; ? " Rev. W. P. Jordan, pastor U the Christian church, and who w3l lead his church in an evan gelistic campaign beginning next Sunday, October 8th, was, before entering the ministry three years ago, a common printer, news re ? ? *_ _ y j it o f j SAVING "who indorses a check or signs any other document to bemad by his sig natare," whether ..iL4s made with i?n or mA a -robber stamp, or in ether way. The difficulty arise*, only irtt6n an* attempt is made to shew that the rign?*re,.t*hia. If ke ? nrft# tt? bound without further contrayersjt ..' If he declares $)tfci he did net append tha^igiiature'?? Jl? document, it will be necessary to m unity. ed of the officers of the Fair As sociation, the Agricultural Corn bind invitation Shirley ia the* floor of M ^ balding c^|| County Fair. ie a part in it also decided wUl be >n to 'the public, it was to have some publicly. as appointments are made nsW aboot a lower iria ?(| our people obeerve Lot ajl public and private instttu Hons, hotels, asylums, factories, and theatres be carefully looked owm chan^T'made' that will prevent flres ?CUtathe local authorities fllve atten tion to better building reflations, fire protection "and prevention, as well as additonal apparatus, tor ?re flphtln?. Let fire drlUs be held In institution* factories, and In public and privet. P1$S should :,be run direct to bri< STAIRWAYS . and clear stock or ehfjjvini fire doors County, Terms of Site Wffl n Pqcv county pi: SKZEElsAi. '-? Tuesday, ; Oct. location wiH enable fjtiim toneet his ob- ? ligations grid make each pay ment through the alloterf limfig without any inconvenience?.. A free barbecue dinner wiil be served on the ground and the all Star band of the Atlantic Coast Realty Company will be on the scene to furnish the music lor the occasion. Get on easy street by attending this sale and buying one or more of these farms.!? Don't forget the date, October 10th, at 10:30 a. m. 1 ? ?? ia i