n?>? im. i' Merchants I Get Wise Let U? Write You an Ad. , and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS Through The Columns of The Fafroville Enterprise rr REACHKS^j THE PEOPLE i I'M , r-uiii.wiij i r< ? ? i-*-j - The Enterprise Publishing Co., Pubttstaers. gadiUMBikj. .1. i, e ... . i;n mi 1 ? ,i -Ujfe vol: vi ,-fe , - & ? ----- - ? - ? ' 11 Suhwript4on %l a Y?Jafin ' .. ??????.< _ , L ^ r f FAUMVILLE, PITT COUNTY, NOETH ' ?" ^ r-' ,-|Ui ? G, A. ROUSE, Editor. 1 ^ A, SEPT. 10, 1 LI SEVEN THOUSAND VOLUNTFtRS Tp Teach Without Fay in the "Moon ' light Schools." Expcctcd to Reach ? 15,000 Illiterate Mulls. \ , i I PM iS'j Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 5.? The finishing touches are being put on the series of twelve lessons each ; in readiuj;, Writiofe and arithmetic that .ate, to be the foundation for the- work to be done in the "moonlight schools" that are to be held in all parts of the State during, Odober fpt the ? special purpose of relieving the Stale of its disgracefully low landing among the States of the Union in the matter of the per centage of illiteracy. . About 7,000 teachers in the Slate, have pledged themselves to render services without pay lot moonlight school work and it is estimated that something like 75,000 illiterate people will be induced to attebd the moon light schools. , $ 15,000,000 To Help Cotton Raisers Washington, Sept. 4.? Formal orders designating the Federal reserve banks of Richmond, At . lanta and Dallas as goven<ment depositories were Signed today at the Treasury department and ^preparations made for dispatch ing from United Sutra sub tfgfesuries $15,000,000 in gold to be used in aiding cotton pro ducers. > Each bank is to receive $5, 009,000 and the shipments prob ably will $art tonight on their journey. Wfs. I. F. Pur fear Entertains. Lail Friday evening from 8:30 to 11:30 Mr. and Mrs. L F. Pur year delightfully entertained a number of friends in honor of their si&er, Miss Ruth Everett, of Washington. The eue& were met at the door by Mr. 2nd Mrs; Puryear arid ushered into the spacious sitting room where they alt engaged in Progressive Rook, whicb was greatly enjoyed by all. Miss Mae Barrett woo the firil prize, n lovely white crepe de chene hankercbicf, which she very charmingly an4 grace fully presented to the gue^i of honor. Mr. Harvey Turnage won the consolation pifcafc A delightful fruit course and mints were served. As the midnight hour approached all too soon each one reludlaatly tctok their departure, declaring Mr. and Mrs. Purycar charming enter tainers. Those present weni ' ' v ^jMr. R. R. Nertton, MSp Mae Barrett; Mt. Chester Smith, Miss Marie Chri^man; Mr. v Harvey Turna^jjftms Annie Laurie Lang, Dr. H. P. Mosloy, Miss Rosa Moore; Mr. Hubert Joy ner, Miss Mamie Ruth Pollard; Mr. Carl Tysoa, Miss Minnie Thotnc; .Dr. Lee Carr, Miss Sue Thorn**; Mr. Alex Bynum, Miss1. Ruth Everett. . ACROSTIC. ID FALKLAND TOWNSHIPS TURN CAST THEIR BALLOT FOR GOOD T THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BETTER tllR COMMUNITIES SUP BY IIS. Mrs. Joiner at Nome. ; On Thursday morning: of la& week (rofn 10 to 12 o'clock, Mrs. Funnie L. Joyaer delightfully entertained in honor of her neice. Miss Carlotta Mepborn, of Kin 3on. Mrs. Joyner received the gue&s 4t the 'door, und invited them into the parlorv which was taglefully . decorated with cut flowers and ferns. They yvene served with grape juice punch, after which . progressive, rook was enjoyed. In which game Miss Marie ChriStman was the lucky contestant and was award ed the prize, a dainty crepe de chine handkerchief which she in time presented to the gueSt of honor, Miss Mewborn. After the gainesa delicious salad courie was served. At the noon hour the gileSl departed declaring Mrs. Joyner a very charming hostess. Those enjoying Mrs. Joyners hospitality were: Miss Mewborn, of Kinston, Misses Annie Larie Lang, Tabiiha De Viscomi, Ruth Rtrffin, Beulah Keel, Mamie'Ruth Pollard, Vera Cox, of Winterville. Marie Christ man, Rosa Moore. Mesdames P. E. Jones, Ben. A. Joyner, C. S. Ron u tree, J- L. Shackleford and R. H. Gray, of Scotland Neck. . ? v I* -v -V , ' Mrs. Lovelace Entertains. ? ? ?' - J. -W. Lovelace enter tained (he Woman's Mksionary Society at its regular meeting on T ucsday afternoon. After the devotional exercises led by the president, the fol lowing literary program v. as given: "Facto of Foreicu Work we should know," Mrs. J. W. Love lace. "Growth of Worn ana Work in Foreign Fields," Mrs. R. A. Fields. "What are the Signs of Wattj ing in China," Mrs. B. A. Joy ner. The program was concluded with a letter from Miss Mabel Head, Secretary