mm, ^ "? 1 ? LOCALS AND OF INTEREST TO Fannviile and Surrounding Sections 'vVi" WHAT B A DAY. A day, my child, Is but a magic bubble blown " By aogel lips and thrown - O'er Heaven's parapets And earthward felling Domes uso'ver. The earth-folk, Just like you and I, Gaze up and call The bubble "skyM They see the golden lights of it The purple blues and whitesof it, and say: "How fair the day!" It mu$ be so, At even-time, - " . > T 1 J - ? I saw a day ; Grow old and gray, then but#, Upon my upturned face I felt the cool wet kiss of it, And something of the bliss of it, And there, beyond, ^ ? I saw the^ngel's laughing eyes Looking down at me, and said: Up there some where is Heaven? Mr. George Blount spent the week-end in Wilson. - : few days in Kinston this ; 1 Misr Yecetia Morrill ; friends in Falkland this Mr. & Mfi John Thorn the past weekend: in Ms v '-t - " i2&/K ~ .""'v' ' ' r^, ^ Break your Cold or Li Mith a few doses of 666, See the announcemen] issus of. Mizell-Smith C v '* Mrs. Edgar Barrette and family are spending this week at Sevn Springs. Mrs. T. C. Tunfige and child ren are visiting friends and rela: tives in Burgaw. V : RUB-MY-TISM - Antiseptic. .- ? Neuralgia, ?ltc J : Mr. T. B. McCormick left Sat urday to spend his vacation at Wrightsville Beach. Miss Etta Gay, of Weldon, is visiting at the home of her par ents near Farmville. wm" % ms!% mi. i*. mm uwufwi^ ???? re cently let a contract for five two storybmldings in Lincoln Park. L Miss Cleora Dixon, of Wilson, is visitingat the hbme of Miss Louise Dixon on Contentnea St. . .Mr. John Barrett; of the Supply Co, of the State Guards, spent here with rela tives. Captain Charles Lumsden of the National Guard of Raleigh spent a few days in , town this Wright, of the 3rd. Reg. Supply Co. spent a few Vis ;wedk with his I mother. I. ? .... ? ' ... r, Messrs A. C Monk and S. W. Purvis left Wednesday for South Caroling to visit the tobacco market. Mr. and Mss.G. A. Jones and Miss Martha Carr spent Sunday at Seven Springs. Mr. Jim Joyner of Macclesfield came ? i ? 1 ? ?: ?_ * ^$T?1 '-?'?" i -it UBU9U& . ?;-* tims* ?;&& ^ ... ! ->-V' -.'" ? ??? Mr. and Mi*. A." of Petersburg. Va., Xhursday morning to few days ^ilh relatives. J'-.: in, J. M. Wheless and child ren and Miss Eleanor Warren left Thursday morning to visit friends in Spring Hope. Messrs B. S. Sheppard, J, Loyd Horton, Mayor, W. G. Sheppard -Editor G. A reenville visitors Tuesday. . i. W. M. Lang Co.'s 333 and 222 window is attracting some at tention, sure. You will miss a bargain if you fail to look it .Ovjer., . W; P. Jordan, pastor of the Christian church, will be absent for about three weeks in a meet ing at Mill Creek, Johnson ' county. . . . ' ,V';' Miss Eunice Andrews, the attractive young house guest of Mrs. Paul E. Jones motored over to Selma with Dr. H. P. Moseley Sunday. We received this week by ex press a shipment of the latest id dress shirts, all colors, in the lat est crepe effect Also shirts-witbj soft collars.? W* M. Lang Co. I Mr. and Mra. W. C. Askew Mrs. Effie Gillispie, Mr. Cyril Askew, Misses Pearle Fountain and Elspeth Askew motored over to Tarboro Thursday after noon. Five moire of Farmvifle's pa triotic sons this week joined the National Guards, enlisting in Co. &, they are Jack Lang, Will May|fjim Barrett, Glenn Cobb and Bo#Burnett h . $jhe Christian Endeavor at he Christian church will I their social meeting in the ni time is expectc to our newpaper press, wmcn will take some time to put back in shape on account of parts hav ing to be ordered, there will be no issuing of the Enterprise next week; unless, the express com pany is mighty quick in hand ling same. We bad to taite our forms over to our neighbors shop ibis week in oi^r (o finish the edition. ; " ; Stop! Look! Listen! Members of the Ways and Means Com-i mitte oi the Farmville Auxiliary of the Red Cross bill have a "Rummage Sale" Saturday morning, beginning I(t 10 o'clock on the vacant lot next door to the Fa^^pe Bank, jEveiybody SftS'.- -r .. FARMVUJiE, N. C .: call. The bank book with the hard, cold figures entered therein is the best insurance against want Be independent. Let us have your first deposit to-day. THE CITIZENS BAN* ? - ? FARMVILLE, N. C Pf '? & ft H We ,are ,0^ growers ourselves aid aVe ? 0 a.^er building and remodeling of some barns, we have not .ad the time to get to see SrtiZLSn 1 1 7lW ^ ? iL . 1 l .l %*# patronage given us in g larger share the coming season. ;;