======= = ister* by the general oonfcfoe of the Methodist Eptocop at Chare*. Sovth, indications were that. the next 1*8 oe to reach the debet? *u#? woold be the demand* of the woman for laity rights, already favorably act ed upon by the oonunittee on re The conference after a two-day per lhnanetary wrangle, adopted t?e mi nority report am the tffee Baft pro One hundred and two deaths In ty-j tag accidents occurred at eighteen avi ation camps in the United. States and at Camp Borden, Canada, where Ameiv ican flyers are training, up to Apri) U, the war department announoea. President Wilson has pardoned twc' soldiers of the American expeditionary force who had been condemned to tar Bleeding on duty. This is viewdc as an endorsement of Secretary Ba tart stand against title imposition oi the death penalty in the army* except in speeial cases. George TaBtancbe, a middleweight .boxer, prominent in the days of Jehu U Sullivan, and demonstrator of the famous "pivot punch." died at Law rence, Mass. . In his prime he p^r weighed 160 pounds, bat defeated the heat vagilisto otilft day. The pivtt blow has been barred from pugilistic encounters. Protests against 'the recruiting oi farm labor from farms and other e* seutiai industries in Seorgta, Alihyaa, Mississippi and Tennessee by private contractors working for the war de partment have been made to the de partment of labor and agrieoftsre and to the shipping beard. It is probable that the entire la hor problem will be placed in thr bands of the United States employ ment service. ? The claun is made by the president of the National Association of . Cottcra Ifanufacturera that textile mannfaotui* are face na cotton shortage daring the I coming jear and that the labor situa- 1 Tie addresses of men wounded or j killed to Jnrnce will be tfveh the public at-an early date. ? : Maj. Oscar A. Brindley and Colo nel Damm, two expert ariation men from (he McCook federal fiyin* field at Dayton, Ohio, met death at the Xo[ raine City aviation Add The mar chine dropped four handred feet in ?Ub(>b turn in the air. I 'i'. The Nicaraguan congress has declar. ed war on Germany and her allies. . British casualties reported during ?the past week reached a total of 38, Ol British, easualtlea reported during April, starting with low figures in the *st week, began to mount rapidly thereafter, so that the total for the month reached K.47I. The Overman hill, granting broad -powers to the president to reorganise and co-ordinate government depart ments, was ordered favorably report eft by the house Judiciary committee by a vote of 15 to L Provoat Marshal General OWwde* has iscued a requisition on all states, except SArisona, Delaware and VflT meat for 4,060 specially qualified reg istrants to go to camp May 30. Analysis of liberty Loan reports showed that probably seventeen mfi Hon persons bought bonds in the cam- ^ plifn which dossd'it midnight, Ma? 4, seven miflk* mow than in the second loan and twelve- million five hundred thousand more than in the L'L'-'TrT*' ^vhen 1 bound from New "Tort tor Savanna h, was rammed and sunk by a French cruiser of the Delaware coa& The missing include tea mon and two wops en who were passengers, seven out of twenty-four United States marines who were on board, fourteen out Of twenty French sailors and thirty-three members of the crew. Both ships were carrying running lights because of the heavy fog which: hung over the sea. Secretark Baker says it is unwise te set any limit on ,lhe number of men who may be called to the &)lora, and that the president should be grant ed -complete discretionary authority to increase the siSe St thsjirmj aa rap- ] Idly as transportation and facilities may wan-ant ? A* agreement on the bill extending" the selective draft law to youths at taining twenty; one years of age sinoe' June 5?J*17, "nas beenreached by thfe sqnata and house conferee*., they re tained the amendment , providing that Additional registrants shall be placed at the bottom of present eligible lists. Theological and medical students are exempt^Plf' '-'">5* IwLs ? Men already in the military servtoe who have attained thafr majority since lact June 6 will prpbably he required to register ift order that- they may be sent to any branch of 'gjie service re gardless of what they are now in. A billion dollar appropriation for sir craft production has been asked of congrees by the war department p Oyer ftte bQlion dollars?nearly, si* - , - Ice law can be sent^toywhere In the worid to fight for the United State*, Is the decision of the Supreme court Representative iPlood -of Virginia, iii seeking tp prevent the^twrn at Ainer Errrope whawen^IoyaL- * J* The Bolgheviki demandA-ithe return of American and French consuls at Yladivaatok and iaks that^their .