public 0*9 ienfense." CANAOIAWtf'CONTINUE WUVE . c r J AGAtl^T LINE AT LENS Brazil to no longer a neutral In tie world-war and the German empire hafc. another enemy arrayed against ft. ra?t quantlttea of. food from th# European neutral coun tries has been 'presented to the United gftea by Great Britain tor the Amer ican governments; oMtno^to de thisf. the British statistics purport to show, is replaced by the neutrals with "flcandtaavla and Holland/ fie information sets forth, enough fat la going into Germany to supply 7,700, 900 soldiers, virtually the entire army of effective in the empire. German imports froto these countries,^ it la declared, ..reduced to calories will equal the total ration of 8,600,000 Hroops, thedtee of the German army In the we?t. .|^GmrraanV: purthaaA^of f ftwdsfcOfa abroad are made through the gov ernment department oif the interior, which has organised a special divi sion to buy from the jwntrals. In the '^ly '"tla# war, the Qermaa government stimulated importation J of food by excluding imports from op eratlon of maximum' price tews, be. this drew such ^vigorous protest from' German producers the practice wa? ?tepgedt^ ' ? ^ ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? MB ?; *nm __VtRV GREAT. BITUMINOUS PRODUCT ,'?#?? -' ??* ab vntiiaaiBBi trtcrr. ;v *v?; ,#4Sf3^jifr3gy 41 ? : > ?' i ?? tf> SSv V x ?? 1 ? ' Decreases Ranging FrofnOnetO Flv* Dollars Per Ton to the Public.? Question of Price* on Anthraolta ? wa^j; i tl-jssSvk ',56/ ? ? ?-, <>>-, - :*^hington.-^8iiBwg)jbji reductions In the price of bituminou* ;OMil at all mines east of Mississippi fiver, rang ing from one io five dollars a too to the public, with an additional cut of fifty cents for the government, >ero agreed upon at conferences between the operators and government offi cials. The new prices become1 effec tive JtOfJt ? Fotitlnuidnd operators' who gather ed here at a call from Secretary Laa* ' pledged thenwei?M to furnish their pppduct by committees from, each field,.'-! l^rUer lji the dW tlWF tod agreed tof place the price lixing in phJ&ipud* of H the government through the defense council's coal production committee? Sedro'ai^ Lane *?*d CowmlsWoner^ Eprt, of the federal trade, commission, ,-j thuk avoiding the possibility of violat ing the anU-truat laws: sutvey, estimated that" th?- ertuee#? ?prices would mean that the operatoro Fould get fJSO.OOO.OOO less vuiimiy for their output In addition to placing prices upon coal at -the mlu. It n. aunounced that jobbers. brokers, y retailed and /commission' men would be permitted afte^^^^^'?%