Tlit Buskst Town in U.S.A. TOI . X Federal Board of Vocational Train?ng Accomplishing Great Things seven- hundred late METHODS PRESENTED \ ~ . f ' ?* ? : / . * - Courses Are Cfiosen According to Temperment of Men, Ft is Stated "] W ashington, Jul/ 24.? The question as to where disabled ex seivice men ate being re educated is answered by the fact that 5,067 disabled soldiers, sail ors, and marines under. the di rection of the Federal Boar&for Vocational Education- are^iri J training in more than seven hundred different institutions throughout the/ country. Five hundred ana foi?y-six schools and colleges now number wound ed soldiers among their student?, and one hundred and ninety eight commercial and industrial establishments have disabled men oir their force learning the trade. In Order to give the men the kind of course they wanf as near their homes as possible, the of automobiles, Y. M. C. A. schools; trade schools, big shops and small shops, all vie with each other in giving their best training to these returned sold iers. The course they "cfioose differ as the 'emperment of the men. Five hundred thirteen of them are studying some branch of agriculture; 721 have chosen manufacturing and mechanical pursuits; 280 are takisg engineer ing courses; 101 arc reaming drafting and desining; 414 are Xow pursuing purely educational courses preparatory to r voca tional course. The County Educational De partment ir calling attention of the public td the fact that high school advantages are i^reach of any boy or girlie Pitftcounfy free of tuition charge. Any stud ent who# able to enter the Ugh school department may attend the well equipped i high schools at Bethel Farnmlfe, Grifton or AMER, FORCE ARE TO STAY IN SIBERIA Wash^oo^C, July 25-; PresidenryWlfsctt today *aa vise# the Senate thai the American expedition in Siberia was there to protect and maintain opera tions of the Siberian railroad and indicated the expedition, would remain as long as such protec tion was necessary. Another purpose ?Hhe expe dition as outlined, by the presi dent was to give relief to the Russian people in Siberia by supplying ; food*: clothing and other supplies. Mr, Wifeon said there was no intention of inter fering with Russian sovereignty. The retinuition of American trQops to protect American Rail way forces under John F. Stevens, the Presidents -letter slated is ajHtal element. j>- Hi... " Official figures of the fire loss es for North Carolina . during 1917 shows that 63.6 per cent were dwelling houses according to authentic figures worked out by Actuarial Bureau of the Na tjonal Boafd of Underwriters. These losses on dwellings aggre gated $612,941 or nearly one fourth of the total losses for the year. The figures worked out by the bureau were on reports of 2,674 fires reported. These findings; says Insurance Commissioner and Fire Marshal James R. Young, give further empasis to the necessity for the fire prevention work that the WomanV Clute and the child reo, through the North Carolina Safety Leagues, are doing in co operation wiifi (he fire and acci dent prevention divisionof the iosurance department ? 7, 8, 9 Sud 10, fortbeUm^c erans* annual nj On Board/. 3j|? U. S. New Mexktfi'Sunday, Jun? 27.? (By -Wifeless, via Colon to the As sacked ; &<gs)? The Pacific fleet, which passed successfully through the Panama Canal yes terday on its voyage from Homp ton Roads to the West Coast of the United Statesr sailed tonight from Panama for~Saa Diegc^ Cal. President Belisario Pprras, of flie Republic Jof" Panama, with members of his family and his staffr made an official call on Admiral Hugh Rodman, com manding the fleet today. Presi dent Porras was given full presi dential honors, including a sa lute of 21 guns. Thousands of sailors from the fleet took peaceful possessidn of Panama today. They enjoy ed their visit ashore and no dis order of any sort occurred. Un til recently American soldier* and sailors were not allowed to] visit Panama: Admiral Rodman, however, .expressed confidence thai the ylsit ofhismen ashore I would be. entity pleasanF-gBJg Work Done Hc^e HwProven of Wonderfut Benefit to targe Number of Children in tHe Farravifle School District. -i - Dr. A. M. Schultz, of the State Board of Health, makes the following "report as to the work - done here during |he week end iog July 26tb, at the FreeJDental Dfepens try conducted by him at the Farmville School: Amalgum fillings 121 Bement. 