of Womans Work Of the Council, empha sizing the needs in foreign fields and urging the women of the church toy q more liberal offer ing. The butiD^w of the society was then taken up. After the re ports of the officers the annual Thanksgiving 'Bazaar was dis ^|Sit the lait meeting of the society it ww. decided tormake u free will offering, with which to purchase plates for the church, it was very gratifying to fiod that the offering was more than the amount needed for. same. The hu sine ss buiug closed, the Wright am?MrO. ^Mo^gan served a delicious ibte course. Every Farmer, Business Man: and Laborer Should Join Hands in this Great Movement for Good And Go Out to tiie Polls ol the 27 th -oj September and Say by their Vote y That No More Bad Roads Shall Be Tolerated in Farmville and Falkland Townships. ? The State Will Coiftmend Your Action And You Will Be Benemtetl a Thojis-, and Fold.? Activity qn Your Part Now Means Gqod Roads For You to Travel over in thcf Near Future Mr. C L. Hardy, of Maury, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Ivey Smith, of Arthur, was in town Thursday. ? Supt II. H. McLean wedt to Goidsboro T uesday. ? v-. ? . 1 Mr. T. E. Barrow, of Greene, was in town Thursday. Mr. Letter Barrett has gone to Wake Forreil College. Mr. W. A. Walflon.of Route 1, was in town Thursday. Mf. J. E. loyner, of Ailhur, was in town Thursday. Mr. M. Cohen, of Snow Hill, paid us a visit Wednesday. ? Mr. Arthur Joyner, of Arthur, is spendiog a few days here. ?Mr. Wiljie Wilsop, of Arthur, was u visitor here this weekiM Town Commissioners met regular session Tuesday night. Mr. R. E. Wfllouchby, of At Ihur, sold tobacco here ThurS; day. Miss Henrietta Moye has gone to Liberty to accept a position as teacher. Mt. Henry Metediath. of New Bern, spent Tuesday night in Fjfraiville. 1; " . Mrs. Annie Lang spent Wed nesday night with lelalives in Greenville. ! VV Miss trancii Bagwell of Green ville, is visitiug Mrs. Charles R Townseiod. > :'V:T' Mrs. Nan Tucker, of Ballards X Roads, was a Farm ville visitor Wednesday. Miss Agnes Moore returned Sunday fcom a week's .flay Springs. . Void with a flail-. te? it fleer as V For p.uiicu GULLEY, Acen ms t&ZMi Mr. Oscar Speight, of Wintet villc, wason our Market Tues day selling tobacco. Mr. A. C. Bynum, one of Greene county's be?l farmers, was in town Thursday. Mr. W, A. Shackelford, of near Hookerton, was in town Tues day, with a bjg lot of tobacco. Mrs. A. B. Deans, of Wilson, is spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Ben. A. Joyner. Messrs.' J. A. Corbett and Bill Harrell, of "Wilson, paid Farm ville a business visit Wednesday. Mrs. E. C. Beaman and daugh ter, Mary Alice, are cn an ex tended visit to relatives in Snow Hi|1. ? ? i Mrs. Rulh Lindsey and daugh ter, Alice Ruth, of Bethel, ore visiting Mrs. W. J. Rollins this week. ?' , Mr. W. E. loyner, the laundry dun, is visiting bis sister,- Mrs. J. V. Edge, in Rooky Mount, this week. Dr. Paul E. Jones and wife sp?jnt Sunday in Bethel visiting his parent;, Mr. and Mrs, S. Mr Jonek te ? $?'? v'< tyi'v' The Thir^ series of the Farm villc Building & Loan Associa tion will open (or sale of Sock October IA. - . ^ ; . ?? Mrs. C R. Townsond enter tained n number of* friends at her home on Pine &-eet TWtirt day evening. ? ' r:-:: Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Crittendon and Mr. A. R Detons, of WUsod, wet? visitors in Parmville Thurs day niternooo. Mr. Parker, the photographer, will be at hi? Farmville Gallery again Sept. I6tb and 17(b. Better let bin make your picture this time, lor it will become time be forcjkL will b4^WB ^R*in. De Iny b dangerous. The J. B. McCrary 'Co., of At lanta, are going: ahead putting in sewerage. They are now laying pipe on Belcher street. The farmers seem t<J be getting very satisfactory priccs for their tobacco and the breaks at oil of the houses continue large. Messrs. W,; Leslie Smith, Wiley Dildy, T. W. Lang and T. E. Joyner went to GoHsboro Wed nesday on Mr. Smith's Buick. Misses Louise Moye and Ada Gray Dixon left Tuesday morn ing to resume th^ir studies at the Atlantic Chri&iaft College at Wilson, Mrs. Maud Warren and daught er, Miss Eleanor, went to Raleigh Tuesday morning, where Miss Eleanor will, attend Meredith College. . Miss Carmen Flanagan, who has been at Montrose for the pail year or more on account of ill health, returned Thursday afternoon. NOTICE! ? Now is the time of year to get the Be# Cement Work done. So get it while' its cheap.