;Jfc mis. HifougS The ice FarmviHe IT REACHES - THE I. am ? . V:. ? - '? - - ' - O JTi Partial List Contains Many Names of Pitt Many Inquiries Being Made as to the Best of Starting in the Big Race. START YOUR CQMPAIGN ^ ?j'pj '? V " ; Five Passenger Ford Automobile, a $650 W Diamond Ring, Leather Rocker, Chest of Silver, and other Prizes Will be Given Away Absolutely Free. The Tine to Start Out Seeing )four Friends, Don't Wait. The Enterprise Automobile and Prize Contest starts ^to day. In this week's ^paper will be found the names of the can didates who have been nominat ed to take part hi this big race. The names ofanany popular per sons appear. The large number certainly indicates the remarka ble interest in what is destined to be one of the most friendly smug gles for a rich reward even launched in this section. The nominations were made by friends who expect their candi: dates to get busy and win one ot the prizes. It is a compliment in every respect and shows the candidate's ability to win. It is the experience of the Coifc tea Manager that a go^jfc my J ft gives the people a chance & to took over the list of names and see it their friends have been nominated. So far that reason, many new names will appear is each district each week. Don't get the impression that, [by the publication of the names, the nominations have closed. Such is not the case. Candi dates may enter at any time, and some of the ultimate winners may not enter the contest for [ two or three weeks jet. Pros pective candidates should not be frightened at the big list of names which appears in this issue. A number of these candidates have been nominated by their friends and all will make an active race. Look through the list of candi dates published today and if the name of > our favorite does not appear among the list, or if your hood who they think will likely try for tbe Ford Touring Car and other prizes, just fill in the nomination blank "found in this paper this week and mail to the Contest Manager of The Farm vilie Enterprise, Farmville, N. C. Printed matter and full instruct1 ions will be sent the prospective candidates. With the list of names publish ed today, indicating the class of people to whom, this great prize distribution has appealed, there is no reason why any person should hesitate about entering this big race. The contest is open to all. The prizes are very valuable and worth working for. not cost anythiliKMi Make an Active Race ? ; To those whose names 8ppear on tbe list published this week we would advise that you get your campaign started right now. One of. the most important fea your tures ? ? *' ? ?'far**' "^7." "?J/'i] .triends and get their support; [pledged to you. Start right out today with a determination of , seeing your friends and neigh borsand letting them all know that you are making an active race and that you are in to win. You will be surprised to see how \-easy it will be for you to secure votes and subscriptions. About tbe Closing Date The close of the big contest will be at 8 p. m. Monday, Decem ber 11; only eight weeks longer. In this case, prospective candi dates need not hesitate in start * K mjjagyrT . :*?**,?. ?. , * an ac Itwifl ing out now tive race for the prizes. and will not take much effort to win one of tfce prizes. Start ve the ? ? ? ? r~ brin&mail or send to the Con test Manner of tbo Fantmllc Enterprise.Pi in ted matter and fall instructions wiB then be sent the prospective candidates^ as they desire. If >*ou Jack suf ficient nomination blanks simply write the names iinafjjbstoffice addresses of the the candidates on a white piece of paper, sign your name and address at the bottom and send to the Contest Manager of the Enterprise. The 'names of those making the nominations will not be divulg ed under any circumstances. Nominate the Winner of the 4st SPrize and Get $5.00 Free. 1 The person that nominates the winner of the first grand prize, the Ford auto or the Jpiano will be given five dollars in gold. You can nominate one two or as many as you wish. Nominate your favorite or yourself now. 1(4 How Votes are Secured With every subscription to th*> Enterprise is given a^ballot good for a certain number of votes, according to the length of the subscription. All subscriptions should be sent, brought or mail ed direct to the Contest Manager of the Enterprise, who will issue the ballots and Send ihetn back to the candidates. These ballot* may be held as long -as desired and voted at any time up to tbe last day of the contest. - Candi dates and their friends should al so clip the coupons which ap pear in each issue of the paper as they are good for 100 votes for the contestant whose name ap pears tt&towa or community in se curiog subscriptions. Start at once and get your friends and -acquaintances pledged to yonr support. How Prizes Will be Given The Grand First Prize - The Contestant securing the most votes during the contest can have choice of either one Fiye Passenger Ford Touring Car or one $650.00 M. Schtjl? Player Pianot This pianff has been pur chased express^ for this hugli affair from the Farmville Furni ture Company and can be seen on display there. -/.A 3; Second Prize, If the winner of the first prize chooses the Ford Automobile the Contestant with the second highest number of votes will be awarded the piano* should choose the piano the- win ner of the second prize will get ] BspSai LO years cept by to flie E success! of trade at lhc contest ijianaj testants to ce1 trade at these content. ' Lot several hundi friends J stores during: lo ttadt . Hs tickets o yoi them to the c he m*m same. Start about this an to the folio* 'Ffcs Fara The Hub ' The Smit f Parker & 1 Everyone Get Your r Morning Everything now. look hrigb. ?~i-l q, grand and fSSz. ? -.Fair for the Fannville| innlty Wednesday;- jjjp| The following is the program! 10 a. m. Parade forms at the Graded School building in the the following manner: 1st, The Farmville Fire Department; 2nd, ' of the Fair and Speakers in auto mobile; 4th, Mayor and Town " one* in auto; 4th, the children of the Com 'led by the Graded school /ille, and H but prize of $250. ^The parade will be escorted by Marsl^lls on horseback. * 10:30 a m. Parade will move Pi. ?j .wi ^ term and asked all-Democrats to cast a solid vote for Democracy at the coming election. Sheriff J as. McLawhon, J, C. Gaskios, candidate for Register of Deeds and County Treasurer mSk Wilson each made . a few remarks for the prrty. DiyC. O'H. Laughiaghouse of Greenville, asked for a fevr min utes in which to explain tiie pro- j posed County Hospital, stating that his measure was not a poli ticalone. [ Representative J. C. Galloway discussed at length the work of a Democratic State Adminstration for the past sixteen years, and asked the voters to keep such work going. L$JTie last speaker was Senator F. C. Harding of Greenville, who wit? his usual orationak ability held a large crowd spell-bound |S for an hour and a half in the dis uncoil cussion of the ? 7_T this election. Intereit was added | to the address by his answers to publican VI Ulir vvwiu WM. v was standing in the*: rowd. Sena Harding floored him by telling 1 that his questioner | day had headed the tmunity aj the