wmmrn mam - - OBJ3E BEQUE1T. ) ? |p effective In Anrther ?tatef g| i Attorney^eneral J. & Manning to in Louisville, Ky., defending for die University or North Carolina a trait In collect ?i25,ootJ mneritance ^tax irom :^dge Manning wik maintain that , th? North Carolina the two towns In > Of be faettli*t the relayed to points out C i/*7 ;_ v. **_-,? dtr in North. ,<?arotifta uw5?* la statewide doff .. Graham, commfs -Thl? city voted tft bonds for the ear will be T. J. Powors, desk ?Hce headquarters, is in gal with injuries receir W'nn down *y an an *n toy W. J. Johnson b* ? station. -Salisbury has made .a $?rer record this year, the reports' in Br, Arm ? there have been only typhoid fever in this city an immense and!* auditorium here. businosa1 of^S^waot^o^ to Fayette ville. Secretary, of State Lansing sent regrets tor them . : r- - t,. / \v\\ Lexington.? -Thieves broke into the | dry goods and clothing store ot Mr. <j W. F. Lopp and stole- goods &xafm 1 tag to around tt, 000. / ? Chapel Hill. ? Mrs. Laura proline r BatUe Phillips, who would hfe been 95 years old in s month dieThere a, v the old Battle homestead. / ? / o Burlington.? -The main 1 the Sykes foundry, own/ Sykea brothers and manp gene Sykes, wa* totally /* ??. ' % / ? / Washington.? C, T. lf*e. ston-Salem, has been Wok sus supervisor for' th/Mth aional district to auccf* J- * of 'Caswell. / ? / Elizabeth City.? T NC-4, alrsLlp to cross ty^katic over Elizabeth Ci/on Oci The NC-4 la on i? from to Charleston, 6.7 ; . "? l,r Aeheville. ? w Bimcomb* j.UUtt.tenfeW? county Ave *J in tkelr re.peclhre f w: p^-: '? ?'''' '"' | ?a. ? uariuj sepcemoer f Jocal tobacco market ' pound? for $2,673 MS. during same month last >,235,247 pounds, for J IPH. Bifan Grlmos. seizure of . a ig Nortp -'Cifeb 7' numDonr m^r of the owser, ? matter in IM no concern. : to the Secre m ** pSnnocerit ^ two' 'to WlnBton-Balem fc of the counties wiB be e*y on aH , ?old Jtar hare not either the |500 ise or (he. |5 duplicate - -A All 4.^ ' y fifty at State 8 of North Carolii^-ahould I ally .i#tere3te(Mia.a? prizes r the fair association for the ctive agriculturaiveahibit by idual farmer In the state; <V B. Williams, director of department ' of' the A total of abon: under this head, the H?9 oath; the S, $50. and the of the must hare been Jtftors' own%rm, ' is advantage tc | .pared and artgiiis- ! in ? : ajtM&jp. _i ':L JUiA. I ry Tallest, Burlw county motu* .eeij-irhb fa serving as eight-year teste Is the state prison for ?ur 16; the second degree, Wan par edcoadttionally ,fcy Governor Bick upoa the econsmendatioim* Scli r B. L. Huffman, -*ho pioaecuUd caee, and a petition signed by aty officials and a great number of ? Broke the tin.? hohroke the Hindenbur* linaf It j reads only the great metropolitan es he win come to the conclusion the deed was done by the *Tth ilon. :alon*v^: Rot Gen. Lawrenoe ?yson, who was there, says: "tie. did not break the Hlidenbor* because the SOtk broke the line feneral Tyson ia. going to coma to figh on November list Wd tell North Carolina Kate, Literary and lorical Association how It was L - *? Bond* % ytn lira as greatly interested in resent activity in the Liberty 1 market, the substantial rite in es tending to indicate that tha tor low level^- will aot ;?*ato be l and that a -par market or bet* '.<~i.wMU.iau**. Wftsrates. main purpose in tb? work of : illiteracy in Nortk Carolina dp : illiteratec realize their I citizens, l*y, state and natiee; and as >f Community School a special bulletin Just to Organize and ?< ANOTriEiVHi^Rrr IVERNMENT PA88EC. T V ::Z . Complete Abaenca of Bl utter and Vi olent Language Wert Features of Addraaaea to Pramler. . . v jjMyiji : ? , ?assm London. ? Prom one labor difficul ty tie government pacaes to another. No sooner was the railway men's wage crisis surmounted or ^deferred, than the miners' demand for the na tionalization of mines confronts the cabinet Premier Lloyd-George informed a deputation that the government was unable to adopt the proposal made by the Aal commission, headed by Sir JohnwBankey. aid the miners are greatly^ dissatisfied. Prank Hodges, secretary of the Miners' Federation, laid after the premiers statement at the conference^ that "the govern ment's attitude had edited a very grave situation" and the utterances of other labor men x show the/ uni versally share this" view. A feature of the addresses made by menders of the deputations t& Mr. [iioyd-George was, according to unof Icial reports, a complete: absence of bluster or, violent language. ; opposition to closed shop 1 AfDCOt-'-ECT'VEBAHOAIN'N wi.UnftM.