Onmissioners to Invcsti Resignation. r ? ACTKMI OF STATE BOARD IS SEVERELY GRITISED Coa&tjr : Doctors and Public ViWEfatUpOm Radical Change of Office. A? surprising in its orgaDiza tiooasa bolt from a perfectly clear sky, the report that was circulated throughout - ibis sec tion of the state late yesterday aft^nsj^ki that Dr. C P. Fryer, director of public health work in Pfntaraty had been request) ed by Ifce State Board of Health to rcrif n, was nothing more Metrical in its suddenness, thoroughly competent ser aad unremitting labor that officer has installed in .* atttibg the people of itory during the past few ?? r-"- ? has made such an impression TT. - v i . | tout* of the Suite BotfM o* from of i ice was preie^fetHStlhe regular monthly session of the County Medical Society con ducted in this city the part Thursday evening and while it produced so tittle sensation amoug the majority of the mem In the least disturbed over the occurence, being intelligently informed as to the conditions of the local health work, and the Ijccomplishaients of the health administration. The meeting of feeding some of j^he most jraaiMBt awl best informed medical men of the county, and alter the conditions of the ment of the Board of Health bad been thoroughly discussed, the past achievements of the county health department* while under the direction of Dr. Frier, were warmly commended, with the entire representative body vot ing a rerohition in direct con flict with the charges preferred against the health director, not a dissenting voice being raised in the, action ofthe officials. The meeting of the physicals was prfii^M ofer by ?>r, J. S. Ellen, of Jhis cijy, witfe^Sp; W. W. Dawson; of Grifton, acting' in the capacity of secretary^ members present were: Drs.W. W. Dawson, Griftcta; W. HJ Dixon, Ayden; C. M. Jones,] Grimesland; . ; T. H. Basnight, ! Stokes, J. E. Nobles, Joseph Tfaon, JosSpfe Srfiitb, m Fbun-1 taia^L. C. Skinner, C. J Ellen,. of Greeenyiile, with the names of others add^d who were hot present at &e time of this parti cular issue. gathered in "the charges that bav* been preferred against Dr. Fryer at the Board ^>1 H^althV request for his resignation, it seems that the only thing par ticularly stressed was negligence in tfef establishment of sanitary privies in various sections of the county last year v&ul. lajfo? threb predecessors yithin ;?* men well infortned and acquaint ed with environments, and i; was this realization on the part of sympathetic medical men of the county causing them to take such direct and unreserved ac Stale office in re movmi an of jm i?* beginning to inspire the confidence <tf the people fij^i mm Si!#*?* 8nd sacii-l has feaiuled h??^ofte Jbtoc behalf of incrrasingr the J r?* situafioa in boih the rii- J populated sec- 1 *on? of (he county, and , during Ss ?f ,he work: he wasiorced to overcome mifch fWwrse seim men ( io ward $ thel ? I ' i ' i >nH resigned . voluntarily or have been force^fo dp so, suggests to us the conclusion that it Is a vefy difficult matter to obtain a health officer who is satisfactory both to tie State Baard of Health fled the cifiiens -otPiJt county ill ft Whereat |o the of our Iraowledge and belief, After giv ing the matter pareful considera tion Fryer is giving entire satisfaction to a great majoniy of people inlhe performance of bis #ty ; to fact, so far as we are a We to determine, ^ere has Kifjf thweforeresptved that traffic of i G. R. Efitttwood wd ^hitelaeat>fihe n aeetioo* was com ^ed With both dis was brought to the tie officer* to were ?lure yesterday follow ?ot search on ibe part iiW di with ?*Wence ahoiif efrdorseDr. fryer's missioners of Mid county be re quested tp COTfuijjr jnveillipite 33ttf?3iSS ibe public healttr tvoik in ibe time has been one of the princi pal sources for the disposition of monkey runt of the community. Sheriff Dudley was faccompint ed by Deputies Corbett, Catoo and Policeman Brewer; and very little time was consumed in locating the still situated in a small tract of woodland in the rear of the home. '/ : 5.; ft is possible that the law will deal severely with the two men, as the whiskey traffic is assum ing such an alarming scope throughout the entire county, that lenient action is no lcager considered advisable, and there fore, is giving severe terms, ; SPENCER-THOMAS. ? ? The following announcement has been received by friends here: Mr. and - Mrs. Alexander G. Spenccr announce the marriage of their daughter Betty " |q * Mr. Luther Phillip? Thomas on Wednesday the eleven Jb of June ainefeeip hundred and nineteen Waahiugton, North Carolina after July ftrit Fannviile, N. C. Immediately after the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Thomas left on an extended bridal tour north* the same tim| we having tbe priv i did nal go lo. our place for ee&nfc at all because i thought of no use. At least I venture ? assetsion, that the election ttehave no vice JSC.:; . . - s u have t? Sincerely, V !"W. "*' - -r v .;i^K ?. ' ' '? -? -??'* ~ ' ' Resolution introduced Asks That He Be Removed; Prohibi tion Will be Discussed wmm :fAv ? Atlantic City, N. J:, June 11? Prohibition seems destined to occupy much of the time of tho " American Federation of Labor ' convention during the next few days if the number of resolutions introduced on the subject are an indication. Several of them were said by delegates to deal with the proposal that light wines and beers be retained^ and one pro vides that the entire convention shall co to Washington by spec ial train Saturday to participate in Ibe great labor demonstration it isiftttsed to hold in front of the Capital. Another resolution is one re questing President Wilson to re move Postmaster General Bur feson. This was introduced by E. J. Gainer, of the National As sociation of Letter Carriers; T. F. Flaherty, of the National Fed eration of Federal Employes, and E. J. Ryan, of the Railway Mail Association. The Postmaster General Is , charged in the resolution with f having ^ruthlessly invaded rights of employes" and with having "interfered in defiance Of law with proper function?*"*' '* of their organizations, audi not only - refused ftcogn i representative w resolution" proposes that the Federation, "representing four miHion organized wage , earners and firm in the belief that this protest reflects fhe senti ments of the vast majority of the American people," request the President to remove Mr. Burle son. ~ . JflRST BAPTIST CHURCH. I; o . ? ~ Services next Sunday morn ing at 11 A. M., preaching by Rev. C. H. Reeb, of Atlanta, Ga, a returned Army Chaplain. The public is very cordialty invited to hear him. WM-. % . . ? fXFor all kinds of Plumbing, ?Heating and Electrical Work call alright, phone 60.? S. T. Hicks, GreenvUle.tt.T- ? v | 1 . 1 1 sr.'agBBra i im

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