/f Pays To Advertise Through The Columns of The Ffcnnvfile Enterprise rr REACHES ? THE PEOPLE Let U? Write You an AA ? ? ' '??? Published by The Rome Printery - :m - Sub?cription$1.04 a'Y? ? 1 | ? vol*. IX Aside from the importance of the conclusions reached it was especially rotable as being the fiat time that the voice of the United States had takes the direction in the concert of Euro pean powers on fee most serious European question bow present ed There was added signifi cance iff the fact that an Ameri can president in person bad taken leadership in fte council mafe up chiefly, of ?niopesn statesmen and s had pointed $ way which they had unanimous ly arfopfcd.*" General John J. Pershing, the | American commander4n chief, has been called to Paris, and Tt is expected that he will be the etiitary member of the Ameri can representative of the joint Proposal of President Wilson Meets Approval of Afiies and Associated Powers FACTIONS ASKED TO BOLD PEACE CONGRESS President Wilson Decides To Resume. Sessions of War Cabinet,' Purpose of Meeting in Paris To Discuss Erooo flric Problems Involved in Aranvtia. ?????? Parisian. 22.? President Wil son the supreme council of the great powers today moved- to unite the factions of distracted Roe&a and bring them into the peace congress. They unanimously adopted a proposition brought forward by PraKdent^laB^ asking all the Russian factions, including the Bolshevists io meet the allied and associated governments at Prince's Islands ra the Sea of Minora on Feb. 15* the .contend ing factions meantime declaring a truce and suspending all mili tary operations. The joint commission of the associated governments will be announced as-soon as the Rus Twelve MiUjoo Dollar Organi zation Being Formed j To Mfafcet Staple Atlanta, . Jan. 21.? A $12,000 cotton corporation is in process of formation by farmers and others interested in the cotton industry according to a state ment here tonight by J. J. Brown, commissioner of agriculture of Georgia. Mr. Brown's statement followed a meetind here Mon day between himself^ Daniel J., Stilly and farmers of Georgia and South Carolina. As described by Mr. Brown the corporation will serve as a marketing and financing agency ?a medium between thepro ductr "and the spinner of cotton. It will provide a cotton exchange for the farmers of the southeast em belt and will eventually stop short speculative seHingr on the cotton exchanges he said. The directors will lease, buyor build warehouses in which farmers may store their coiton for a small charge. If it is necessary money will be advanced on the cotton. The corporation will emprace the entire cotton states in it activity* but will be chart ered in Georgia with headquart eru probably in atfcmta. Commissio n bads. C8rt>r ?g preferred. V' Riverside Refining Co., - Cleveland, Ohio. rose m price So Great That It Has Been K posible So Far To Esti mate It. -< ? ?;? ??- i Brussels, Jan.21.? Thus far it has been impossible to estimate the extent of damafre caused f~ Belgium by the Germans or fix, even approximately / amount of indemnity which E gium will demand from Ger Wmm many. | In the majority c which the Belgians were allow ed to operate during German oc cupation, the plant remains, but everywhere all stocks of raw material have been entirely re moved. ; In the other factories which the Belgians were not aliowedto operate there was a systematic removal of all the machinery which was dismantled and sent toGerinany. The names of the German manufacturers to whom the machinery was shipped have been ascertained. Belgian industrial circles seem to be divided whether to attempt to recover the stolen machinery from Germany, ndw necessarily worn, or to buy new machinery abroad and to make the Ger* mans pay for it. ? ' . BiSSSBKarMn^^gi The Ttlte Y. a * A. * TWf-HiK* % ?, H?odillliH Pr*frtm I tor the and it U8 Jesus . as ii ig series is id wfljUhejtt of work 1 clear dp tb? if the slol equivalent impossible before the RKothing establishnv which atrai 200,000- toni furnaces, 1 foqrpO-toi sets of flatc been desire the Itfitna Winery or its tinea it will be ne production of .nest year. ? mains of the Irale Chateau rned out about were blc were d$ ^e sup damage mts to several Be- 1 Cr<: to enumerate bave left than ibe the ruin ~r': ? ;1 ? ii ? . - Wires Slate Councib to Urge Immediate Resumption of ' c* vTJct : ? L w ~ iv"i t' sSCVr Immediate resumption of pub Uc constraciion is urged on State, county and municipal aiithori* if in a telegram sent by Secre< of War Baker, chairman of ? Council of National Defense, and approved by Secretary of tabor Wilson, to all State coun^ cils. The telegram follows: J "Reemployment Of discharged soldiers, sailors, and war work ers released from war industries is one of the most important tasks before country. We strong ly urge that in sections where surplus of labor exists all public improvements be advanced in order to