-r-E. L. Howard, The Con crete Man. Misses Harriet Tilgman, Mar garet Doaae, Bessie Clark, Ella Hackney and Mrs. Sydnor Bor den, of Wilson, were Farmville visitors Wednesday. Mre. S. J. Parrott and daughter Ethel, after spending several day?here visiting the home of her brother, Mr. B. L. Dail, have returned to Kin&ork \ Messrs. Turnage & Smith are having a large attendance each night at the Pastime Theatre. Thoy are showing some very fine pictures. Don't fail to go Friday night as tbey will have something special. Several from Farmville went to Kindlon Thursday to witness the races. Among those going were Messrs. W. A. and J. O. Pollard, B. Strecter Sheppard, R. R. Carr, J. W. Parker, R. A. Fields, G. E. Moore, J. T. Harris and B, O. T urnage. "The Winning of Barbara Worth,** a dramatisation of Har old Bejl Wright's great Aory, in terpreted by a iftrong company, aided by novel scenic and elec trical effects, is to be played at The Lyccum Theatre at Wilson, T uesday, Sept. 21. It is thought that with this ample oolite, a good many arrange to at tend from here. The Farmville tobacco- mar ket has had heavy sales all this week and today every house was filled almost to its capacity. The prices are a* high as any market, as our warehousemen, aip* push ing every to the highctftl limit. Fvery farmer in this country can feel assured that they will otver lose a penny by Wingipg their tobacco to Farm ville, and in many cases will make money by feauling it here. Farmville continues to grow. Mr. J no. T. Thorne has juii com pleted a targe residence on North Main street, and Mr. T. E. Joyner PORTSMOUTH Wl H SECOND HALF IN VIRGINIA LEACU f, Norfolk, Va., Sept. 7. ? Ports mouth woii the Kecond half of the Virginia-baseball league sea son yesterday by defeating Nor folk in the morning game. There will be a pod-season series with Rocky" Mount, winner of the ftr& half for championship of tlv^ league. . The series will began on Wed nesday when the two teams meet in 'Rocky Mount. S>ev$n gameii witl bp played and the winner of four will be given the championship pennant. Rocky lias won the firfl two games. ? I : /I ? County Federation Meets. . ? 1 > '? ? The Pitt County Federation of Womau's Clubs met in regular session in the court bouse in Greenv illc Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. At ti\Ls meeting plans were discussed/ for the County Federation Fair, .which will hp held in Greenville on the 17th and 18th of November. The proceeds from this fair will con stitute a Loan Fund for the edu cation of deserving girls of the county at the KasSl Carolina Teachers Training School. Those attending of the Ladies Magazine Club, of Farmville, were Mrs. W. J. Rasberry, Pres.; Mrs. W. M. Lang, Mrs. Fannie L. Joyner, Mrs. B;n: A. Joyner and Miss Venesia Morrill. Don't'expe&orate on any side walk, &re?t car or on any floor. ?U ia.adetatitabie habit and breeds disease; it is also ngainfl the law. is also erecting a nice home on the same street. Dr. Paul E. Jones will soon begin building a handsome residence on his prop erty on Main street, and Mr. W. C. Askew is planning to begin the erection of five modern resi dences iq a few. weeks on Church street. We also learn that Mr. T. W. Lang expects- to build a handsome residence on his lot on Contentnea street soon The Enterprise bespeaks the sentiments of this entire com munity when it extends to Mes dames G. A. Rouse and G. M. Holder), of Farmville, its pro founded sympathy ia the loss by death of their aged father, Mr. W. H. ,Dai|, of Snow Hill, which occurred Monday ufier noon at 2 o'clock, from the ef fect of a stroke of paralysis on Friday of last week. A large number from here attended the funeral which took place in the cemetery at Snow 1 lilt Wednes day afternoon at 3 o'clock. In the death of Mr. Dpil, Snow Hill, Greene county and the ilate loses one of its mod valued citizens. No man in his -home town, county or ?late enjoyed a larger circle of true friends, which was attend by the great number of prominent ' families represented at the funeral to pay their la$, though sad, tributes of respetft. Qf the immediate family, Mr. Dail is also survived by his wife and 90ven other children, viz: Mrs. Chas. O'H. I.aughinghquse, ol Greenville; Mrs. J. W. Dixon, of Willow Greene; Mrs. P. S. Boyd, of Mooreuville; W. 11. Dail, jr., of Charlotte; Q. F. M. Dail, of City Point, Va.; and Miss Minnie Bed and Fred Dail, of Slow Hill. It MvaOfct Malaria And ti/jiM Up Tbo Sjntcm Take the Old Standard OROVKS TASTULiBSS i-hfll TONIC. Yen know ?W rem ?c laktB*, ?? the formula U - prinU-d on .every label, nho-riag It la Quinine and Iron la e tutrleo* form. The Oalitaa -driwa oat malaria, the lit* balMs ap the tyrtem. SO cant* *" ' " - ' . .v,.'.V

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