thurs day night Sept. 2nd, 8:30 P. M. Notice Town Commissioners, You arc requested to be pres ent at a Fircmens meeting to be held iL Turnage's Opera House, Aug. 27lb. at 8:30 p. m. Mr. Sherwood Brockwell of Raleigh will be present and diliver a lec ture Ben. A. Joyner, Mayor. Subscribe to The Enterprise. Notice to Public ? I will be in my Photograph Gallery in Farm ville again next week on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday Sept 2nd, 3rd and 4th.? E. A. Parker, Photographer, Gallery located, tip stairs over . Joyner Furniture Co. See the advertisement in this issue of Mr. J. T. Harris, !pc?i agent for the famous "Jeffrey" ' Four. He will be glad 10 dem- ? on&rate to you the many fea tures of this high class car at any time. Read the advertisement and 3ee him fpr turther particu lars. The Hub Hardware Co. are moving their Stock of China, Glass, Tin and enamel ware in the &ore recently vacated by Cohen apd Pearson, and arc.of fering it for sale at prides we have seldom seen on this class of goods. It will pay any housewife to visit this Store. ..f T ' ? V ? - , See the advertisement else where in this issue of the U. S. Woolen Mills Co. They will have a special representative here next Monday and Tn<*day cy give a fall iwd winter tailor ing openiag. The opening will take plac6 at the Store of Mr. G. E. Moore. Read the advertise ment for further indro&ions.

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