Yon an Ad. ? ? V . mily is not sble to pot his mind ? business before him. Tor thU i the Borne Service Section ot HMvktt Bed Cross hu bees or td, and to the folk* at borne 4t i neighborllness, counsel and aid nation's assurance to the enlist n that bla family Khali suffer for Mattel thin* that is within its toftreL for {Mailt the workers of the Home Sorites section, so thatthey may be able to efficiently deal with the very real problems that are before them. It is not the-pdUcy ef the section to force upon families the aid of die Bed Cross nor to burden them with inter ference. No family should be ap proached unless some member of the family or some person capable of speaking for them has asked for the ser^fc* Because It H tile desire at the. Committee on Chrffia* Belief un der whoss direction ttm sml cocoes, to keep the service of the bureau strictly confidential, the wearitag of any uniform by the Home Service workers has been discouraged. They can simply as friends and try to call immediately when requested. In no lsstanoo is a 'visitor permit ted to pry ttfttjbs secret* of fam ily. 1Mp to always ready,, and the call usually comas from the man ia the sendee hia**UL Through-Oa work ers In (ho camp or at the front he Jeans that his family may be assisted, and if he does net hear regularly or eneooragingly he Is Quite ipt to talk over with the. Bed Czpja man or wo aii^ flpim'his borne when he I earns of the friendly interest, an d Lfrlag is more difficult lor every war tfMfcjmd the mothers are L By JEANNE JUDSON. he?weW Horror, has dried the wells from Like wee crusaders of the long aj Their phantom banners In the bi If one should call outTollow I" would run. learned msn&Kgsfr&T' ? ? - ? ? - - IFTI, HEAD OF THE MOHAMMEDAN \HW kHnmi AT AMERICAN BED CHURCH (A CROSS HEAD. TAKE PART IN THE FORMAL INAUGURATION OP Hi '? N ' the ill-treatment of prisoners is not like occurrences in battle, committed in iot blood or ignorance. It is de liberate, coUJ-blooded cruelty and ought to b* punished if tlwre is any -r iuj 1~*1. i_ 1]>? nrnuM n 1 WItJ. TKM OCCTJpPf5 will temper Sandwich Plates ing for tfo , League to Enforce Peecc. He cancelled these speaking engage ments and stated that he wop.:d to noto to WabfagtoB- . >>* GERMANY MUgT RETURN . THE STOLEN MEASURE Mr. Wihon Considers That His h Highest Doty at Present Lies in France, Arranging tfle Fi nal Terms ef Peace. Vice -Pres ident May Act For Him Here. Congress met on Monday o^ last week, "for the short session ending ^(aMh;,4. For the first time in the ciJtuftry's history it faced a situation Where the President of the United Sthtes would be absent from the country for a number of weeks. This caused much excitement, many mem bers of Congress condeming the Pres ident's plan and others approving it. There was great surpise when it was learned that Woodrow Wilson was to go &e a regularly appointed plenipotentiary of the United States. His commission as plenipotentiary will have to be signed by himself as President. . -? The President's chief purpose In attending the Peace Conference it is understood, is to support and de fine his twenty-three . peace points, specially the first fourteen of them. Those points were accepted by Gerraany and the Allies as the broad basis of peace. Question has arisen us to the exact meaning of some of them, and Mr, Wilson's presence is desired to explain the. exact meaning. He wishes, toe, to see that ouly a just and 'lasting peace is made, and > Me which* is in harmony with Amer ican ideas. He considers this his most important duty-at present/ far more urgent than attending to routine bus iness ot Washington.- - r - . ? On the eve of the President's de Sd that he had" asked Vjce-1 ?? dent Marshall to remain^ Paris, Dec 9. ? (Hovas)? Alien ation or mort^pn of nilwayB, mines oil other undertakings in which the German notion is interested is for hidden by a decision announced by the mixed conference being held at Sj>a. Foreign stocks befogging to Germany, os well as fcold in the Beich bank, come under the -provisions of the decision. It is announced that ne lie records, nrticles of art an J bills of bankr of f iance ami Belgium taken by the Germkns during the war win be returned. Bestoratiou of cash or barjk notes will be made to Belgium . during the present month. It is also ^ agreed that Germany will rehiit to the Allies the gold taken out of Rosafc? especially , 23,OOO;j0OOfraT^ca Received for Europe m an oramary transport .will embark for home in a transport of delight MimBtAU Iter 200 feet Farmville, - of staple