ITREA< ?Hterof the Lyceum t be-Oo Monday night, lhe;Pastime Theatt* jujxjytbe best number 6kr course'. Dr. Lu ^oltansbee, the.Chautiyiqua and Ofonfi far more than ? Wffi be the attract time. He is a remark ? er, whose addresses jth&n&usiasm, logic usual ability and a speaker of thrilling eloquence. He has been cafidpfhe star number ol the Lyceum Course by the- partici pants in all of the previous at tractions. fie has so charmed his, audiences in a- number of plafits that he 1ms been called: back. Whitakers was so carried sway with him that he was not only called back for the second but the third engagement, and hadapacsed boose at each time. He proved such a popular speaker at South Hill, Va.that he was forced to fill the third en gagement there. These are ?me of the quotations from some \jt the papfers of the places where he hat spoken: "Intensely patriotic and at times very ^O qOfitfV-" A fiowo* wit* torrent o t oratory'*? An inspiring lec Captures his audience and holds ? j s: -v Y.'v,. , ? ? ? V ' In keeping with the usual ciis torn, several persons braved the biting cola Sunday night to 7 -r-- r ..V town. Just a tew minutes Wore midnight hour the befls began a slow lolling, signifying the death kneel of the fast dying year of 1916, which was breathing its last. Then, promptly artyfckfe o'clock, the tone changed and 1917 was inhered in accompani those memories v and sweet as 1 e new year, is the y future, wl ? v.. -i ?. ?. -,r*. : leycorn, conceded that the nation wide "dry" resolution in con gress will be defeated this ses . , sion. 'The present congress is expect ed to show a heavy majority, but not the necessary two- thirds for the submission of a prohibition constitutional amendmpnC^Sid a bulletin issued by the board. "Congress will enact a prohibi tion law for the District of Col umbia and pass a law forbidding the use erf the mails for purposes of liquor advertising and solicit?; lion/except when addressee to licensed lipuor dealers.** - MR. BENNETT FIELDS : SUCCOMBS TO IL LNESS ?v ^ .*;? After a brief illness, while visit ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Mewborn, here, Mr. Bennett Fields* who had grown to the ripe old age of eighty-one years, died -Thursday afternoon Dec 28th, and was burijed Fki day afternoon at bis old home place near Walstonburg beside the body of his wife who pre ceeded him some several year*, Mr. Fields was one of the county's best known and oldest citizen and ^^rvived by a large and friends. wiPlI : ' ' ' ? . The; fin and ing train lor smm va&WTS jbeir beautiful The bridal party entered t!|e ! parlor* In the following, order: Miss Bessie AlbrittoiC Maid of Honor, dressed in. Hght green silk with lace tritnkurigs wearing targe black picture hat and can# insrhugh bunch of sweet peas; then cqmethe groom accompani ed by his best inao, Mr. Frank Yancey, of Orfordr closely fol lowed by the bride, gowned in a gomg-a way auit^f blue 'veloulf, with hat aai gloves to match caning a bride's bouquet of Kit larney roses and jilHes of the valley. The impressive ring ceremony of the Methodisf chufch was us ed and the nuptial Knot tied by ; the brideY pastor R?v. (J. O. Durant, of Snow Hill. , A. large number of friends and relatives wfeis Resent to felici tate the happy couple and en joy the pleasure afforded in the culmination of their plighted troth. One whoJe spacious roofn was given oyer to the wedding gifts whichwere very handsome abd costly.^; v"; ? money Mr. and' Mrs. Hobg6od, Farmville where ml^na ~ Miss Herbert Meeks were happily married Thursday Dec.' 21rt, at the home of the bride in the pre sence of a few friends. The bride was handsomely dressed in blue silk poplin, earring a beautiful fconcji of brides roses. The groom is a progressive, farmer. will reside in tlieir iew home oil the Harris famk :near Farm ville. j. Best wishes to ' ypo Tuesday Jan, for m&ri^t betot6 Christ mas. i |All the big tobacco companies and independent concerns will be as good as they have been at aay time chtijngthe season. , Remember the opening date, ^m^znirn^pmtityom tobacco will brin/as 'much in Diet Squad of Chicago Proves That Person Can Woi^ and Fatten on less Than Forty : ' Cents.-'- ? .-V* -? v "j ? * ? ?. That brains mixed with food wUl reduce tha high cost ctf Iivr iog without decreasing: the nut ritive value of the food is one of the conclusions already reached in the experiment that is now be ing conducted in Chicafcofor the purpose of knowing whether or not people can be properly nour ished on 40 oent per capita per day. The experiment is being conducted by the city tiKfttQis sioner of health and includes a "diet squad** of twelve people who are furnished three merit a day? breakfast, ioj dinner?the menu h ed daily with nview botheco the experiment showed a total gain in weight of & 14 pounds, the average weight gained per member being mpouads. Tfce members go daily about their served for the first week was MMceuttper^^^dey, ... w_ w ? ? ' The DeVisconti property lying in the west portion of the city has been placed in the hab