The Red Cross recognizes neither party, nor race, nor creed. It is world-wide in scope and humane in purpose. It has no political nor economic ends to serve. It only asks where it can be helpful to men and women in distress ? afflicted by disease overtaken by some sudden disaster or caught in the ordeal of war. There it finds its place and opportunity. There it springs to serve man kind. The Red Cross is the Great Neighbor, it treats every man as a brother, and asks no return. If the world of toiling people is made a little more comfortable, a little happier, a little stronger for the struggle of life through its effort, the Red Cross is content. And while it is not affiliated exclusively with any religious body, it is essentially a Lay Brotherhood and Sisterhood of all denominations,putting in practice the teachings of all religions, ? unselfish service and good deeds. The works of mercy which it is banded together to accom plish are the result and evidence of its noble sincerity and inspiring faith. In tile great emergency of the present war the Red Cross is doubly enlisted In all it does to help us to win, it is help ing to save and maintain those ideals of faithfulness and honor, kindness and loyalty on which its own existence rests. And every man, woman and child who realizes this ? realizes the peril we are in ? and who can help fee Great Cause in no other way, can at least support the generous efforts ot the Red Cross. It is the best equipped agency in the world to bring succor in the day when only organized and well directed help can avaiL * V - *;V ? >' Knitting Women By KATHLEEN NORRiS. (*Of Mm million- sweaters fnrntthed by Ore Red .American vaMfers, ba? were made by tbe bands o t the iromen o#- America. "?January Report) \ We are the knitting women ; weaving swift Our webs of olive drab and navy gray;>^P^|SP We are the women, keeping thought away By this new work of love, this eager gift Through which our men, facing the hitter fight Under the stars of far and foreign lands, Shall know that still a million women's hands Uphold them in the darkness and the nighfc ' - - - We are the knitting women, knitting fast A web of >ve ; our million hearts are sent one, with.ev'ry marching regiment, Uive's-Qwa democracy is come at last. ot?t stricken France tiie black smoke towers; % the hurry and the noise t. ' western, northerrf, southern, boys, ^ We are the knitting women ; Reaving strong er j eur eyes with tears are dfan, or mother, we shall search for him >? seas, morning and even-song, M " ?we pray ? look down on what we dol ? * *- ' X- _ 1 _ _ L X ? H 1 Uj- n V *wv? ?? u vm I 1 1 I w ir w ? ? Biess thia oar work, help uato play our.parte The God of Battle*? Father, still Thou art Jhe God o* waiting? ? It bas jumped from S2.o0; a-WJOg Ji Franca to $80 a pound. Quinine ?r T?y badly needed In Italy, and this Bed Cross shipment has been nothing abort of a boon. ; '''% -.~1. Other items which give a better idea In terma of the things which mean rnosi to 'tte^vounded ar* 15 tons of chloroform and 25 tons of ether. These item* are beyond the power of the layman to visualize, bnt he can come nearer to picturing 2,000 bales or absorbent cotton, the (piantity asked for. ' : .r#^; 5- tV-i; * 3&MS&: i ?? - mmm 'r.jKi u? *.>'.>? ' . 1 1 -rfi^rr' door she bad her w&e at h?pto^hCTQ^^8et. | er waa Mra -Fariow. womanly and gentle site. not, moothgotvep her. No one he Has more was white. She the Rainbow e unfounded. i.\ ?'/ '? Informants ^should indicate the na ture and source of their information, as well -tea the time and place. ' . - ? Berlin newspapers' object to the tone of the Presidents latest mes sage, wherein he assures that nation that we shall use force to destroy force. Why their objections? Hasn't the kaiser declared he trants no soft peace? ? The Senate passed the bill to call t)p fV military s,syvice young men who have reached tne a??e of 21 since tHe 1 aft started. S - . >V " r'" Lwtao. Coffee frpor greri ha. It) cony. ? pat up in tins. Try it. tomorrow mornm* for breakfast. If it isn't all you expect, you can |jtt yoar mewey back t ; Luziano^' for aroma, fragrance and aoap.