ion $im mm Ordinances Regarding Influenza | Adopted bj Pitt County Board of Health. 1. It shall be child or adult who has influe&?a to leave his premises until per mission is given by the attend in? physician or county health officer. No child or adult wba resides in a bouse v/here any one has influenza shall leave his preroesis unless, in the opinion pi the attending physician or couni health officer, expressed in writing it is safe for him to do so. - Violation ofjithis ordinance shaft be punished by a fine of not more than qfty dollars. This ordnance shall be in $$ ? force and- effect oa andi after February 5, 2. Every physician practicing ia Pitt county Js; hereby required to report daily to the coonty health officer tjbe names of all patieats vfcfch influenza, giving the eames of fthe patient, ihe head of the household, the post office uddn-ss, and Ibe school district in whicjjf the patient re sides. ti Violations '* soda fountain, drinking stands or other: place where soft drinks or ice cream is served, shall be avowed to dispense any soft d ink?, ice cream, or any ices o ciinks, except in individual s .nitary cups which have not been previously used* All the spoaps. shall be thoroughly sieri lized before being used the sec omi ?me. Violation of this e shall, be punished tyy a fine not more than fifty dollars. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on tnd after February 5, 1920^ 4 It is hereby ordered that means of ventftuing and clean ing th^at?>s%?Si-^ther amuse ment places shall bq approved ? ?j? -as* " *? i m i im*M ?'? >n H7 ilf? ? ?WUt by the olhef by tym theatre or other place of atm^e ment shall be allowed to operate. tion without this approval shaH subject the proprietor or roaotoger to a fine offiftydoliars. Tbil ordinance shall !*sNin full force and effect on and after February 5. 1920. . County and city- superintend ents of schools shall be required to instruct teachers uade^ their supervision to exercise att.proper diligence to p# of iriilueuza, to pupils how the and | methods of exevde Irons the :& -A REASONABLE DAY'S WORK* BY EVERY ONE WITHIN: A RCA- ? -JS^TP- rv- *** y -~\T- . - ???? ? SON ABLE PERIOD. Get Back: 'to Thrift, sanity and Com. mon Senae, or Accept oa Perma nent Existing Scale of Prices. ?/s ??*" .- "?*' w- V "1 , -v ' : '? *????! /fc.V , ' ' ?/ - f .-.-i'v-v ? Syracuse, N. Y. ? Sherman J. Lowell, master of the National Grsage, in a . statement given oat here, declared that it was the belief of the farmers of the country that the only way to reduce the cost of living was for every oine to be willing to do "a reasonable day's work," and that the forty-four hour week would never support even America. ' ,v.:.4U':,-| Mr. Lowell's statement in part fol lows: 'Those who -are best informed bo agricultural , conditions in America cannot offer the slightest hope of lower food prices, so far as the farmer Is concerned. V > I . v i "ty the reconstruction every one moat get ready to actually work again, -to save again and to considerable de gree to get.baek to thrift, sanity and eommon aense, or else accept as per manent the present scale of living costs, in which event we might Just as wisli stop ranting about the high coat of living and realize that a new basis of economic procedure Is here to stay. t "This is the declaration of the Na* tional Grange, which sees in the fu ture no reason why rlts menders should slave long hours, titpten days a week food 10 .RUSSIAN1 RED COMMISSION IS EMPOWERED TO OO BU81NE88. ?:?< --????. : Paris.? The -Russian^ ,aQ-0peratlve headquarters at T'ariaT has received authorization frQin th?, soviet tjovern meat to transact business with for' eign countries. V '> - ?*"" ' '? i ? 1 W INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF ThlE WORLD *RE CONVICTED [ -? ? V ? Tacoma, W&shn.? A Jury trying thirty-six aljeged Industrial Workers of the World on a charge of a criminal zydteftKam, retained a cprdict of guilty after being out 68 hoars. RATE TRIBUNAL FOWlEi JUDGMENT OK A the ita&vqfi -Irkutsk to tr Kolchak, former head of t! sian government In Siberia, ed In a despatch in Siberia, from the' town, of Manchurfc border between Slberiavand The dispatch stated ^ that Hon in eastern Siberia ha down under martial luw. flelds along ?he Lena river nationalised, ^ was added . IVLy.-tXSBa&BKi . f AILING IN AXt' (EFF SFFECT A COMPROMI DEMOCRATS WALK Firtat Break Cam* Win -? ?. ? V ?->, 'V ?? ? . V. v. ' fused to Accept Ameni ten by Former Preal. dsan yhegotiatlona on rea the. peace trealy suddenly end when the democrat* failing In a last attempt compromise on article ten, nf tjiVnnnfi<i.nni J&L .m oi me coniereoce ana ann tWW se^c som? i>iher mi former to t|a | ?vrte riak insurance announced rector Cholmeley Jones. Herbert hoover'8 name - ON DEMOCRATIC B. v Lansing, Mich.? Petitions to the name of Herbert Hoover democratic ballot at the preafl preference primary April, v 6, w< ceived by the secretary of atat< KOLCHAK MAKES HIS E8CAPI FROtJ THE B0L8HEVIKI HOI ' ' ; ??.