-WATCH FARMVIIAE PUSH FORWARD" VOLu FABMYTkLE. NO. 25 By Donatiifc One Day's Income to the (pph^page of Your Choice. To the Presfcof North Carolina: Relying: oik the generosity and public spirit St the Press of the State the undersigned are em boldened to *k of our newspa pers such timely and telling: help as they are able to give us in im pressing upottevery man, woman and child in tbe State of North Carolina the importance of con tributing one day's income to the orphanage wok of the State as a "Thanksgiving) The orpbal are contributor enrichment of Carolina. T1 fering. of the State largely to the life of North are gathering up Ihe waste material and trans forming it into valuable citizen ship. They, mofe than any other in?itutions of whatever kind, are beginning at tfce beginning of things. They are moulding in digent childhoodfeto useful man hood and womanhood exattljr ar the point where. the process of training is vital; aid they are do ing this work for the most part without the cosi ? a copper to the State. Ji to secure a day's labor was begun meeting held the Execu iand formally p. The edir oa were the tuntiog on than any >otrol our land by us make ihe totable in rae and wffl tell ig ages. The movemc y contribution of from every citia lasi spring. At in Raleigh, Sept. 3 tive Committee til lunched the cam] tors of North Cat men toward wh< of the Commit! their eyes. We these men who, others, .shape ai public sentiment in ih is movement next Thanksgivinj the annals of the ~ We are often cs honor to the dead sentiment thai is < worthy, but in this are called upon to vice for the living place where that most mightily on Thousands of childr sheltered in oor f but foor ** ? lselves in a.wor lor a 7s history, on to do is a and we fc-s.y-. ? | i a ser We hope and believe that they wilt urge thoce of their congre gations who have an income to sacredly aef apart one day's work to this great cause, and send it forward to the orphanage of his choice on d^iear Thanksgiving Day ? November 25th. Feliow citizens, this is no child's fjjay. It is a man's job. The pennies of the children are not to be despised. Every gift, however little* helps the objed to which it is given, and helps the giver more; but we are not appealing especially to children in this moveaeat, but to men and women who are busy in the world's work. And knowing the spirit and temper of our North Carolina people, we do not be lieve that we wili appeal in vain. M. L. SBiHfcN, HIGHT C.-MGORE, C. R McNAIRY, ARCHIBALD JOHNSON, Committee. -? X'/" . POLLARD CASE TO COME HP AGAIN NEXT WEEK. The case of Mr. S. M. Pollard, charged with the kitting of Chief of Police T. H. Smith at Farm ville a little over a year a^o, will be given trial in Greenville next week at the November term of Criminal court which convenes nexrMooday with lodge W. M. Bond, of Eden ton, presiding. The-case will in all probability be taken up Wednesday, as that was the day on which it was set to be tried when it was ooibtinued from the last terrp of court. .^1. ^*3 THANKSGIVING PARTY , AT SMITHTOWN. There will be a Thanksgiving Party given at Smithtown school house Tuesday night Nov. 23. An intere&ing program has been arranged which promises an entire evening of merriment, glorious sight seeing and faugh ter, , ? Remember, the occasion is a Thanksgiving Party, OF INTEREST TO Mr. P. M. Johnson, the plum ber, of Greenville, spent T uesday intOWH. Mr. Pre?on Wright left Tues day for a visit to his grandfather at Swan Quarter. Mrs. Y. E, Wright spent Tues day and Wednesday in Washing ton visiting relatives. Messrs. j. W. Parker and John Bynum spent several days jn Kindlon this week taking in the Fair at that place. WearesAiil patiently waiting for that dollar or two you owe on your subscription to The Enterprise. Please let us have it now. The Masons of Farmville Lodge met in regular monthly session Thursday and enjoyed their usual fea& of barbecue and other good things to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Exum, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brown and Miss Mary Exum, pf Snow Hill, were gue&s of relatives and friends here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Qhas. O.' H. Laughing house, of Greenville, and Mrs. W. H. Dail and daughter, Miss Best Dail, of Snow Hill, were gue$s of Mesdames G. A. Rouse and G. M. Holden Tuesday. ^Messrs. R. R. Newton and G. I M. Holden were among -those! going from Farmville to Kindlon Tuesday to take in the Fair at that place and hear the oration of Hon. Wm. Jennings Bryan. Mesdanres W. J. Rasberry, W. M. Lang, Ed., Warren, W. C. As kew.Maude Warren, Jaspw L. Shackellord, Paul E. Jones and Miss Annie Perkins attended a business meeting of the Pitt County rcderuiion of Women's Clubs in GreenyiHe Tjnms4a.r. Becwrije^ol^iU tonic | wd effect. I.AXA Quinine and doe 3 not cause u?ft*ousncss nor rinsing in head. Remember the fnll narue and look tor the of B. W. GROVE. 