Nd.17 Ret Divisioo of The Regulars Jtareh Dora Fifth Avenue sta'lwart DOUGHBOYS ? '? ? ? . ? ? Broard Aveooe Ftapked From Central Park - to Washing-C^ ton Square With Dense Masses of Humanity. Se>t R? Over a ithway, famous . S.1, th *ve Ceneraf Pershin 2,000,000 proud cottetrytneo.. It was the last great review & t$e wortd war for New Yorfeii/.--^ The commander of America's armies shared honors with bat tle-scarred veterans who won undying fame on the fields of France. stand at tte Metropolitan Mus^ with^ enthusiasip He sat on his packets Mbig five1 asricuItural^ommiUeeV today bjfifohn MS***1 senting <;tbe 'mdepenU us #ha? .We've bri our t want any more of it's Feto dcqied the statement Federal Trade Commissioi Cdlvet before Uie commit! right^l Dayiirjiiad V ;jjg~ - . .. ' ? , : . ' ? >-?'? HKV* *'-* *'? '??"?*' A *?">? ? mmt ? ? as? wwkinc lmm$ ey will. directly be 1 of orofiteer t(I^? prose Frobably negro farmer was struck him BUILDINGS at /times, soon /tfosttated the electric, telephone and telegraph linestv and gas plants "were put out of commission and there has been no service byan^l of the public utilities today, even the sheet car service haviw suspended, *dd tfiie city is in darkness tonight. vS&Sflg&fc alon sr ; the^ter^fronfe Scores cdmmissioa^c