absorb labor. We astf that you use all influence' with State, county, and munidple authorities to this end. Prelimi mediately in order thai neces sary authority may be secured in time for operations upon opening of construction season." Hicks, the Hardware man, is overstocked on Syracuse Plows is going to cut them loose in the next 60 dayfe marriage to his first idle to bit writhe fteridueof hit estate to the executors of the wiff in trust The executors are directed to ap ply the income of the estate to the use of his widow, and authorizes Mrs. Roosevelt to dispose of the principal of the trust to his children in such shares and portions,- *nd either abso lutely or upon any trust limitation^ respectively as fcha fchall desire. In the event that Mrs. EooseveHTfails to make such disposition of the principal it is bequeathed to his children. Why has Hicks, the Hani- 1 vyare man, been so succe^sfjil i" 1 >?? -'4.- -ijj:- . ' . liA ?T - the hardware business? It is because he has been eternally on the job and given the people ^rvice ?M quaKty' and saved them money on their hardware ? I Mrs. Lebaudy, Who RiUed The "Emperor," Exhonorated by N. Y, Grand Jury Mineola, N. Y.,; Jan. 21.? Ex honorated by the Nassau county grand jury of a first degree mur der charge, Madame Jacques Lebaudy returned late today to her home in Westbury, wfcere on January 11 shesboj and kil led her excentric husband, the self-styled "Einperor of Sanarah". She was accompanied by her 15-year-old daughter, Jacqueline, for the preservation of whose happiness, more than for her own safety, she says, killed her hut band. My fondest wish is that I will be permitted now to rest in se clusion, was her only comment 6S she left the jail. News of her exhonoration was taken to Madame Lebaudy. by Mrs. fhineas Seaman, matron of the jail, at 3 o'clock, shortly after the grand jury had reported no indictment.77 Madame Le baudy, who had paced her quart ers in the jail nervously through out the afternoon, fainted but quickly recovered. She was kneeling, With a crusifix pressed to her breast, and offering a fer vent prayer in French when her attorney entered to confirm Mrt. ?to'v obtain^, at* written order for bis client's release, Jacqueline was summoned by phone from the home ot Rev. Willi# F. McGinnis, of Westbuiy, her mother was imprisoned. : Before she ieft the jail Madame Lebaudy asked that her thanks be conveyed to the membeters of the grand jury which had freed her, ' AU kinds of colors in patyfo for automobiles at Hicks Hard V -V .1- .. mmm Pfe;-:.. A sharper is a keen man witk a dttH conscience '' ' ' '? If you don't believe Hicks, the Hardware man, will save you money on hardware, try him. . . ;T2li ?? v:- ? V ?. *? London Papers Comment On Steps Under Way in Tfaat Direction London. Jan 21. -(British Wire leg} Service.)? The Westminster Gazette says the peace confer ence itself has not readied the point of discussing the bringing to justice of the former German Emperor but that a step in tha? direction has been taken by the presentation of the report of the French jurists upon the persona! responsibility of the former ruler. A commission under the chair man&ipof Sir John MacDon nell is considering the same mat ter, but has not yet delivered its conclusions which will also be placed before the peace confer ence, it adds. The Daily Mail says that the ex-Emperor in his letter (in which he says "Everything must be put to fire and sword, men, women and children, and the aged must be slaughtered and ho tree or house be left stand ing") confesses his war crime. It is perfectly within the com pretence of the peace confer ence to nominate an interna tional court and require this tor Tender of the ex-Kaiser by Hol land, not on the (round be is a German general or author oH|p. war;' but because he . Ass tf, -iii . ; bS , the long run no nation stands to gain more by the punishment of the guilty than the Germans, since it is in Germany that the moral prestige of their methods was jrnd is most deeply rooted." ADVISES PROCEEDINGS AGAINST EX-EMPEROR London, Jani 13.? Proceeding? a* gainst the former German emperor are advised in a special report by a ?ub committee of the commission charged with inquiring into violations of the laws of war, appointed two months ago. The patent body has done a great deal of work through its subcommittees each . of which was assigned some particular phases of violations charged against enemy countries. j Plans ftr * trflmaml which will try cases in which violation? of the laws of war are alleged already have been submitted. One of the mart difficult phases of the work has been the inqqjry into f yi, f nr1** n V of prisoner#,' ilheir em ployment behind the firing lines, ille pral methods Of warfare, the misuse of the Bad Cross Iflag. bombardments, of hotptolils and the execution of Hiss Edith Cavell and Captain Ftyatt* ?

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