iH w$m On Saturday of this week, the County Board of Agriculture and the Boys- Corn and Pig clubs will ;bave a joint meeting in the' county court house at 10 o&cck, sharp. All members of the board and oi the clubs axe urged to attend. The public generally is invited and. all ladles especially teachers, arc cordially invited. 1>e following program has been arranged: "The Home Garden in Pill county.' ?By H. E. Austin, E.C. T. T.&- V 4; : uPennanent Pastures and their Value"? By O. L?Joyner, Green ville, 1 - Father, The Son."-By Supt. & R Underwood. "Farm Problems" and Hound Tab$e Discussion.? By District Agent R. W. Freeman, Wilson* N.Cc -'t.L -Vr ;? -v,. Address.? Prof. A. K. Rober son. West Raleigh, N. C. It wiU^ be remembered that during last spring different or? ganizations and individuals in the oouoty donated 550.00 for prizes in the corn club. Qf this, the Carolina Club, of Gr^enviSe, g?ve I25.W);. so distribute application blanks for next year's membership into the several clubs. We hope to make4hsrtfae best farmers' meeting that [has ever been held in Greenville, if you miss it you may Regret it. - vv ? Respectfully, R TROY FERGUSON, County Agent ?j v ? '/?-I*.- ; m Make Your Who will be the winner of the handsome: live-passenger Ford Touring Car or Piano? Who wilt bS the winners of the Diamond Ring, Leather Rocker, Chest of Silver and other valuable prizes? These are some ^of the ques-J tions that are being asked daily] hustles every minute betweei now and the close of the hi; race. fore Dec. 6th. It is much Setter ol them yourtfvals; >0 ?"??'?.?? 3 j?| time to make that test su preme fifort to secure subscript lioa?> i is tftey will briafc^mofe votes uutilDec. 6|h, than : they wiU after that tim^for the v&p s subscriptions, and in addition to this 2.W0 oBfta vo^ ' tviil be given for every year ofNew sub scriptions, an