? We are showing some very Pump and Oxfords ? embracing aif tl Leathers, and Full Louis Covered ? HOSIERY TO MATCH Gentlemen ? ^ "TV. ?*?.-? .??Air.:. ?. We are showing the highest grade of Ox fords, All Colors, StyU^h Lasts. Manhatten ? _ __ ; _ Shirts, Stetson, Legons -Panamas and Straw Hats. B: A. J0YNER, Mgr. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Taylor I Thursday night for Richmond, Bom to Mr. ani Mrs. Oglesby Monday, April l4tb, n son. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moore speni last Sunday wiih friends in Rocky Mount Mr. Mack Pollard reached home last week after . several monihs service oversea. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Askew andJMrs. E. C. Beaman were Greenville visitors Thursday. Mr. A. B. Moore and Mr. Johnie Joyner motored over to j Greenville Thursday afternoon Mr. EdrKwKt, of Washington, spent Wednesday and Thursday here the guest of his brother, *Mf.R^TEi^?dkv Pnoi andMrs- G. R. Wheeler, W. P. and ^tfis. Jordan, and Mrs. O. L. Patterson were visitor* in Kinston last Saturday. Mrs. H. M. Rouse and ? child j ren, of Goldsboro, are spending a few days in the city this week the guests of relatives. Messrs. B. E. Moore and J. D. Jones* Students at Randolph Macon, B -Word City, Va., have arrived home to spend easter with their parents. Rev. and Mis. W. P. Jordan and children, Mrs. Flora Patter son and Supt G. R. Wheeler motored > over to GreeAvilie Thursday afternoon. Save your Piedmont Cigar ette boxes. 7 l_will pay 35c a hundred for all empty Piedmont boxes?Hole! New York Rests u ram, PanJ Hill, prop. 1 Hear McNairy at the Christian church next Monday afternoon and Town Hall at -night. another^ Special mtisic at the Presby ?Jerian church Sunday morning and St "night. > At the morning service Miss Ada Gray Dtxon will sing; at night Miss Ruby Rigsby. The public invited. * Some fifteen or twenty of the Farraville citizens, motored over to Goldsboro Wednesday to wit ness the races and game of base ball between the New York Americans and the Brooklyn Nationals. ?' ?' ? . ? * V- ? ?- ? -O y t * ? i The Fountain baseball team defeated the Farmville team to the tune of IS to 5 on the latter'? diamond to day, and seemed to show that the lyase team 'was lacking in practice, a?d it is' hoped thf^|he next game wilt show much . improvement We catf joijr attention to the advertisement appearing else where in thfcissue-of tta firm of Batchelor Bros, of Greenville, w-ho invite you to make their store headquarters when in their city. - They catty the most com plete line of 'Gents furnishings to be found m eastern Carolina. Read (heir ady . for particulars. There will be services as usual at t^ Methodist church Sunday. In keeping with Ihe Easter oc casion, the subjects both morn ing and evening will be suited !Oy*lhe$ da^f Aat; the ft&ooM exercise* begin at W o'clock; and -last only one hour the morning -service wifi bijgin immediately afterward at 11 o'clock. Special music at both ser-"ices?:* -? Among thoj e frOm Farmville wedding: at ttugo Tuesday, we iflfi ^THwEd' Mrs. ? ?> . . . -l ' bt" bynum-hazelton. The swift.dartstff Cupid have agahi been busy ?t JjMfe men? sport of playing with glad hearts, shy adroitness caused a sensa tional breeze to. follow in bis wake. .-^#5 &-.1 So oa . Tuesday , aftfrnooa, N. E. Mr. John Turner Byn?iB^ Far^ viile, and MissSalfe F03; Hazel ton-Stool at itre ;??* meiw antf imM tteift -lives |n est bondage. I? ^g before the ceremony the house was crowded with friendt and relatives^ Promptly a! 3; o'clock to M ettchaxtfmg "strains ol Mendelsohn's Wedding March beautifully rendered by Mrs. J, k _ Shackleford, the attractive; bride, attired in a traveling suit of midnight blue, with1 acces, series to match, carrying a shower bouquet of bride's roses, and leaning on the arm of the groom, entered the parlor. They were met by Rev. M,. Craig, o^ Kinston, who solemnly and im~ pressively made them man and Wi^? After the ceremony, the happy, couple, amidst congratulations and best wishes, left for Farm ville, where they took the Nor folk Southern train for Rich-1 mond* Baltimore, and other northern points. They were the recipients of numerous beaUJi ful and useful presents. The bride, a graduate nurse of theKinston ijospilal, is one. of the sweetest and purest types o? womanhood that ever threw the halo of endearment around the hearts of those who can ap preciate the true and the good in God'sbest gift to man. The groom, an admirable and worthy . gentleman, is highly esteemed by all who know him. May the little bark that has just been launched on the broad, beautiful sea of life, freighted with two lilad and trostful hearts, encounter no gales, and at the end of a long and happy voyage, may they safely anchor in the ha*en of rest. attendant. finn(foy,April 20th. f Special Masonic, Services, at the Presbyterian church Sunday 1 1:30 a. m. Subject, ?'Masonry? A Moral Science".: All ?xpock Sunday night .at 8:30. Subject, "The Resurrection". There will be aft Special program and good music for each service. Public % kind permission - of the Editor, I desire to express to the return sferviceln the Master's Hai, L RUMLEY, Self-Rising Flour, and youTT keep right mm lot*. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Seising Flour r; juits, waffles and cakes that are more than t It takes the guess out of 4>akiiig. It has % % the exact proportions, the very best baking salt. You don't have to buy them extra; P. Bake the family plenty of the good things * flour. Buy a bag of OCCO-NEE-CHEE )day. Look for the Indian Head on the bag. Ilpl ii*i htlJ . it -JK " ."S AUSTIN-HEAI : __? ??? . ? ^ . ??" v :vr-r;; W: y - -" ? ?".yU * >r . 'iuW: A7 r WANTED- -Pupil nurses. Park Vi^w Hospital. Requirements? references and one years High School work or equivalent standing before *.v Tbree^year couse, pay $8.00 per month. Rocky Mount, N.C. I 1 ISPs-' have jiritre lease you, ai Ygoods, and Let us serve you once and Wfl continue Wilson