&t state tlon dlfl , -which inn 3, Di ifm-is. peaieS to the country's business inter ests to jntUaelde ewj selfisfccoMid e ration andi^?*ifelj>~ thtlrald to tlH nation as freely as thbse -who go" out lb offer their Urea on the battlefield. In a statement addressed to the coal open*,?* and mamtfaeturers, he gaye assurances that Just prices will he- paid bx^ie government and tht public during "thewar hat wanie* that no attempt to utfort unwual profits will be tolerated, r ? ' - "Tour patriotism,'* said the Preet dears appeal "is of the same self-de nying staff as the patriotism o fths men dead and on tht flrtdi of France, or tt is no patriotism at all Lec at never ape* then, of profit*; and patriotism 1n tea same s$n*enc& : ^ shall eapect ewy man wfcp is d*** to be at *r aide throughout the great enterprise. In rfS??-c" OI uUuSCilr solved CONVJ mm KT. J^ofWi Aihemie. .V by im Cpowb )ub by Ui? tarme* -th? drain reaching stitutlQff Ttf?*nth dii ^to Maoon. Tha alxtoantk, (?? Indiana acd "Kantnch , t* i?hth, N?r ry riwfit wnatt