6 Abscessed treated 4 Teelfa extracted . Z9 Gmttri teetH cleanedl::; 34; Treated for pyairhei^^:" 1 Miscellaneous treatments- 4 Children needing nothing done 6 CWIdrea unmaE_ageable-'..:^ 1 fe total cost (conservative esiimate) if done in a private ofr?cef $338.50. The above report speaks for itself, and plainly vshows, even to the pessimist,: tjhst the work being done by Dr. ScKtjffe fcone, if not the most important and directly beneficial branch of thb State Board of Health's enttre fe Pa , July 28. ide at home may : a$? innocent as its isor Charles H. La ^^fcvPfaiiadelphia harmacy, cautions look oul for the ?me brew, he find?, lie content of 1.77 alloifs to ffo "dimnerr'Vlie ? J prised recently", de essor La Wall, "to iu? coughing a little ig several glasses of root beer, ? -became id began an analysis (he beverage. The surprising! I found oholic content was I had supposed, red that after stand s the beverage con er cent of alcoii'ol; lys the percentage .36 and a~ylay or so imbed to 1.77. The e irom a natural fer thepjlansom Mexcian Bandits i igton, July , l^-year-old son of [Thompson, an Ameri '' kidnapped ftom :b, 30 mites from ?and is being held fits for 2,500 ,#ie State Depart today. presentations have ]M Mexican gov; was announced. ce^cf the Mexican [obn West Tborap ican ranchtnaaliv ico Ci<y, : has fy| S ransom demand for the release of year old son, the ment was advised ^icsa authorities jared the bandits 1 ENFORCE If SCHOOL LAW AUSTRIA ASKS FOR MORE T'ME TO CONSIDER 1 ? " 1 St. Ceramic, En Laye, I uly 27. Dr. Karl Renner, Austrian chan cellor and bead of the Austrian peace delegation, accompanied by Dr. Richard Schuller, another member of; the delegation ar rived here todayi from Feldkirch, nearr the Swiss border, where they conferred with Austrian governmental representatives from Vienna. Dr. Rentfer at once, upon his arrival formulated a request to the jpeace conference for an ex tension of the time accorded Austria to reply to the second frartof the peace terms -which 5vere communicated -4o -the Austrian delegates on July 20. ?the Austrians were origionally given fifteen days within which to niake reply. ii?jfcr ' cferstoyed the Atlantic Coast line A passenger station, pffice and warehouse at Grif ton. | The surmise is that during'the electrical storm which visited Gi 'fton last night that lightening struck the building between ten and eleven o^clock. When first discovered some time later the entire building was ablaze and every effort to save it or any part of it proved futile. There was some freight in the; warehouse at the time and' ihisr] also;ff?as a total-loss. The company is today using a small warehouse nearby for office etc The loss is estimated to be around $7,000. New York, julv 27.-Theend >f the Itrifce of 40,000 seaman vhich has tied up the Atlantic icd Qulf ports lor the last three veeks is ended as announced by Jastave Brown, General Secra ary oUhe Seamen's Union who Every Feature of Compulsory School Attendance Law ^ to be Enforced. .Under the new state law ev>A?y public School mast run for six months, and every child between the ages of eight and fourteen must attend for the whole term. The law has- been greatly strengthened and new arrange ments have been made for its enforcement. It is the purpose of the state and county authori ties to sse that every child is in school who does not come with in the reasonable exemptions of jhe !aw. The authorities Hold (hat it is useless to lengthen the term and provide more efficient teachers unless the children take advantage of the enlarged op portunities. There will be a con stant state wide effort to secure a proper enforcement of the ai tendance law. - Pitt county has more than its share of illiterates, and it is hop ed that the number can be ma terially reduced. and eventually eliminated altogether. Gall Meeting of White School * Committeemen August 2nd ' For the purpose of stimulating jybe .work of the;coun jh Education," the County Board has cdled a meeting of all (fie white school committeemen in the county for Atigust 2nd. The meeting" will . be held in the Training School dining room at one o'clock, Lunch- wiM be. served by the Training School, and a short business meeting wjjll beheld. It is thought that this meeting, will be very help ful, and that a large number 1 of committeemen will be present. General plans for the worijc the coming year will be^'iscus^ fed. - Washington, I uly 25.? A letter received yesterday even ing By friends here from Zeph Polls, who is spending the week at Hatteras, tells of * an interest ing fish which was caught by Mr Potts and Tom Robbtns While the two of them were fish ing off Vae surf Tuesday evening. Potts had about, a r hundred feet of line out and was quietly wading around ip the suii. when be suddenly jelfi strike on his fine. So fierce was the pull on the line that it yanked [ him off his feet and buried his nose ill fee sand However, he managed to regain his balance and fought the to for half an hour or mote finally succeeding in landing it. The fish was of a nature never before seen cn the island, It

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