-r rr ? } . - American Field Heat&oarter*; m France, Oct 3d? America is on the firing line in France. > At the stroke of six of a re cent morning a red haired Irish American sent Amerirars fint shell s&zfing across No Man's, Land at a German t^titeiy . p$s "th? Yankees are coming!" " . That afternoon they came. Tb^T marched to battle through llqsh and mid.. But. on their -j iat night An&nscan : infantry id American' artflley in first trenches on a qui#**?** later, a contingent of some bat trfeu Of osr firet contingents m iwsoctafioo f with veteran French bataJKons are in thkfirst line trenches of a quiet sector Oft the French front " ' C -v "They are supported by some batffiries of our artifiery, in fts wrfitiofl with veteran French oauenes. - , ?*??... - . ? lector remains normal pBifSfeB have adapted 4hetp> iahw to actual trench cbndi tions in the most satisfactory manner." There is the plain matter-of fact Jypical millitary, ty pically American bulletin that ushers in tn epoch in the history of man kind For a mere war corres pondent to try to elucidate or add to a*M its simple words imply would be foolfch gind ynt? Will they go soon? Have days official statement took u^i tbfeit positit . Cm*1 >^v> * a-' * -? ? ^ [answer from-every side. Wlatt the feelings of these men wereiathat momeittis a haye'sinee testified, t&itno fin? setof wen bave evfer gone into action. A ioly f^ef seemed. these critical iime slacker." d "Intelligent public opinion, without, which we., cannot have democraejv the?; sum t#aT;bf the opiiuoib of indiVidua] citt zens. and the opinions of these citizens mustbe formed larger from thenews which is printed in the newspapers. ? "By failing to read the news* papers' and to consider its signif icance, a man is shriking his doQ*toitis dottntifc justfes^nriy as he is wbea he failslto express his opinions by casting bis vote. "I used to have, in other tin a roll of greenbacks handy always could dig up the to buy the kids some candy. 7 cried, **I have to have a borin< I stripped an X off and repl uGo blow yourself, doggone But now I never jhave a pli was threatened, but ft .ton jrfiift: in thetirhid. which the flames toward the tions which were stored 006 pier & fell prey to the flames. Pier 9. updo which It was said much | ezplosiye8 were stored* suffered less than SJ5 a month and lot exceed one-half of a Class A. In the case of a to his wife {including a foi wife divorced) and to his wi (b) If there be * Wife and one (c) If there be a wife and two should bfi ^alfalfa. Not teoUian^two h no hope of prices getting tional P<# <* death, run*! minimum of $20 monthlj mo?herlc8i^ildor|?m to a childless widow, tb* mum of $75 monthly to a i ?n case of total disability, the monthly compensatioimms from a minimum of $30, if the injured man has neither wife nor child Uvin ?. maximtJtri of $75 if he hiB a wife and three or more children living with$10 a month extra if he has* widowed, moth er dependent upon him. , The maximum is enlaced (till f u rthaifrior ? ; when the disabled E'i "7. 'i! ??&>?. ' . be added* If the disability is due to the loss of both feet, both hands or total blindness of both ly is ^antedf The law contemplates future for the c i lull pay V- & Washington, Oct. 27.--Amen can liberty rolled up $5,000,000,000 aior$"tomakethe world safe ^|^ocracy.n S confusing .7?Tk Ip Total ..$4,555,000,900 % Various estimated are being made tonight on the amount oi the over-subscription, some of the liberty loan optimists even asserting that -the figure may reach as high as $6,000^00.000. While there is little in the pro portionate increase of the fig ures of the last two davs to give support to1 a great over-subscrip tion, even the most conser vative men are predicting that the loan will go easily to half a million above the maximum. From every federal reserve district the re ports .were that the subscription? were coming in so rapidly that &was impossible to record them and tabulate them in any sort of speed to get to the Washington, headquarters tonight New sales were being reported by lele I At 9:30 o'clock tonight Secrei tarv McAdoo authorized the fol