Our line of Silk Ladies, Gentleman a ' - S - -V ' ' reo is complete. Cc ' : -? ^ let us show you. 3 we have the Besft, al V. Colors. B. A. JOYNER, Mgr. *** Miss Elspeth Askew has re , tnrued home alter being away . a few days. Farjp^3 e eoing. *.vsf.w Joyner & Co. f| Tfcc Mothers Club wiH meet next Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Myrtle By num. FOR SALE? Sevefal Barrel of Corn? Hubert }o>ner, Farm viiie, N. C. Note the change in the adver tisement of G. M. Holden, the Overland dealer. He has just received several new 90's. Altogether for a good clean Social Club for Farmville. Fcos-j peels are now looking' mighty! good^ Some over thirty 'have! aiieady pledged themselves. Just received 100 tons High Grade Fertilizer, Nitre Soda and Top Dressing? B. A. Joyner |c Co. | Farmeville's Social Club is steadtly growing. Thirty charter members have so far sighed up and cashed in. If you are among those who haven't already sign ed up, see the promoters at once ind do so. Earmville neectsmore attractions of a social nature and i good clean, live social club will help wonderfully. Suitable quarters can be se-cured at ? reasonable price, so come on in as a charter member for loss money. North Carolina, j ...JFarravflle Pitt Comity I Township wM ' ?> ?: Yt.' ' W6'Vv .4 S. H. Cruikshank and Bank of Farmville. M $ >oai. Jiw. JL> a suramot in the above entitled action was issued against Said defendants on the 29th day of^iApi? 91^by W.C. Joytfer, a "Justice d| the Piece of Pitt Count}, North Carolina for the sum j.o|: ?50.00 due said con tract, : r JLJ JIJJ turnable before said * * bringing: in of the latent money. At the February meeting:, each member was given the small sum of five cents, and the result was beyond the bopes of even the most optomistic, for the count brought in was $125.00. g Mra ffoliien proved to be a most charming hostess in the unique manner in which she entertained. Being tlxe Easter season her home was attractively decorated with ?he beauties of Spring Easter KJlies, dear little chicks and cute little bunnies greeted you everywhere. After being served a delicious punch we were ushered into the Library where an Easter egg hunt was enjoyed, all entering into it with real childish glee. Mrs. -Christman proved to be the most successful" one in finding the greatest number of eggs. To refresh us from the hunt we were taken tnto the dining room where' a deliciotis ice course was served. The President of the Society, Mrs. J. W. Parker, with a few well chosen words thanked Mrs. Holdenforthe pleasant evening and the ladies for the enthusias tic use of their talents. Atf left wishing that another such eastet would soon come again and Mrs. Holden would be our hostess. The guests of honor were Mrs. J, T. Harris, Mr. W. Leslie Smith, city, aud Mrs.fi. M. Hot of Goldsboro. ? - - ? . . ?- < *al - - Aft amateur cook CHEE ^a^f-Risuig for supper. Look for the Indian Head on the bag. ? " standing before State Three year couse, p*y month. Rocky Mount,