25c. m-mSr*' ? ' ' ?SBsSBt? *8 ? I Mrs. Dannie Friar Rouse, after spending a few days in Farm ville visiimsr the home of her son, Editor G. A* Rouse* re turned to her home in Nashville 1 uesday. " The Pitf County Federation of Women's Clubs will hold a Bazaar in Greenville Nov. I7ih and l?tb. There will be some thin? of interest to everybody. Vou should notNmiss taking in [his Bazaar. Sewing- Wanted!? I, am pre-" pared to do your sewing, can make anything from a coat-suit to a. man's shift. My work is first class and my prices .reason ible.? Mrs. J. L. you haven't 'sold all" of 30W tobacco yet that nine chance's out Of ten you'll get more for it an the Farmville market -be muse FaTmville $ill holds the record of being the leader of the 3a& in; highest prices paid for tobacco. Remember the Bazaar of the Pitt County Federation of Women's Clubs to be held in Greenville Nov.J|7th anit 18lh md make arrangements to at tend.^ This bazaaris fbra qao$ worthy purpose and should be attended by every citizen of the? ^ Elsewhere in this issue will be - seen the big advertisement |of Dr? James E. Patrick, 4H which be is offering for sale at public audion, Thursday, November 18, all of his residental property in the town of Farmville. fv you are thinking of buying a home or lot in Farmville, you will do well to read this ad and attend ; <Gnn^aCrai Tonic ine 1 wrwj - ? ~ chill Tonic is equally valuable a*, o General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic pr3pertiesof QUI* IN 15 and IRON. IWcts on the liver, Drives out Mai alia, Enriches the thflOThole ? ?1 of Mrs. ]. _|;ore| opening will la? only ten days, fee sure and lake advantage of it. 7 * . The Secofid Di&ricft Conven tion of the I. O. O. F. met with the Farmville Lodge Thursday There weTe a larg^nurober pres ent frpm the various Lodges. The public session in ihe opera '?? Tl-? 1 1 rc/tair gr i W&S UU (UUvU ei At 7 o'clo< local members and visiting brothers,' together with their wives and friends, enjoyed a bounteous supper w&teb had been prepared. Farmers! Take Notice.? A Formers;^ Take?: Notu^^-A careful perusal of the double page advertisement of tfee m* Hardware Co. in this issue will convince any inforr^ ?*?w that they are in reali an jin? lar^i ve&," as. scores of art eluding are nn m bought for today in carl If in need of an> thing i fflgpar* I ^Wai : - * a drained. Located 5 miles from Farmville and 2 1-2 miles from and all other necessary^ out tables and .? nr a bargain, se<? 0* write mc at ;e.-'Sg R. A. BYNU" k i0EJi?)EVwJ The Faff Clubs of Pitt' County hitve in augurated a movement to raise funds to establish a scholarship for Pitt County girls at the Ea& Carolina Teachers Training School. Through the effort ; of this Federation f . two scholarships have already been e^lablished, and it ha#i been determined to hold a Bazaar in the town of Greenville, on the 17th and 18th days of November, 1915, for the purpose Of e&ablishing other scholarships. There will be dif ferent departments, and we will also serve meals during the two days of ihe Bazaar. Our only means of producing the articles for sale and also for the culinary; department, is to ask fqi- contributions, therefore we are asking merchants to aid us in this work by donating generously as you may be able, anything from yoitr Stock of pro visions, or money. Please note the date, Nov. 17th and iljSh, and "* your contributions as early ossible through our local . X Everett, Irs.H:.E.AuflinJ? Jrs. C. T. Munford, . itee ma I fully entertained at her home Friday evening. The supper consisted of : North CaroUtia's choice^ viands prepared and ser ved in such.a way as to do cre dit to the charming Virginia. hos tess. After supper a <tfme of Those present were Jfcmrie ] llbcS? showing it. is in a tasteless fotm. cs^ont malaria, tie Practices where'er ^ vices are desired. ** i" v- r: ?r#KC?W//e Monday, Tuesday < >8f Building ?ARMVILLE 11 ' ~ R. L. SAVAGE, M. K" of Hocky Mount, N. C. . Wtll be at Farmvilte, at Hotel Davit II he third Wednesday in each month, fo j lasses and t*eal diseases of the eye. ee lose and throat. < ^ ?^gtf ffr Limited To Eye, Ear, N6r?\ Thiwat, Gen : eral Suraery am! Conaultatiott. v, v\ ?Mkl m i. o. no. m. vverA \kinday oi; K,.?f P. hall f: I' . Morton injjt; .M> visilii'j; B:uihci: FARMVlLLf (a.DGE, No. Meets Ev?y Visiting

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