Welcome ww wmifwwwfn FASH Published by one be appointed lo ^ ^ books the lalter pari of fuhe as teSBtatioas of Red Crtn. thMctatf cbair Wtprfosiructed to appoint arrives. Her Several Interestiag Ocourances Discussed at- Meeting Toes. MISS W00T8N. Was in Absence of 1 The Pitt County t. ^ R. C. held its^ meeting- in the Chapter's office ?a * ? Tuesday morning, June. -17th> -A leitex from Miss Pajlie Wooten was read in which she tendered her resignation as chairman of the r* chapter and as chairman o( the : ' executive boards as she Is out of town for the summer and can* not carry on work. This resignation was not-accepted for the board realizes that it has had in Miss Wootea a faithful and loyal worker and the members J want to keep her as their chair man. Mrs. Richard Williams, the vice chairman as ry on the workHiotUI the chair talk is primarily to voungr moth ers butthe whole community in' vited. ,, :v V . A motion was made and car ried that the Pitt County Chap ter have a cefebration for the soldiers and sailors of: {he late war oii the Fourth of July. This will include the colored as well as the White meu but the colored people of the county will loot after their men and they will be fed in a different warehouse. There will probably be a led by a band; a short and then a' barbecue The dinner will be served to the soldiers and sailors only and not to their families. It was decided thai the com-, mittee to raise money consist of one member from each branch in the county, and that the mem bets of this committee be given power to call upon anyone else io help them. Instead of "taking: the money from the Chapters1 treasury H is desired to raise the money outside. Each branch is urged to raise some of this money, and this should be seal to the treasurer by the last of Tune at the latest. Authority was given the chairman to ap point *11 necessary committees to make this celebration a credit to Pitt county and to make the boy* feel that we are glad to to^thejfc 1&&, As it is baajd to the secretary of the chapter. There will be no invitations seni directly to the boys but they art invited to come and if possi ble wear their uniforms? Green ville Reflector. M j ^Jttoe .18.^Pres* >pes lo leave Paris too _ Jwie 24 or jg dKicfal bus> m his "s?w early ill July. & White House Should he leave, Paris a week from tcftoowpw ihe President should arrive in Washington s,s'sss.rr aant io an address to a joint session of the senate and house. S# i 'v I Jr., left today lor New ereihey go to purchase illy ins machine of the tern sod size of the one beentoihk city twite delivery in ten I veil Field on L with them on a will stop emxwte 4itf .Centenary C?tebr?Uolb-JJg to July 13. They were brought of Germany during *be revofatfo low# Tbom*t, worJd travejw explorer. - whose travelogues wl| given in Columbus as a featra the celebration. Thomas; entered Germtaf . M most critlear ptflod, without JOitjOfc his : turer In Bwlln. -showlng^ ^rea t fjofc and the general cbaos of Uie city at thaw Tiews and In -cidental- ?<*???, Mr-.- Thonup wia Prtiitlnt at tbe tfin* ot General Alienbyja <*cnp* accompanied th* Brit jfr tooet.0, Grams Not Dispose* to Sf^ Bat Fear The Result K P IteyDoNot Nothing official has yet be come known as to what action the German government will tak3 regarding the peace treaty. A,t Weimar the document is be ing /carefully studied by the Na tional Assembly's peace com mission. Unofficial reports are that there is great dissatisfaction on (he part Of the German Cabinet oiemberfr andbigh German ;|bf said alargefiajoH^rw '.V1! . ? V' WEREA tfem,? newspapers take a dink view of Tl? doctrme, Ute^ie So^ay if the armistice is permitted automatic iot? that if ci: I A-jii fast age and days of progression ifc arqftiow living in, it would be startlling and interesting to know bow much of unnecessary disease and death is due to ignorance and how |Uo tafelessnesiF ''If > you . - , v were to accuse a person of be* in^ienpranl lolhe-facl Cbaf be could be prevented from having wouldhave a y?erfect jijtto to slap yoli in the face, for every body from tKe 1)aby to grand daddie' knojvs and have been knowing for years that you Uop'lbave, to have such diseases as small pox and typhoid fevar. So when a person dies from the effects of either of these diseases you can put it down, that some Wtovr $&'. Pitt county yy v? < -* j . | Plan To Meet Here Second C-c Tuesday (A Each Nonth Hewafter . ~ - ?? Beginning a series monthly conferences, district agents of the Agricultural Extension Ser ll ? . - Vice met yesterday at the State Department of Agriculture build ing with the state agents and I Director B, W. Kilgore, to dis ? ?* ? ? cuss the most mportant features jof farm and home demonstra tion work in North Carolina. Beginning with this meeting Director Kilgore plans to hold one on the second Taesday of e>ch month for the purpose of unifying and co ordinating all phase* of extension activity. An especial effort will be i to gain a complete agent In the different counties | so that ^program may be out lined amtl&HOwed that will be of the greatest benefit to the farmers and tfceir Wives. Most of the morning session was devoted lo the question of community organization. Plans us?eri for taking, up some^efinate lines of vvork all j:|Jlernoo% of co operating to make" the Farmers1 Stale Convention on August 27, 28 and 29 a success.] One of the important parts -of this convention will be a feature inaugurated by the men and women agents, ane plains for this part of the program were heard. The toys1 short course lot club members which will be held at the State College just be fore 4hfi Farmer^, Qe?ventibn was also gi ven, some considera tion. ?News & Observer. _ -'???? ;-'r SCARCITY OF HAY IN NORTH MOLINA. Why Doesn't Net& x Carotins Grow its Own Hay? Western bay is selling in Northampton at from $40 to $50 per too, and not enough can be bad at these high' prices to sup ply the demand. TTiere seems to be a hay famine. People do not complain of the price but do comptam because tbey cannot find enough for sate to supply aJ. j ? . ? ??- > It seemsstrange that such con ditions shouM exist in a country where grasses, .clovers, wheat and Oft ts grow to perfection, and wJiere two hay crops san be gic^n on the same land every year* The tenant system is largely responsible for these conditions. Our land- grow clover and oats as well aft any land m the whole country. People who have lived for many years in states where corn and oats are the principle crops tell us they have seep as ton a* thfey. from which jfptwo cropi^ yeS to gro^ two crops of hay ia one y&u corn can be planted after the clover and will make a good crop with out any fertilizer. These ere Questions that should interest evorv Southern farmer, and one, under our changed tabor conditions, that is bound to tiaim our attention.- ??a noke Chdwan Times. Game in'On divisions- Sundayand Monday are the following: first 'iieirt. L l? , Adams; ley; John R. Lockley, Wilming ton. fe. Aboard *|he<Sawanee, mem ben of the 344th field ajtifefy. were the following North GafO Wilmington; ?Amick, Libert basks, Conco Ca?ey; Ctmp

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