vou vu , 21 TO 30 YEARS Washington.? The selective draft un der which the new United States army wIIF be raised wilt be i^Sed under the following provision* o t the army bill: \ "That the enlisted men required to raise and maintain tae organisations of the regular army and to complete, and miiiithdn the organizations embodying the members of -the National Guard drafted into the. service at the United States, at the maximum legal strength as by this act pgovtted, shall raised by voluntary enlistment, or If and whenever the president decides that they cannot effectually be so raised or mahttatoed, then by selective draft; and all other forces hereby authorised shall be raised and maintained bgr' se lective draft exclusively ; but this pro vision shall not prevent the transfer to any force of training cadres frofe other forces. ? : ? ----J Ags Limits An Fixed uSoch draft as herein provlde&gigu jj be based upon liability to military seijr lee of all male citizens or male person*! not alien enemies who have declared their intention to become dtlse*, be tween the ages of twenty-one and thirty year* both inclusive, and shall take place and be maintained under nsasedbsk m* l&wlrtsnt with "the from military service are thus clesig-' naied .by this provision of the MB: \ "Tliat the vice president of thielj United States, the otitcerg? legislative, execatfve, and judk&l. of the Untted States and of the several states, terri tories, and the District of ?o!um&ia, i regular or daly .itdained minister* of. religion, jatodentv who at the time of the approval of this act are "preparing foe titer' ministry In recognized theologi cal or divinity schools, and all ; persona in the naval service- of the! United States shall be exempt from the selective draft herein prescribed! C "Nothing in tills act contained Aallf be construed to require or compel an other person to serve in any of the forces herein provided for who is found' to be a member, of any weQ-recogolfed religions sect or organization: at pifea-! ent organised Mid existing and whose existing creed or piinciples forbid its members to participate in war In any: ! form and whose religions convictions are against ?w or p?rticipatio*;t&Bre tn in accordance with the creed or principles of said religions organisa tion; bnt.no person so exempted shall fee exempted from service in any ca-j pa city that the president shall declare . to be noncombatant Certain Classes to Be Excused^ i The president Is hereby authorised to exclude or discharge from said se lective draft and Iran the draft voder the second paragraph of section 1 here of, or to draft for partial military adv ice only from those liable td draftjui In this act provided, persons of the fol lowing classes: County and municipal officers, customhouse clerks, peisotts employed by the United States ir. the transmission of the mafia, artiilceraL and workmen employed in the armories, arsenals and navy yart ls of the United Stages, and such other per son a employed in the service of tfc> United States as the president may designate; pilots, mariners . actually ^employed In the sea. service of any "*itixen or merchant within the United States ; paeons engaged in industries, Including agriculture, found to be nec essary to-the maintenance af the Nnllitary estthllahmen tr or the effec tive operation of the military forces or the maintenance of national Inter-' est during thft emergency; those in a I- status with respect to perseaj^degend and an expression of to government. Piwider^ sues the following state press and people of tke a P8PR9S "to response to nrgen extended' t0 the Secretary commencement of tto Ui affirm^modify on of any local tion to; mm *wr? ay, and wlUbe * more In the regular arfry ?*d luard follow: te qualification* end condl oluntary. enlistment aahere l shall be the same as those by existing law for enlist. ie reeaI^fe* ^^ha! listed m?r of the regular army, either with their rant 4?.the retired^ or? la higher enlisted grades, $nd such re tired enlisted men shall receive the full pay and allowanced of the grades in which they are actively employed.'^ i^Provl alon for lncr^aseThat aU officers ? and ' enl Isted jneb respects on the same footing as to. pay, allowances, and pensions as Officers and enlisted men of corresponding grades and length of serUroiir the reg ular army; and commehcinff Jxuiel; 1CI7, and continuing until the termi nation of the emergency, all enlisted men of the army of the United, States In active service whose base pay does not exceed $24 per month shall receive an increase of $10 per month; those whose base pay is ?24, an increase of $8 per month; tfiose whose bas&paylfi or $40, an Incase of per -month, and those whose base pay is $45 or more, an!hcreaseof$5 per month; provided that the Increases of pay herein authorized Shall not enter ^ M ot ca~ hi Powers Broadened. for the typlc^ brigades, divisions, or army corps of the regular army, ami to'prescribe such new and different organizations and personnel fot ?tixy corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, squad Jjps, companies, troops, aud batter In as the efficiency of the service may I reanlre: orovlded farther that the] and National Guard und. *, y. the president Jor rJ registration. immediate registration by thqfie ?f draft age. Selection from register of men for - service. f , Dispatch of men /drafted to nearest ' ? FrovUIon for Pay: ' fejftecoud-class private .'....$25 ? first-class private .. ? St' ~ i