3 ii'SiSs" vote of 52 k>12. The measure which already 1 iad passed the Hoai^yw?s brought to a vote in the Senate Wilson after the Democratic Senate caucus once hac^ decided to. defer its consideration until next December. Senators who voted against the bill were * Bankhead, Alaba ma Bryan and Fletcher, Florida; constitution was in ieagi death and a covenant w and their 20th century su< endorsethe statements it not in words. g MM had neve* the iuifitmentof wish to reason ityHome, for Home is being better looked after and proVidedTfor than hai fen washed and the premises scriqjM ously neat in appearance. Tlfere was a remarkable scarcity of flies, and no where about the offensive "rhe farm part of the home mai the inmates .of m K$<2RiM cfcTl iinstJtu rhomas1 IIUHMdt,