3 r.vi.Tv * Merchants! Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. . and we'll open your eye? WITH INCREASED BUSINESS It Pays To Advertise Through The Columns of The Farmvifle Enterprise IT REACHES - THE PEOPLE ^ ? PUSH FORWARD" Subscription $1 a Year in Advance, G. A. Rouse Editor and Publisher 1 - 1 ? YOL. VII CAJKOLXNA. JULY 14, 1916 Sociability Tour Will, be Conduct ed by the Chataber of Com merce of the Capitol City SHORT STOP ATM AN Y POINTS I The Trip Will Extend Over Two| Days Beginning on July 25th. Band Will Accompany Par ty. Will be Here 26th Word has come from Raleigh that Farmville will be included in the iteniary of the Sociability Tour to be conducted by the .Raleigh Chamber of Commerce July 25 and 26th. Between one hundred and twenty- five and fifty Raleigh business and professional men expect to be on this tour. They are going to put into practice the wise business principle "Get Acquainted With Your Neighbor ?You Might Like Him". The special train bearing the party will leave Raleigh at-*?3n., July 25, and return to the Capital City at 6 p. m., July 26. A band of ten or twelve pieces will be brought along. Stops of from fifteen minutes to an hour will La Grange, Kinstoiv Graiogers, Grifton, Ay den, Winterville, Greenville, (Farmville^ Walston burg, Stantonsburg, Wilson, Sinys, Baileys, Middlesex, Zebu ulon, Wendell, Eagle Rock, and Knig&dale. # jf . ' i - Fountain Defeated. | Pinetops defeated Fountain on the latters grounds July 2th to the score 12 and 3l Horton started the game for Fountain and was retired in the fourth af ter Brown and Webb J. both hit to left field for home runs. Jef ferson the "fountain "Wonder? liUK vx IMV X iijvivpj rjA :'_ his tunitiejand his Many of them .. side because of their i of or indifference to the public. Fif|y .years ago the town chant sat in his store and for business to cometo Today the successful is a hunter? he must go ou ningfor munition is bis stock in his gun is the local n Country people of intelligent and tip to date t city cousins, and merchant hy his own If he is a hustler?if he his store clean, his _ displaced, his advertise. ? ? ning regularly in the locail ?he attracts the public eye, the public follows its eye, But a clean store, ~ played goods and nis vertising are ites to a successful ??VAyyo :? - V ? -83$ career^ -? ? |The country not that he m He should '??' Ajf-WVif IM ? r &?? SigH condition of the consumei acquainting them of the He should consider their w as well asthis own. The merchant should have iron creed, and that creed shou never be broken: He should | treat all customers alike, misrepresent his goods, andk his shelves well stocked wi truth. 1 WtmA 11 He should be considerate of other bnsiness men in the com-)1 munity, for their rights are peat 68 his own. They do n own the town, and neither -doe?| ' ?/> ' V Ke should join wholeheartedly in moveme I ft1 l?nrTrfr S of the community, for only found on the topm of theWder.'?' Tbe merchant w up a reputation as apublic spirit- ' id man, as one who labors for ' Ihe well being of the whole com aumty, never lacks for custo-h iners at his store- ? ? ? - l! They migrate i BEeF- ?" ice of the people, for the ile know that the same in aid fair mindedness he exerts in behalf of the ijpmmunity will be extended to Customers in commercial life, ost country towns have a such merchantain their midst, *the community is the better for their presence, y^u iu variably find their ad isements iL she local papers, ig of the merits Of the wares have to sell and giving the pie that information to which ;y are clearly entitled. n are success* atause their method of busi and their- very attitudes le success. ey have, manV customers, 2 too people admire a er. ' \ town is located in a splen mmunity, and it should | bright future ahead of it. it depends upon us alon< lave some Rood business I town. ey ark wcH supplied with those brains are capa :complishing great re ually they can do much lively ihey can revolu liog conditions of this mMM* iey that is being daily for goods might just 'spent at our local' low e.opportumties H;"' wPH Tt fM the \.pi the qoality they -'Wmk&S a.feife mar ^ iheteftx c?mpeibg| jality and price with the out I . ? /: Mertise, persistently ? le home goods constant mind of the consumer ; him io jthe fact that it is lis interest as to ip his money in cir al home. I you CONVINCE the at you HAVE the wants, and that be pmphased hefe : -Mfc rt v as e " ; will keep his money BY TRADING AT J! ?,* ? j- '.V ... ' J9 . people WANJ ? livej lunity, and are willing -to business men. , ^ Thousands Gather For Great Occasion and Hear Promi nent Men Speak Five thousand or more farmers, their wives and children, gather ed here last Thursday for a bar becue dinner given by Town send's warehouse to the farmers of Pitt, Greene, Edgecombe and Wilson counties. " At early dawa| people began to assemble in town for the occasion and by 10:30 o'clock the streets were so crow4 ed that it reminded one of the rush at the State Fair. This is ?i ' said to be the biggest influx of ' citizens to Farmville in its his tory, and the merchants of all classes had a gala day for busi ness. The occasion was the . happy thought of* Mr. C. R. Townsend proprietor of the Townsend Warehouse Company, and the Farmers Co Operative Tobacco Co., of this sectios, and as special the Farmers Union was :to meet with them. The speakers for the occasion w^re Dr. H. G, Alexander, of Char lotte, President of the Farmers North m meeting was called in session H>:30 o'clock with Walter ' prepidios who in the Hon. B. A. Joyner, of the tow& of Farm vqie, who- in a few appropriate words flung- wide the gates of J thi town to the visitors and wel them in behalf of its citi u Dr. Templeton was then "uced and spoke for more an hour pn th& probleras possibilities of farm life. The speaker of the day was Dr. anaer, who emphasized par ilarly farm finance i ijp$ the sumptuous barbe ie75 pecks of meal ( hungrfi crowd, : be- . ALL IS NOT ? V. . Three Problems Still Confront tbe Administration and Must be Solved WON'T WITHDRAW NOW Carranza's Friendly Note Will Not Cause Troops to Wfthfraw Lansing Starts on Vacation Polk to Handle Situation. Washington, ?President Wil son is not yet convinced that all is now u co-operation and frien dliness." It is true that Carranza's latest note has givei* "tremendous satisfaction," but the border dan ger still lives. Three problems remain un solved. The first is whether the troops shall be withdrawn or not, the second is regarding a co operative border patrol and the third is the* cleaning up of. Mexi co LU. Most offcials believe that tl|^ end of three months will see the troops eutirely oui of Mexico and most of tbe militia hack home. It is believed &at the of Carranza's friendly 6 It is thought, however, ?feb'ojte will pave the way iscussions which ultimately may end in withdrawal. Lansing conferred with Presi dent Wilson regarding the Car ranza note, which was described as "leaving the- door open" for an amiable settlement, although ;he reai issue remains, through [he fact that Carranza does not, lisavow TrevWs orders to f^e mi the Americans. Counsellor folk will handle my negotiations that come up luring Lansing's vacation, which .'c Reply to Go Forward Soon. Following a conferees with ^ansing,' Polk stated that the re )ly to Carranza's note would go orward soon* Negotiations with 3arranza thade through he customary diplomatic chsc WKfiSBBk : ;V ' ;'v/; I ;s there