striking example v shown of DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ?* TAR HEEL CQTTON. Georgia Buyers Pay 2 Cents Expenaae on Cotton from Northa Cti^UiM and r - Then Return It At a Profit Raleigh. ? The fact that North Carolina cotton Has been unjustly discriminated against in favor of the .Georgia pro duct has hever been better- illustrated than thia year, says O. J. McConroll,. former cotton grader for this state, and warehous superintendent, who is in the cotton business In Fay ette^Ule. avS .^The cotton crop in Georgia thia year is unusually short," said Mr. Me Connell, "and the Georgia bcyers are coming into North Carolina, purchas ing the cotton from Tar Heel farmers, shipping it . to Georgia, v having it* compressed and resUpping thhdsanK cotton to North Carolina manttfhctur1 en and selling it for- more than the North Carolina farmer can possibly seH his cotton for. This is doe to the fact that the Georgia cotton has a bet ter reputation among buyers than Carolina cotton. The Georgia pro duct is supposed to v have a little bet k /; "This thaory is exploded, however," Mr. McConnell says, "by .the expe riences of this irear, when the North Carolina grown cotton has been sub .,:stitufced -for the Georgia co*ton and the buyers and cotton experts have not detected the difference and are willing to pay a little higher price tor *btton shipped from North Carolina State Get* Asphatt Plant As part of the surplus war material which is being distributed by the War Department to t|i6 different states.1 the State Highway Commission has fret receired a huge asphalt plant, rained at approximately 129,000. The plant is capable of laying 1,000 yards of cement per day. vp i CONSULTATION HELD BET WEE PHYSICIANS yVKO AGREE ON LINE OF TREATMENT. ?I. k: There Is Much Speculation In Cfpftil As to the President's Reel Con dition end Concern .Expressed. Washington. ? President Wilson is "* very sick main," add 'his condj| tion is less favorable," it was said by" Dr. Cary T. Grayson, the President's physician, to a statement issued, ait 10 o'clock p. m. fropa the White" House. Tlw Rowing bulletin was issued ^"The PresUtot is a very sick man. His Condition is less favorable and he has remained in bod throughout the day. President Wilson's condition was not so favorable and Dr. Grayson, his Der,^W.Iclai. held .??? turned from his totentfptMfcountry wide tour in the-interest ofvthe peace treaty, he was compelled to keep to his bed aU day. ^ ' N It was explained that this did not necessarily meim the President had received a serious setfwk, as he Was to be expected ta have bad days from time to time with the nervous ailment from whtich "he is suffering. The decision to call to a. nerve spe cialist, Dr. Grayson said, was made as a precautionary measure.;# - || f There is' much speculation to capital 89 to a. PrMtdMf. real e?t aid gtvoB tt?m V ? 1 1 ^ tyy in years of direst need when their nation was threatened with extermi natioKM- - 'sfev-jp? -iji J ? ; The king pressed great regret at the state of President Wilson's health and sincerely hoped for his complete recover? adding that the President * OUT OF ? AMENDMENTS ..^1 - TO TREATY ARE DEFEATiD. MWI " Wafiln^ton.? The senate swept wide, in quick' succession 36 of the & .amendments which had heen wit ten into the 'peace treaty by?the for sign relations committee. j ?. The smallest majority recorded j against any of 'the committee propO I sals was 15, and the largest was 28. Ail of the amendments considered had been- introduced by Senator Fall, re publican, New Mexico, and were de signed to curtail American participa tion in .European settlements result* OMAHA WILL MILITARIZE'?" hi % /; DEPARTMENT OF POLICE. regpoflie1 to rec tal. Gen. Leonard Wood, who rioting in C Morgan ton.-r-Sito for ggorganton't I new 1100,000 hotel -was selected and purchased, the owners selling the property for $10,000. ''r^M ' Ruthorfordton ? Forest City Is to have a tew -cotton mill. At a meet log of promin ent business men plans I wire spoitesi under way to fcutid the mill. Over $200,000 worth oi stock was subscribed ?*?,??? ainutee.^ r rr^. . ^Jlaleighu-sgGovernor Bickett granted pardons to two notable prisoners, Ho bert B. Wilsqn, Mecklenburg county* sentenced to 18. months for bigamy. Chapel HilL-^The current of stu dents which, for.the past few dayMj** been floVing Jhjtf Chapel Hill forfhe opening of the 125th session of the Into, J? (id? when 428 mentis V - .W', m Salisbury. ? Alex Yantsfos, part iedmont cafe and one of Balls : . most popular Greeks was-aim&t iflsttfctly killed* when hi* intom'oBfle turfied turtle while he and t party of friends were returning from China Grove. ? - Boone.? September 30th was the flrst killing frftgt of the season. The thermometer stood at the freezing point at 7:3? o'clock in the morning. Most of the corn is in the ahock nnd j hence ig not injured. Chestnuts seem ? * MeOM ia* will ** C?Ilege.?The executive owuu ?t the trustees held a very busy, ses j lion here and elected Dr. Thomas c, f Amick treasurer of the college to succeed, the late Hev. L. I. Cox. re signed, who had served ta this pod Uon for the (test eleht years. GreeMboW. ? Wlnaton-Salem -VJg ?elected m the next place of meeting srrsMii: 3E - ?