-W" 1 ifcsV.-^ 01 ?. ? *V- *?? - ? '??<<+ - .-< ' *** t'f The sSt ?Sb ^Sfl , , .? i" ??*- SB $. ft s $S '?? - >: ?????/?? v ?,'$, west Styles in ?>* ?? A. ^o-M . " mz v- , Company B. A. JOYNER, Mgr. ,; i 'J -5 g? : FARMVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA LOCALS AND PERSONALS OF INTEREST TO Farmviile and Sunoundmg Sections V ? ** :?-y Mrs. Joe Rasberry is visiting' in Raleigh this week. Dat 'bacco is "shor sellin'l High" in Farmville now. \/x. Will Mewborn, of Kins ton, was in the city Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. ^Moseley arrived in Farmville Monday. Miss Annie Perkins has re- 1 turned to Farmville for the win ter. v Farmville is the market for the highest averages? no; block sajes. % New Series Farmville Boild-f ing & Loan Association TiBMb spent last week with Miss Cath line Horton. Wis. J. W. Dixon, of Raleigh, spent Wednesday in Farmville witb relatives. Miss Effie Lewis left Tuesday to enter Randolph- M^con Col lector Wcmen. New Series Farmville Build ing & Loan As^ociaBoii. opens Ocf^ber 1st. N Mrs. J. Loyd Horton delight fully entertained the "Merry Matrons" last Thursday. Ml George Parker, of Wil mington, spent a fewAffathis town visiting ? New Series FarmvQle Build ing & Loan Association opeiftj Octocer 1st. Mrs. B. A. Joyner and Miss Elizabeth Kittrell were Wilson visitors Tuesday. We are pleased io note that | the little son of Mr. and- Mrs. J. L. Rumley is improving. Mrs. H. T. Carraway and Mrs. Hunter Pettus, ot Snow Hill, were in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J.* L Morgan spent Saturday and Sunday with BP86*581' BiE?' Mrs. W. M. Lang left Tuesday with her son, Robert for Rich mond, where he goes for treat ment. Miss Minnie Dsans,of Wilson, spent the past Week end in the city thegueS of Mrs. Benj. A. Joyner. Mrs. J. Y. Monk. Mrs. P.. E." Jones, Miss Annie Laurie Lang and Mr. Curiton were in Wilson & Mrs. Calloway, of Washing ton, and Mrs. Tyson; of Stantdh burg, have been visiting their sisters, Mrs. RN A. Fields and' ^ f: ' C n dia n rl . JNcw Series |ing& Loan ? 0ct0berlSt jHB f* Ir.WpeJ, day to return to a ... Durham, to Te^umor|^ Mrs. T. H. Sjmith left 1 afternoon for a treatment atj John Hopkins Hospital, Balti more, Md. Mrs. C. B. "Ldeiii, ol Louis burg, spent a few days. Ijere this week with her daughter, Miss Beulah Edens. The Magazine Club was mf ligbtfully entertained by Miss Tabetha tDe Visconti Wednes day afternoon. Miss Ethel Bynum returned this week to restimeher studies at the State College for Women in Greensboro. \j , * ? . ...... , - Mr. Trim, ol Greenville, Tenn. has been in town this week, the guest of his soit-iirfaw, Mr. Chas. Donaldson. Mr. Otis Britt, superintendent ! of the Light and Water Plant of Greenville, spent Wednesday here with relatives. Rev. Braxton Craig [arrived in town Wednesday afternoon to take up bis work here as pastor of the Baptist church. We call your attention, to the report of the financial condition of the Bank of Farm v ill e, pub* lished elsewhere in this issue. ? > Mrs. Helen Loraine and child ren, of New York, are here' on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Walter. From here they will go to Cuba for the winter^ ^ Friends and relatives through out this sectidn will regret to learn that Elder Andrew Moore, of Whitakery is* not expected to survive his present illnes. See the half page "advertise ment of the Atlantic Coast p?Miss Emily Gayle, who has been spending Ihe summer wijth her brother, left test Saturday afternoon for Ayden where she will teach in the High school at that place. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parker, Mrs. J. T. Harris, Mrs, W. Leslie Smith, Mrs. RS McClnre, Mrs. G. JL Rouie and Mra Ok M. F? Morton, Pastor. death in any way and burial of my husband. My bosband bad been afflicted two years, and the people have been so hind to us, -i cannot find words to express to them my thankfulness. I can only point, them to the one above who said, "Whosoever help^th the poor Hp Jtcedy, Iendeth unto the Lord." Mrs. George Brewer. ? The National Life .Insurance Co.,. of Moqtpelier, Vermont, strictly mutual, organized 1850/ $10,000.00 policy ne; deposit $100.00 annually. This policy has continued insurance, pai4 up insurance and Cash- values. See M. V. Horton, Agt. vaBjaB ' Salesman ^Vanted-Lubricating Oil, Grease, Specialties, Paint; Part or whole time. Commis ?fejfcasis. Man with cawor rig prefered.? Riverside Refining Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Is same old office Main Street? Davis Hotel The Phonograph With a Secret; 111' . x - .. mm mm. m The* mocking-bird knows how to pr not#; the jay-bird doesn't. That's the secret and he can't tell it. graph made, and we think SUPERIOR, and you to decide. They overflow with music. That's called THE M^SIC TABLE, THE MUSIC S! iSc CABINET. Three Designs, i ee and Hear would please you, and at living prices, and fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, a