President Wilson Has Named Former , Mayor Newton D. Baker of Cleveland, Ohio, to Sue His Cabinet. Washington, March 6,-^-New ton D. Baker, former mayor of Cleveland, has been selected by President Wilson ?or secreatry of war, to succeed Lindley lie Garrison* who resigned, p Mr. Baker has accepted the position and is.nfcw arranging his affairs in Cleveland, prepare toty to coming to Washington to take up his duties. ?H WM When President Wilson was making up his cabinet in 1913 he offered the plackto secretary of interior to Mr. Baker twice. Mr. Baker then was mayor of tgjjUL 1, I JIJI 1 4k,i quently. Mr. Baker is said by his friends to be in close sympa thy with the President's policies and is known to, have had the cabinet for thdjjrar office. ? Mr. Baker is ii years old. &He [ was born in. Martinsburg, gf&t Va., and at the age of 25 was p| appointed private secretary to Poi&master General Wilson in Preslcent Cleveland's cabinet In 1897 he began the prcuftice o I law at Martinsburg. He later moved to Geveland where he became city solicitor in 1902. He held this office for ten years un [?' til his eledion as mayor for a two year term. Mr. Baker is a member of the Ohio Stale Democratic commit tee and chairman of the Execu live Committee of his county committee. Be has the record of having ros for public office in Cleveland during M consecutive years without diefeat^^^g^ ker at the Democratic Conven friends petating from a I^Mrs. Ida May, Saturday with & jMrs. J. B. Mo Friday for Wa Mr, J> Loyd Horton has ref urn ed Irom a trip to Richmond acd Norfolk, V^u ? Miss Hennie Wbichard, of Greenville, is the guest of Mrs: Bl CX Turaage. For Sale? Buff Orpington eggs for hatching; 15 for $1.00.? J. H. Harris, FwmyiHe, Mrs. J. Y. Edge, of Rocky Mt, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W.: C. Joyner. announcement to our this issuej Head U.W: Attorney Wa! returned to her h^e Friday, af l^r a visit to relatives here. ; We regret to learn of the ex treme illness of the little daught er of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lang. |liss Fannie Lee Smith return ed Wednesday afternoon from Snow Hill where she had fceeo nursing. ' ^ ~ ' I ' Mrs. S. T. Moyle and little daughter Monte, returned home lag week from a vfcitfto relatives in Nashville.- jg We are glad to report that the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie I 1 \ < Winnie Hill Wednesday afternoon. Qi> their return they were accom panied by Mrs. G. M. Holden who has gone to spend a short while with her mother. Elsewhere in this issue wili he -seen the advertisement of Mr. W. R. CardwelJ, who has recent ly moved to Farmville. He in vites the public to give him a c^nce at bidding on your plumb ing. See his advertisement for tisement of Bea m an Bros. J They will, in tl ture, put in a compli Plumbing supplies s your patronage.^ Read The names of Mrs. D. b. Ugies >y, Mrs ! E. Hashes and Mr. W, C. Willis were idded to the dethodist church role it the) iunday morning service, f-ffr. Ao : hat time a ?i ,::X; 7? '-T Mr. J. H. ipecial message to all our jrs in this issue. It < which he * Read - : t ? E - Jf ? r 4^ ire that we rmville in good, a long-life experienced and hulling tobacconiil We have been informed from a re liable source that he has leased the interetfs of Messrs. ; McD. Horton and R. E. Belcher in the New Fannville Warehouse for a number of years, and will make J ?* ,.ille his -jP.-. ? ? Mr. Hobgood for the paft few seasons has J been runn warehouse at Snow Hill ing more favorably in tl matiori of his patrons and t the days jb irse being due to square dealing: . ..... .1 We aK|vc?nfS?; 4ent of the fa# that the Snow Hill market hates to learn of his departure, - but, being a man wfiose desire is to broaden out to greater usefulness, he seeks a with ser n sis of time g#.i??gjgS^ success from aper int, but where he of benefit to a lar of those whose -la the moviog? the fa With the "old reliable" J. Y. Monk, hitched in double har ness with J. Mr Hobgood the coming season, we bespeak for the Farmviile market and for their house abundant success. Mr. Hobgood we welcome you. 1. Do no?; allow children to ay with matches. Buy only ifety Matches and keep them it gf the reach of the children. . S . S98S " ' ? .V Attorney R. T. ^-Martin, of Farmville, was in town- TlMirs day. _ Messrs. G. W. Jefferson and R. ^ s y Prof. Norman Johnson and A. F. Eason went to Walstonburg Saturday on business. Farmville visitors Monday. lar services here Monday night March 6th. A large crowd at tended. ' r ; A. ' Mrs. J. Ji Wilson, of Green ville, is spending this week here visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Windhaui. Rev. A. G. Harris will hold his regular services here Sun day night, March 12th, at 7:30. Let's all come out. Her many friends wjJI regret to learn that. Mrs. A. T. Smith, who resides near here, has been very sick this week. We hope she will soon improve. $;? We ate vei write-up of th >yed more vi&ims among tt alike, the young ly shadows over f labor, from the grindstone to the in unseen pla< fore they have been cramped for room^and are making the changc in order to be able to show up their large stock of general mer chandise to a better advantage. They are also putting in a la dies, toilet and rest room, which will be of great convenience to the ladies coming to Farmville from the country and from other REDDING ALLEN SMITH For lack of necessary fads la? week The Enterprise car ried only a brief announcement of the death and burial of Sup erintendent Redding Smith. Mr. Smith Was a son, the youngest child, of the late Mr. of Beaver Dam township, and for several years7 a member of the board of county commission ers, and was born on the farm 33 years ago. He grew to man hood on the farm On Decem of Farm , aged 6 ville. Th yea.s>, o j were bom '- ill 17W iiti VvuO the position of guard on t ounty road force, and after v capacity, was elecfted Super teadentof the countycon vid a