*? 'OiSwootfn.* | L years of age, awoke from a sub -was unable to^raove. hefbody. Afterhome remedies, had failed, a physician was summoned and bo found that the girl had been aiict to the back by,' a younger sinter the 22 caliber bullet 'penetrating the spi -ol column. The girl was not^wrak U' ifcshot and knew nothing Beaton *m itreet, ite pension law of t any ^Confederate of South Carolina, US he- enlisted from, en ?ion if he can from official rec Eidavita of at least rat. soldiers. , at large nnmber of na who entered the Carolina, but are Palmetto state, are lition the war re* tit the North-Car iommfipoi^^' : js.; ' .V ?* Ortw.^. ;;r J ikerii including some ien in Nortji Carolina, >r the North Carolina mericam Cotton .??kh ig to announcement Parker, chairman oC areau, wtyfcaatlg* tfsrras >beii if.iPage, Biscojg ?Ternor; W. $,? Sana City, candidate- for Highway Commia ?ernor. ?VilttuWhiirii Gftttytbura.^ - fSDecial) ? Senator aken up with the obair Gettysburg Battlefield ^ttyaburg, Pa., the mat. f permission for the I' <5Iat|^Ste?^ C. M. Eppes, of Greervme, nasju? addre^Spd a letter to the negroes of the state i^x which fcs Advises his peo ble ag?at ^thoughtless leaders in side Mid outside the state." In U* Lnneciiou, Rev/ B. p. Martiu, one the mSt prominent andJ>est known negro preachers ? the state writes Col. Jamet H; Young here contain feting blm uion ld? ???? To Invite 30th to ? An Invitation to hold its 1930 reun ion in Raleigh will be extended the 30th division at its meeting in Green ville, S. C, Cbl. Albert L. Cox was Plan W?r*hou8?. rs, hankers and other buBi i ia at least eleven of the cot ri ng counties of North Caro planning to build cooperative Spr the storage of cotton r produce, reprtrtf Mr. ? W. R. f ?,* : &: 1 "IV ;. .V ., _ A: DIFFICULTY EXPERIENCED IN PER8UADING THE PATIENT v-V >-?/-? H-.tja .*A/ if 1 1. V' J, TO REMAIN Itt BED. London. INDUSTRIAL m ; 8USGE aINEERS A N*!tfi*EMEDY Nfew York.? The present industrial an refit is due to., the system permit ting; "the acquisition of Wealth4 for irtiich no itd equate serrice has been rendered," according to nine "indus trial engineers" who express their view in a letter made pubiic her? addressed to the labor conference in Washington. TO ENTRUST iia Sf AT#fc$; < >; . WITH WORLD WAR EMBLEM8 Washington.? While the ftf- Mg~ ? ff ^ to the colors^ standards and carried by North Carolina, Soi alina and other national guan the world war, they wi trusted > the several. iibtei o tor ute kawtaf. * PT?T CAMPAIGN tf j. Tfaw lis, Tex,. begin pr?p?i?*tidft of hp report on hearings eoraring all Phas% QAR BEFORE JANUARY NEXT 18 A CON FIDANT PREDICTION. ' : ? . ? rnmt tm heeoeo ' 2 ' ' The Necessity of the Corttlnustion ot Sugar Equalization Board Pointed . Out Aa Poaalble Remedy. . Washlngton.?Told by George A. Sabrlskle, president of the sugar equalization board, it fas practically certain that unless some legislation action was taken immediately sugar prices would increase affcs January I, the senate committee investigating the sugar shortage, requested W. A. Glasgow, counsel for the food admin istration, to formulate legislation de signed to alleviate the situation and to make possible negotiations fur pur chasing the 1920 Cuban sugar crop. ? lite committee made Its request af ter Mr. Zabriskle had testified that despite urging by the sugar equaliser loon had fell of the Cuban he, at Chairman < if c " presented Ms ? witt':<;.the government wil sugar crop Se] kid. He added, jfc* might yet tain Cuba* Sugar if Tsggptfro tipn could feK-kad immediateljfcf^It}. would be nee?w*%ry also, he said, to mafcj provision for continuation of the .sugar equalisation board, which automatically goes ouC of existence * -til* ' Tha offer - Cross examination -Cement plant and a union picket was ?hot by one of two armed negroes who with nearly M otk?e negroes attempfe'l fd to return to wdrk. Several shots Were. fired by the two negroes who : were arrested and placed in Jail T h* other negroes were chased into the wood* by nearly ilOO strikers. . . ?* - 1 ; BELGIUM BREAKS WITH J - D'JTCWV OF LUXEMBOURG. ? |j ? ? - V & JtV.-j&ML.. . . and B?Wu? wblch France btcajnft I V;.*9nanclal *??*. m. ster tn Lulercbouitl ^u. ? "'" **.' '? I RTAOl H!TTI*G > OP'LE OF THE SOUTH, ? hlngtoa.-The sugar shorty 1? ? the south. Members of the Carolina delesatioa^ trylpg courage their constituents to glwng. It looks now- at If Tar would hate to reaort to "long ?