Welcome to FAEtMVILLE The Busiest Town in U.S. A. . . Published by The Rouse Printery <SSv *1 PP. "WATCH F ==========^=== VOL. X FABMYXLLIit Subscription $1.00 a Year in Advance A, JANUARY 23, 1920 NO. 35 DANIELS MUTE US TO ADMIRAL SIS " MANY CRITICS ARE READY T? BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY HEAR ON THE CABINET. 4" I TOPERS HAIE NOT RECOVEREI Senate Committee on Naval Affair* t f . Broaden Investigation to Sift to Bottom the Sima Charge*. I Washington. ? The Sims-Daniel# oat break has aroused Washington's offi cial and social circles. The first shot of Admiral Sims wen! through and hit . the mark, bat the second one seems to be flaring back oa him. ?*>. Secretary Daniels takes the posi tion that it is improper for him to say anything before he goes before the senate committee. He will ? let Ad miral Sims finish and then he will testify. A great many critics of the Wilson administration are ready to be lieve anything about members of his cabinet, and a southern member it preferred for attack. The drinking public are inclined to side with the secretary in the affair. It appeared that the senate com mittee on naval affairs will broadea Ms investigation of the navy depart ment in order to sift to the bottom the charge of Admiral Sims that be did net receive proper support from the de partment during the war. New York. ? Over S.QjpO Jewish or ganisations throughout the United States will observe "Palestine Week" February 14, the week of the cootag oJ Spring in th& -Holy Land, Wtaen a drive will be held, whose purposes are neither to enroll member* nor 6> raise, funds, but "merely to faiform the pab^ lie of everything knows MUse. MANY FLUE AND PNEUMONIA DEATHS OCCUR IN CHICAGO. CLEMENCEAU'3 TITLE MAY BE ' "SAVIOR OF HI8 COUNTRY.* number of the senators are circulating among the a resolution Versailles. ? Paul Deedhanel was elected president of the fr~v<3h; re? A lie by 7S4 votes of the 881 members of the national assembly voting. Kii majority was the largest since the election of Louis Adolphe'1 Thiers, the first president after the fall of the pi re, who was chosen unanimously. DATE FOR JEWISH PALESTINE \ WEEK SET FOR FEBRUARY 14 *. ?= LEON GOURGEOiS IS CHAM \\ ? ? *ttk J'.'"" ... ? . ."'I First Act, Appointment of Committee to Trace Frontiers of Territory of the Sarre Basin. Paris. ? Representatives of Prance, 3reat Britain, Italy, Greeco, Belgium, Spain, Japan and Brazil, merjbers of the council of the league of nations, met in the French foreign office for the first meeting of the league. The council organized by electing Leon Bourgeois chairman and confirm ing the choice of ?fr Eric Drummond, of Great Britain, as general secretary. The first official act of the council was the appointment of a commission to trace, upon the spot 'the frontiers of the territory of the Sarre basin. Leon Bourgeois, French representa tive, who presided, said: "The task of presiding at this meet* ing and inaugurating this great inter national institution should have falleb to President Wilson. We respect th? reasons whic? still delay, final decis ion by our friends in Washington, hut express the- hope that their differ;' ences will soon be overcome and thai a representative of the great Ameri can republic will occupy the place waiting him among us. The work ol the council will then assume definite character and will have that p*rticu ? lar force which should be associated with our work. INFLUENZA IN .VIRULENT FORM RAGING IN CHICAGO. Chicago. ? Five hundred and twenty five new cases of influenza with seven deaths were reported- as developments of 24 hours ending at 10 a. m. - . ' REPORTS OF CAPTURE OF KOLChjACK ARE CONFIRMED London. ? The reports of the cap ture of Admiral Kolchak, head of th? all-Russian government ' In Siberia have been confirmed, It is declared In a Moscow wireless dispatch. NEW TURKO-GERM AN ALLIANCE 8 AID TO HAVE BEEN FORMEC -.r.' ? Salottiki.? A t? source received ivuu, flv jra porting that a new alliance between Germany and Turkey Is about 'to b?