-Oppe.IUon to colle. rFJT, ? . ... CONCENTRATING PRACTICALLY ! ? 4 AU ARMY PJLANE8 ON BORDER ? . Washington. *r Concentration <rf practically nil available armj^ flylni personnel In this country at tfe -hi* stations olbng the southern border was anncosced by the war depart mfent under "recomh.-endation.of the director of air service." Four sur ?efllance -equadroup,; five pursuits, two oJaarvaltan^janO^ flve.^ tombM groups are .temporarily assigned to the Mexican line with station at Kelly, 8eott and JSllington fields and inter mediate points along the international ?? f-b'.'rP.. . - ?" fisLi alL'-? ?- jLy2 *? EIGHT THOUSAND VETERANS STAGE ANNUAU PARADE \M, . V - ^ -':rv Atlanta, Oa.?Veteran? of the arm' Set <* th* Confederacy, more thai 8,000 strode, paraded liere, statin* the closing' spectacle of their JgJM yearly reunion. The line of-nuuwh, f more a mile lona. was literally! , ??? i ? 1 1 ^ ? ? ?< * w r ^ . . ??. | Jammed with spectators, who cheered and wept and laughed as he gray da d heroef of the sixties passed1 ^*r} "??*? < I .if nmiii - - v I GERMANS IIARCH ON, RIGA, THE CHIEF SEAPORT OF LETVIA Paris, -^Teiroan troops attacked ILefr Ush forces October 2, according to ? jroteet reived by the peace confer ance from the Lettish, government, rhe allies are asked to take decisive *tgo? Un'? ti. y?. rorid and nnttfog. with ?m? a.?'- ; ~ 'llT* ' : CANNOT 8P?AK ENGLISH. Many of Those Who Cannot Speak Language Yeemlnf to Learn It/' and Only Want 0|>portunltjfe|^ Washing ton. ? Americanization o t foreigners should be an immediate ef ort at Congress through legislation, leclared Senator Kenyon, of Iowa, h airman cf the senate labor commit ee, whirb return td from an infestiga ion of the steel strike in fflj?|stts >urgh dstrict . ' ' ? . Asserting that about half wf teel workers are of foreign birth and annot lenator Kenyon said itaa: ot;.^gro8s :ommiuee inquiry shcmIdTW<TH*W aniiation legislation. In a formal statement Senator Ken on said: "I do not desire to discuss the steel strike, nor the reacohs nor causes therefor at this' time. The commit tee has not as yot completed t?eir in vestigation. I think it peopisslble' to wy, howo^er; that the cemimittee re turned from the Pittsburgh district strongly in favor of somo Ameiicani saSton bilL When you And that S income-' oi ihese mills over 50 per cent of ; the workmen cannot read, write, orgeat ur langyago are yearning to Iqno* : and want the opportunity tofjearn bout Our institution^- Most of' them aye subscribed for Liberty bonds ut how can thoy know anything bout America Institutions when ley cannot speak America'* lan Vu-fevr": 80TH SIDES CLAIMING ' l> GAIN8 IN 8TEEL STRIKE Pittsburgh.? Steel companies whos* plants, are operating ' fai' burgh dstrlct continued to jepon steady progress toward normal &>ndi tloas. No announcement of addition il mills starting up came from any where la the Pittsburgh district, bu? sev*ral_ in other , stool ccnter$_we^ gfip^as:hnving Neither wero there any claims mad< of large numbers of men returning .'to wort; in plants that nave been work ?? ,fV. LITTLE CHANGE NOTICED IN PR$8IDENT'8 HEALTH Washington. ? President Wilson'* condition, remains much tho same as for several da^s.gaid-a bulletin Israel that while *)? president arti of pater, t occasion n d have to another test of 8TneNdi ? IMMINENT OVER PEACE W?*t*<Co?~ImmiDence of another test of strength in the senate con tro vers y over the ?German peace treaty DTKtopfl In Interest and Importance dl matters likely to com? before con trast for several daya^ Loaders in the treaty fight .regard an early vott'&jn the flhantanng amendments to the Wt as assured and hope that wfth

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