wmm 1?18 - ? " ? S ? ! ? ? HBSSra?. SS0p WB&. ? ? 'r-'- ' ' More American Fatalities From j Sew Epidemic Here Tbap FromGenwuiGtms iff France. ' ? > Copyrigit. 191$, bj Geaertl Welfare Leagae Within three short weeks Spanish Influenza has developed . .? - ITT^ - -? y Z.." and spreadstrmdely ond-Tapi^jr that America's deafe rotf here at home isgreatertfcaii that oif alt of her & arati^ia Eaio0. Moreover, Ihe numberot pr^ t rations from this <#sease from day to day io America is pro bably greater than the combined casualty lab of all of the fight in g forces engaged in this great Worid War. The number of * cases in New York City alone has increased from a total of 47 cases and no deaths reported to and ?Q$luding September 20th 'm* t* 3,J panic there is every reason for swift action in the erection of effective barriers against the sprea* enpt Only to artempt to enter an over crowded street car, balked, upon hearing someone execute an utterlytnsapprtsatd sneezer and ed, he Jrti<lefeS^ver ' New York's frightful congestion in surface, subway and eievaltil cars; on wharves and shift is more clearly than, ever before; tad, terrible as is the deathroll of this plague, if It awakens the Ameeican people to a realization of the fact that the preservation of the public healthby a per Mpal warfare agaifei disease is aaPclearly and ibsofctfely a func tion ol the general government at is the coatrolof the army and navy in this Great War for the wondered whether, when the i hig death roll of this epidemic is! finally counted, people will still think that New York with its huge waite of mechanical force man power and even human life itself, due to its monstrous con* gestion of humanity at a point where there is economic justi Nation for only a small city is really worth while. ? Of course, the disease is pread ing elsewhere, but only r/hefe ihere are overcrowed condi tions equivalent to little N r&Vim fts ravS^es Ma dc ly nature. In the interest of national ef4 ficiency and *d^t& the Federal Government fm recently ex tended its ownership and con trol in a manner scarcely dream ed of by even the most radical ptrhaps this matter of Govern jome directions; "but there is ob viously one direction in which it has fallen far short of the goal which it should reach in the in terest of the general welfare, aadthatisin the matter oCpc? Mrs. R A. Parker died ! jjrv / ' ' 1 jp ?.; jjpif*. >b Continued encouraging re- ! ports of ; t&j* abatement 1*1 influenza epidemip generally over the Slate, with reported in creasees of but few ne\ the north western cOui caused the $tate Health depart-] meat to fig# to the of tobacco markets on day November 6th. Tj This decision was reached by the State Board of Health yes terday following a conference between Stateheahh authorities representative warehousemen and officials of the United ~ Public Health service. Notice] <jf the lifting of the closing throughout the warehouses. *;-? :.x Raleigh, Oct. 29.? Both politi cal parties have in their State platforms unanimously endorsed the Si* Months School Term Amendment to be - voted on Tuesday, November 5th. The General Assembly passed the rs of boti* political parties ctively advocating its adopt and working for#it. No adoptidm^e fcjWflrent 4g thoughtful, patriotic citizen of the State. Everybody who loves the children of North Carolini and desicw to give them ? better ehrocc thaa thsy have ever bad for a better education in 8 time demanding better * preparation through education for everybody than ever before, ought t<? vote menlousjmportance to the prea ent' acd |^Uif? progress and prosperity jrf.otg beJqv^dStttt. spsf ? cover Iter coming in contact Hfa es. Do not put hands fc, safer to dip hands in yftfc two bichloride P l and gargle three tjnies lisolving one level tea* iter. Snuff vaseline up >lenty m\ water, end get spoonful oliaalt SICK ROOM: Mt. ? T'A , day Jind furniture and clothing. E PATIENT; covering to keep warm, tare and give food at ur) , and keep a record rtfljS give. The record should beeper minute mmm. Never use tioawandtl hot water LXfc. - ? V ? r < " ? ?? - t degees or more put nbs with camphore itiect under cover, [f patient gets cold Of iron to feet and water. Keep bowels inge clothing Washington Oct. Mil-Over fifty thousand Austrian troops, hundreds of guns and innumer able machine guns have been captured by Italian and arlied forces on the Italian front, and an official dispatch today from Rome. The J$2nd Amelican. Infantry regim&ii|j{gg ,J;?one \fflf action and the fighting now ex tends practically all along the course of the Paive river. The Austrians are resisting stubborly. throwing in many hew diuisions, but have not been able to stop the advancing forces. ''Our. offensive is developing farther south,** said the^ dispatch, "and" sketches practically all alongr the course ot the Piave. The' line between the Brenta and the sea is strongly. held by the greater part of the Italian army alongside of which is the 14th^rmy corps of British troops and a French division. The 332nd American Infantry regi ment is now also in action. 'The enemy is resisting with exceptional stubbornness and is throwing into tbe fray n^w divi sions, witbaut, however, being successful in holding back our trnniM AaericwAWaBnW Dowfl21Germaa Aviators . -, ; ;ih ;r With the America Army Northwest of Verdun, Oct. 30? Thenty-one German aviators were downed today' by Ameri can chasing aviators. It was a banner day in American avia tion, considering the number of victories achieved oyer the Ger mans. Two American airman are missing. The aerial activity began early this morning and,' aided by the dear weather, American bombs were succesful in attacking var has now jgotton beyond the con trol of the military party and that the (German people are the force which is driving the Get man government to make for ending the war. ^Anothia* note" from the Ger man government explanitory of 1 the charges that have been made or are projected in the German constitution and form of govern ment lyap received today through the Swiss legation, but the State Department did not make it pub lic This note was understood to be su >plementry t6 the pro* ceding (German communicatioa saying t) the President that he must have knowledge of the efforts tnat have been made to democratize Germany. THE . I ; ' ver, the] did not reader. PRESIDENT VOTES Tberti was a news item in Wednesday's News and Obser full signifance of which occur to the casual It ran as follows: Wast ington, Sept. 24? Presi dent Wilson returned to Wash ington tonight from Princeton, N. J., ? here he cast |iis ballot in accomjanied the Presidental party as far as Trenton, con tinued to Jersey City, where he votes. It is along way from Wash ington b. C, to Princeton, N. J. But the President went , all the way to cast his vote in a primary? to make known his choice, to exercise his privilege to do his duly by his' State and . country. The] President is the busiest and.the most burdened man in . this county. If ever a man had excusq to neglect the ballot, he had. put he tooi^ the time, he e trouble, he put his im cares aside in order to [ilf? ' iA T ! T .*. ?*/!?> :fr $4? ' . * y did the President vote? . has gotten out of politics all a man Can get. It was cer for no penonaT selfish He has said that while .^aris on, "Politics is ad d." Theawhy did he vote? , President voted because country needed his vote? as ?4s every good citizen's vote, e voted in order to make it ((continued on page 2) .

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