\j concluded. A f. v * i ? ? i ? UNITED STAGES MARINES HELP REPULSE HAltlEfirfANDITS ? Washington. ? United States Marines find Haitien gendarmerie repelled attack on Port-au-Prince, the Haitien capital, by a force of SflO. bandits,, mpre than half of whom were killed, wounds ed or captured after being pursued outside tire city. ' JAPANESE READY TO CONFER WITH CHINjA ON SHANTUNG 1 > ... , ' ? ? ;v;. -? ?-.<; "Honolulu, T. H? ' Ke Japaniese f<#r| eign office has announced that a for mal note will be sent to China askinf the appointment of a commission tc negotiate wltk Japan regarding the reso ration of .fehantung. _ ? L~. MEXICO TO MAKE ATTEMPT SECURE FftONTJJER OIL I^NjbS Doughs, Arte.? l%e government oi Mexico has resolved to buy. or acqpirt by condemnation proceedings all .01 ofl lands in the rOne of fifty xtio snetm -from the frontiers of the na -tim ^natHattoa, says a special to El Tpempo, * Cananea ao*p ???*: ???? ? ? ? ? V1' |J'~ have been l - ll ? J ?Am, ? h6 Ofr^ct -Lake. ;am icb *% if has J ' "W& . ? FARMERS BEING , ADVISED TO j BRING IN ALL REMAINING LEAP BEFORE FEB.* _ TREAT COMING TO jmn i >? ?/?*' v- o) Or. Bernard Spilman, Noted Wit anc Orator, Is Beginning a Tour of 8t?te CoH?p? institutions. - i.? THe iocal t ? J* XI rail Kinston.? T$e local tobacco market j will close ?<v the 1919-1920 season Friday, February 6, after the most successful 'five mouths In Its history.. Farmers are being advised by the .J Tobacco Board of Trade to market leaf remaining on hand as rapidly SP possible so that none will be out standing when the^jauctioneers and buyers lay off, V . I Some thousands of North Carolina ' collego students hare a treat coming to- them. Dr. - Bernard W. Spilman, educational field secretary of the Southern Baptist Sunday school board and president of the Baptist state con vention, is going on a tour of instt ) tutions in the state. He has spokeai at scores of colleges and to hundred* of other audiences in every part of tht country. He is the pulpit's champion wit. His eloquenoe- and sense of hu mor combined have 'made him famous. Dr. Spilman's methods were ch8rac>t terized as "unique" at the University of Chicago. New Bern? Announcement Is mad* to tho effect that the board of alder men will i)o asked to call an election at which time New Bern people will rote on a bond issue of 9100,000 to be used in erecting three new school buildings here. | St; *ary,s 8chool in Raleigfr, Jw Appointed to th* chair of theol the University of the South, Sr Tenn. "? ? *<f ??'V' v" xlct, embracing North M >lina. was formed ut a SSTTSTSw i' was elected fcrernor ol South Carolina jiistric' CiL OF TKE 8U8P ENDED RWig. VT' it ' ?CIALI8T8 MAKE COVERT ttftEAT OF REVOLUTION. t All Afraid of Suppression At fhe One-Half the World le Undar Socialist Control. tny, N. Y.? Morris Hillquite, ivonnsel for the fire suspended st assemblymen, declared at the g of their trial that if the as rpermanaptly ousted the defen ihe act "will loosen the violent tfon which we socialists hare al endeavored, and are endeavor^ >' item." HiHquite added this "one word >mn warning" after asserting e Romanofffl and all iastrnments resslon in Russia had Seen de I after the government had tried law the socialist movement and *eare not-afraid of suppression time one-half the world is ra cialist control * Judiciary comftiittee opened the y excluding by a rote of 7 to 4 ew York City Bar association ttee, headed by Charles B. I, tram independent particlpe the iprocecdingg.' AN PRINCE88' JEWELS RING ONE MILLION POUNDS .?The aple of ejwels owned te Princess Vera Lodonoff, of as been concluded, and near 00 pound* were realized. \ ANNOUNCEMENT MADE m OF ALUEt' PEMANP8. ? Vt . ' - ' RATiFIGATION THE IHAIH iSEJI > Advocates His Plan of Withdrawal ot Democratic Participation Should Efforts at Compromise Fail. ? ? i ? ; ? ? ' Washington. ? At a bi-partisan ^'round-table" conference of senate loaders late formal , negotiations to ward a compromise on reservations to tb? peace treaty were inaugurated.. While no agreements were reached at the meeting, which was participate ed in by four republicans and five democrats prominent in recent infor mal negotiations tyid which