BEGINNING SATURDAY, MAY 315T, We are going to offer several hundred pairs of MEN'S, LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN'S Shoes and Oxfords forf 1.00, $2.0$ and $3.00 per pair. >' "? POSITIVELY this is the greatest opporu nity ever offered (he public to buy- all LEATH ER SHOES at susch prices. :But we have them and we are going to move them, regardless of price. ' 500 Prs Tennis Shots from 50 Centsfo $1.00 TERMS CASH: No goods sent on approval or taken back. [; ' ?? N ? ^ y v? < . v ? > ^ SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL SATURDAY JUNE 7. I B. A. JOYNER, Mgr. !H ! v', - ? " ' . ^ : FOR RENT? One lame for nished roora-R. A. JOYNER. II between Sn< untain on the la ! U di j I to 8 M rfessrs. J.vM.fS Mrs. W. T. Pierce, of Falk land, is on a visit to die home of her son, Mr. L. T. Pierce. Miss Eva Pate, of Goldsboro, is spending some time here the guest of Mrs. H. U Humphrey. _ Mrs. J. R. Waters, of Snow Hill, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E G Beamanon Content nea Street. Mr. Bert Taylor has arrived home from the Univ jrsity" of Maryland; where he graduated in denfistry. Soverai "from Farmvilie at-] 1 ^ a. ;^W- . ' and little daughter, of Durham, tre here on a visit to their parents and other relatives. Mr. J. W. Loveiace relumed home Tuesday from a visit of several days among relatives at South Boston and Houston, Va. Misses Vivian Gates and Ruby Rigsby left Tuesday on an ex tended visit to friends and rehk fives in and near New York City. I ^14 X v In a very one sided game of . baseball here last Tuesday after noon, the married men put it ; over the singles to the tune of | Be sure that your name is pu on the registration books o: ^armTUlctawnsiHniuO''Jer4fiiii VOU may be jSSKHo lo Tte: new scboql toilding Juh 11. This is a special rtefeistratior afcd the books will close Tues day July lit. L The series of meetings being conducted arthe (^atre^Br^| will dome to a close Sunday ni^bf. ^is meeting has ac complished |great gbefe here among our citjxeoship, who feel greatly fede^ to Jr. >Brown and the wotfche is doing, he M iss Ethel Pitt man, land. Miss Adelaide Greenville, and ^lr. Muoford were the euests of Mr. and Mts. L. Pierce. . Mr. and fr. J. Risbeny, Mr. Myrtle Bynum and Mr. and Mrs R. A. l iclds went to Wilsor Thursday evening* whete the> enjoyed one of the Chautauqu? programs. Mr? J, W,Pridd* arepreseota [-live of A. C. Monk & Co , of this jjty, left Tuesday for New Yorl which point lie will sail i-r?' - V ? ?' ?iQimsa ? ? w? ? iw? >? ? aw_ ASKEW-JOYNER. * L ?? .-. .??.v ! ??? -r55 ';-*$ The beautiful marriage of Miss Elspeth Askewv daughter of Mr and Mrs. Askew, to 4lr. James^y* Joyner, the son of Mr. a i^ner, was edfltsiay everting EB| the- preterit* friends of the popu ; rarw# by the Ru Hev Thoma&- C. Durst, Bishop of the Eastern Diocese of North Caro W. ' | ' The handsome new church was -beautifufty decorated with ferns and cut flowers, the color scheme used being green and white. Immediately* preceding the ceremony Miss. Ella Pender, of Tafboro, a dassmate of the! bride/charmingly sang "O Per fect Love.** ;$be wore a 3o*fe. pan velvet with black picture] hat, and was never more attrac tive looking. | Promptly at; the appointed the strains of Lohengrin's we& ding march flayed by M m Gladys Warreiurf FalklindTwho gracefully and skillfully offic edatthe piano^ First came others Mr. Hen$?Bourneof 1 boro, and Mr. Cyril Askew, a brother of the bridfc. Then fol lowed Misses Elisabeth Edwards of Morjhead City and Margurite Christman, bridemaids, in orchid tulle with irredescent trimmings and orchid picture hat, carrying] roses and sweetpeas. Next came*1 Mr. Jack P. Lang and Mr. Ar thut F. Joyner. Then followed Misses Louise Tqje? of Rocky Mount and Eleanor : Warren wearing turquoise blue tulle with picture bats carrying roses and1 sweetpeas. ^ Miss Annie Laune Lan maid of honor, carajr oext ?aU^fQWDed_ i%^mo jR^fcontinued on and yoiftt ljftftj llfSW Mmm V. ,11' .'J' I jsfe&V'X. i i&zZ'M sssst^ 35Mii ? i ? mmmmmmmmm 111 > <5t. : - Kg i ? 1 . *r>r- ?'*. J