IC Busies/', main U.S. lat end. Soon as th^ suggsibon was made, there came a ready re sponse iiom Ma. f, % Eaogin the forav el a $100 donation Mr. mm ' ? ? -ve_ : 2**V. '/- > iL. ? v that i! they jreuld bay grounds and raise sufficient toflt such; a play ground per cent ft* J ting Vocetia school, begk C0mmurt?:0ii^ ifl ?fcw? hope toMtake the course out noHQtof tat&L &? T&e whk&'-ftis assess ie provides thatthe 4 " ' ' ? "&Zi -vv. County or mumcK In 1B9 under the w3i dwtenrtaa?? *fid wilt only suggest the} most compe tent fmen.^ Aft? the County Supervisor is selected to us, we t ust every tax payer each and every COunfy of . the State wiU fully co-operate with him to the end that he will be Sbtef to ?msmimi ijag au^ Made Sdag Struck iriotpxi remaioedin a comatose condi tion 'till U o'clock Sunday morn ing| Ths^blo# w?? struck by Nick Sajeeby, at the store of 3. Simon on Dickinson avenue. Saleebv *vos in the store at tkat hour, when several negroes entered^ and Whiius Is oH^red to lrave used insultipg languiee to a young ladv employee and ta-bave curled the -#bde;%en present, stating that 6 they did 'i not *et oat of his way Se ^vo^cut-them out. He fe said He ^wsh^ betvvcon^the^you ng Ssntfcking^mun^do1^