lasted two hours, another meeting will be held Another development in the treaty situation was n visit to the capitol by William Jennings Bryan, the former secretary of state, who conferred with several republicans as well as demo cratic senators, urging an immediate comp}umis0 on reservations and rati Qcatlon of the treaty. He also advocated his plan of '?lth lrawal of democratic participation In roting on the treaty, if a compromise should fail. A NEW HIGH LEVEL MARK \8 REACHED IN PRICE OF PORK. Noblesville, In d.? Chiefs Best, a spotted Poland-?hlna hog, brought $86,000 in a sale here this week. This is said to oe a new record price for one hog. GERMAN REDS URGE EMPLOYES TO ORGANIZE INTO COUNCILS ? ? Berlin x? A communist manifesto urges the Immediate election of revo lutionary employes' councils > in all Industrial establishments. SECOND DEGREE MURDER 18 VERDICT IN CASE OF NEW Los Angeles, Calif.? The Jury re turned a verdict ol murder in the sec ond degree in the case of Harry S. New. New was charged with the mop aer of Kiss Freda Lesser In July. . - ? . ? Yf '.rj' THE LEADING FINANCIER# OP . 21 REPUBLICS GATHER FOR FINANCIAL CONFERENCE. \ SIIRREn WELCOMES VISITORS ?ioratary Glass, President-General of ths Conference Occupying the Chair at Opening Session. Washington. ? Marked by the pre* ?nee of the leading financiers and bo* Mas men of the -twenty-one republics $t the western hemisphere, the second Pan-American Financial Conference opened here for the consideration of International problems arising from (fee return of peace. . President Wilson sent a message of greeting, declaring that P&n-Ameri ea sought no selfish purpose in assist tag world reconstruction ard would regard It as a privilege to foiSU the obligations Imposed by the great ad vantages enjoyed by tbe feeopto of these Republics. Secretary Lansing brought out the same idea In address ing. the delegates, when ho said the Americas accepted the burdens throat upon the new world by the war. Welcoming the visitors to the build ing of the Pan-American Union, John Barrett, director-general, spoke of tha onion's moral influence in preserving peace and building up commerce. Secretary j, Glass, preaident-generaS of the conference, occupied the chair at the opening session. BRYAN ANTI-PROFITEERING AND PUBLIC OWNERSHIP IDEA. a.- ' ? ' ' ? -.V" ' New York.? Profiteering and publlf ownership. 'wer^ declared by . William i?r w: - nC. a LH. -a" in 1 TT "-"^V'TTr have been reported ??? ??? ? --- no authoritmire statistics are avail able. A newspaper report states that 1,000 cases have been found here, Wt this haa not been corroborated. PROHIBITION AMENDMENT IS TO BE filVEN ANOTHER TEST Washington. ? Validity of the federal prohibition constitutional amendment is to be determined by the supreme court, which granted the state of Rhode Island permission to institute original proceedings to test it and en join the enforcement In that state. ? ^ ' HOLLAND 18 REMINDKD CP HER INTERNATIONAL DUTY Paris. ? Holland is told in the alllod note demanding the extradition of for mer Emperor Wll'Iam that she will ptot "fulfill her lfflteraf/Jowtf duty" If she refuses to associate herself with the entente powers In chastising crime committed by Germans during the war. ; ? f AMERICAN RED CR088 WILL ' LEAVE SIBERIA VERY SOON Washington.? Orders providing for withdrawal of American Red Cross personnel from 81berla at the time American troops start homeward hare been cabled It wae announced to head quarters at Vladivostok of the com. mission headed byvLieut. Col. Rudolph B. Teusler, of Virginia. ? ?- - . . . AUSTRIAN SCHOOL CHILDREN SUFFERING MUCH FOR POOD Paris. ? Representatives of the American mission for the relief of ehtldren have just finished an exami nation of school children In Vienna and found, according to, a .dispatch re ceived by the Austrian delegation Jtere that 07 per cent of them are suffering from lack of food.. J ( . ARMY TRANSPORT POWHATAN . IN NO IMMEDiAT? DANOtd ?r ToJL IN Powhatan, in distress about 700 miles of New York, reported by Wire

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