QBrajSp ~w ICet U? Write Y< and we'll open:,' there met with the P3t County Comniittee of the National War Work Council' sixteen ol the prominent basiness ^nd profes iknal men of Greenville to gather with four of ihe city clergymen. - Mr. &. A. White, chairman of the campaign, pre sided. This meeting was cat** in order to lay before the-feadmg citizens the seriousness" of the caJl th? Nktioaal War, W&j? Council is making upon the United States for her soldiers and also for the so diers of lier allies. The Ftesiden' of the- L-nited -A program was mapped out Maereby every man oTFitt county will be given an oppor tunity this weefc to aid in this necessary and profoundly seri ous cause. Tfci* work fertile soldier* of oor own country - and those of the Y. fit C A.? the only med iom through which the Prdtesf till bodies of - America canaid raising Pitt cc jjaant was peri of the towns cr dividing the riows steS*? R. T urnage, Capt. R. W. and C. V. Cannon. |3 Beihel $500.00? S. M. Capt M. 0. Blount and SGriften 8S0.00-G. T, SC - S- X ?- .. iV -_4.. ?< v U is a im* thing homes against ai whose purposes, aware. But it is portant to guard other insidious foe under the disgui entertain#? td pi tfrOy fee cherish lofty standards a views that have g its character If it wiU &ailiar people with /if well as our own. A new light shines abofit us. ;Thegtert do ties of a new day awaken a new and,gteatec.a^tidna( ^spirit in us. We shall never again bo divided (nd while we render thanks -these things, let lis pray tight God th^ m i?i gipm* ess of spirit, we may Jook and purpose of service; p His grace our minds may irected~ancf our hands thened,- and that, in His worshipi tok; render thanks " 40 God, ihfixRuler otnations. "In witness ^ whereof I have hereunto. set my hand and caus ed the seal of the tjfihed States " Done in?the ^District ot Co -lumbia tjiis, ;7th daj^ Of ftovem bet,.tn the year oj^ur Lord one fte Admis^atojW' : "fands of tons of coal held for contract sale by jobbers are to be seized by ^Government in its pootinued effort to alleviatei stringent coal conditions J>re?a tert t h&uj&out Ihe couatfe< Dr. A. Garfield, Fuel Ad order directing federal adminis trators for tlie States to seize Wa m$mm ?n the a?r- ? m imBedi^l^Jobbere 3 be guarded against loss, but fat - & &j| js desirable thai sions of this ordfer ma effective without de of council of standing in tfcfi community, i? whose judgement ypU liave full confidence^ In effect, the order issued by Dr.Gaifieid provides^-^P0jK> 1? Jobbers must satisfy state administrators that contracts ai* bonafide and datech prior to the presidents proclamatian. ? m&? 2? They must prove amounts Hfceold contracted coal, and upationsof must designate the person whom coal shall be sold, amounts. t 4? Prices shall not ex< contract prices plus the p pet cent