-Ttfrl card s be rtven ?i;thoropgh ii&vestiga 2 director Gene announce his d< dationa of the : *lq* to the pro. ?tecommen ge ettamia m twenty r all classes ?renclose wm that a ta le oh this ) question. ted by the y, and he itfiito tfeat 5-v3rhe eight hour Section by the mleslon, and It ia rorable report vr, phase of the ^al! g May 20 h|p .be< president aa, Red ? ? it* a *? 4 uSfonTSuorS government broad mWr powjBW to phn ish disloyal acts and utterances. Penalties of twenty years' Imprison ment or a fine of $10,000, or both, ate provided In the sedition WD for contemptuous ot_ abusive ^^nguaga; about tile United States or the govern ment, or the form of government, or the flag, or for those who are convict ed of favoring Germany or faeraffiea in the present war. ; Some senators thinfec that tha se dition bUI ^ i^ contnuT to the federal cpnstitatio$ taarantee ing^free speech, bnt there is ffitW doubt of the pgasage of the measure: American troppa onthe French ficont not far from Montdidier have been un der a storm of sheQa Ibr coma time,, projectiles containing high explosives being mingled Jtfth. those charged wltk poisonous gas flred into the lines held in action on the British lines along! the Vital sectors of the battle front in France. p?. ??...? : : - ^ The Australians have advanced their lines upward of thtto-quarter* of a mile near Morlrsncourt, east of Amiens. The Canadians' have hit the Ger mans hard in the Arraa sector, wWotf isj ond of the moot Important fronts oij the wastern Una. % | jHeavjr fighting may. be_reeumed_?t any time, is the agreement of all the correspondents. Heavy rains have prevented a German ru*h, bat there ia a drive.-' V 1118111 SECRETARY BAKER 8AY8 FO??; " CA?T8 MADS BY HIM HAV? 'W '?tr f- ft BEEN 8URPAMBD. 'v 'vv rV: 2te*aaaHfci*ffig:'k !-fi iMmi Irat Official Utterance Indicating Even Indirectly Number ?# M an - ?? 3: . . ! ?M B ? ?'>.??! I :r Washington.? More than half a m% ilon American soldiers have bean seat to France! Secretary Baker authoriz ed the statement that Ida forecast to Congress in January that WO, 000 troopa wolud be dispatched to France early In the preeenf year had now been surpassed, - 1 i i j Mr. Baker dictated the following statement: v-; . "In January I told the senate com mittee that tb>re was strong likeli hood that earlytn the present year 600,000 American troops would be pis patched to Prance. I cannot either tow or perhaps later discuss the num. ber of American troops in France, but I am glad to be ?ble to - say that* the forecast X: made In January has been surpassed.'' No Machine Quit Shortas*. Aa a result of a psrsopal iUTe^ti these weapons either tt France or ia America and no shortage is in pre* ?m :: 51 My. Baker said there had teen no question as, to thftlaappiies of light m '-in**** 'mmmt -ot -mm guM to- France lU?:l)M? fWfc4. il to the h^lBoWilMK 6. ?M ??j most cure. Ke would ??t ampiiiy ine statement in any way and epeciBcally Heked that the press refrain from speealajtlon as to what precise figure# his gruarded remarks covered or am to wut po..ibiii^. oJ^n, Increase in the fore? thwe might be f' There haa been repeated official an nouncements, howt.73^, that the go* erament is bending arery energy to rushing men acroea to back ap the 1 affled lines^ln franca, and officers dl rectly in charge , of the traasportatf-O have expressed satisfaction with the progress being.; made. . There to , no doubt that the present force of Amer ican troops there represents only ?mall part of the total strength thai will bo available before the summer ^ H s'. . i WMhJng^n. ? Utf aUttori raising the,dwfUg??>40 ye|?? was diacw ed aa ,in > po*ibiMty w#Wn ?; fo* months at a meeting pf Provost Mar Bhftl General Crowder and tie honse military conunlttee/ AHhoagh General Crowder made bo specific recoan>* Bd atlons members of the committee said afterwards that the war department was considering a plaa for change*. An appropriation of 4U.WM0I was aiktd by 3eaeral Crowder for ex penses of the draft for the aozt flacal year. Registration of man reaohinf the age of 21 will require the eaamk nation, he cald, ct half a million more: men than ^rigtfctlt|rf;^ irHAlN ' The flailactlon onthe c!o?in* the pool rooms waa ?re of th? places. had mmu ther po.tpo.7m.nt otm day ift order tfcat'fc eent additional armament why the matter should aol at os?# and tha rota ; troduced by etitute toTi