*' ' 'r' ',U V', ''?$! \ Honolulu, T. H.-^Admiral Kolc is imported to have escaped from bolshevlki and^o be in hiding in 3 jchuria, according to a Tokio dispi to the Japanese newspaper Nlppl hare. TAKE L.IQUOR UNDER C< meat i? considering a proposal to ttre Bqoor trafficr tinder 'atato oont There are numerous American t ists In the island now, the rush W said to be. due partly to prohibitioi the United 8tates.' ITALIAN SQLDIEfte CLASHED\ WITH SLA V-G E RM Afy SAiLC . . . ... Try -MM -.1 Slar and German sailors on board steamer Africa of ithe TrH?te?L line at SongapJore recently when of W? cried "Down Jtely/ according t*. a report to M?ggeroMf^?^| Sz GnlB&S ie Uaited| )k with favor upon nally known finan il loaders iiianef Id out of the finan the farmer and some of hia or ations are being used to furthex Plumb plan for the government rid of . the railroads and for the >ling of the farm loan act. believo that the people of North ilifca think, that the railroad e id bo returned to their owners as legislation for that purpose J>e passed ? said Mr. Small. "My pnation as to the effect, that the ijers of the country entertain this ? " | & my opinion that the 'railroads id bo. returned and that we should t legislation which will restore ' credit as far as possible and en ,.them toifrgpi thepubllc. J SALOON KEEPERS lAVS THAT CITY FOR CUBA. Departing at the .y, former1 Chicago saloon bar tenders are. going to to Joseph Popper, in deputy collector. 1 ii ? ? < ON'8 GREAT NEPHEW -FLU AT WASHINGTON. V-ryV ' ? ? Lawrence Washing t nephew or George Washing . of Influenza .here. 3e was ; Vernon In 1865 and for, 'had been employed at of congress, / ; . > itZHT SOME FOOD?, r_ Increases of from 50 cent in retail price? of the . footf- product# of the com from 70 to more than 200 per wholesale daring the last six , are shown in Spires issued by. ibor statistics* 4 . - v j* ? clothing prices, accord barean's'flgurecshowedan >f 235 per cent, last Deoem 1S18 levels and house hir? t up 203 per ceat.^-r'M i GOVERNORS TO RECRUITING DRIVE. ,j Secretaty Baker hay letter to the governor of requesting his official co the nationwide, recruiting . lie war de be intensifies ? '22 to 29, which were asueu tc lling the attec to the tiport taking his ?seat as amemterAffii'e tor J& W^tfapfc,;,-6f-' the* ^fl^ffla-Cren^ eral Ass?^lyv^fadajMW4tt^'W^ flcatfoii of th. xR.-;^oaft amendment now before that body. Secretary Glass points out , the wis 1cm of srantine^woma^s^ffrasa. ROPER HAS 1 1S8UED A RUL^ THAT ONUV THE SICK -CAN SECURE A PERM, T. /' . , A P?pm?:WH? One to Pur# Pint Liquor medical pia-poses and detailed regu lations-governing their .sale 'were jnade pubHc by the bureau of 'inter nal jrevsnue. Announcement aleo was made that the bureau had compiled * syetem o! 'permits providing a definite and field channel through which ari intozica^j ingf liquors- inust move, and by whjch hereafter the.: government Jfiil ktfow the location of every gpljon of distill , ed liquor within -the nation^" boun daries except that stored' in' private boar&t-v | In petting forth: the ways I liquor -may be procured, Commissioner ] I Roper took- occasion to issue a warn-. Mr. Roper alao announced that a? liquor seized under -federal law prior to last October 28, unless claimed un ? der the '60-day ruling, would be gold ' by order of the court under the juris* diction of which it is held.. It must be sold, however, to a bolder of a per mit. Both the physician who prescribes and | the pharmacist who sells liquor, the regulations provide, must have a permit. MEXICANS WAKE PRISONERS | \pF TWO AMERICAN AVIATOR8 i J . McAllen, Texas.? Two army avia . tors, Lieutenant E. F. Davis, and O. , E. Grimeis, carrying a military mes j sage from Fort Brown, Texa|, to Nogales, Ariz., were forced to make a { landing In Mexico, 36 miles south cl ' Zapata, Texas, and are being held by { Mexicans. i : ? COL. GRAVES ADDRESSES THE FORE8TRY CONGRESS. "7 New Orleans.? Acquisition by the government of extensive additional areas of forest land*; to be handled permanently In the interest? of" the public was the feature of a proposed new forestry policy for the nation ad vocated by Colonel H. S.. Graves, chief of the United States Forest service, before the day's passion of the South srn Forestry congres#here. FOR FOOD RELIEF- CREDI ; ? *150, <W0, 000 for Poland. Austria -and; Armenia tp alle?lato conditions which iC 1^. am4 O /?> '' J 1 :ed t&e tires 36 ways and If. comment sd oongidera 10 indication TO HAVE DUO-CENTENNIAL OP COUNTY ON 8ECOND DAY OC OCTOBER, 1922. BERTIE IS TO SPEAK e .-v** ' '?? te'Vr - ' ' - ' ? J Judge Winston it Engaged in Writinf History pf County for Publication by County Commissioners. V ' ? ? Windsor.? 'Bertie county Is now ar , -an gtfng* the great dinxentenniai' of the- county on the second day of Octo ?? ,1. _ ? grand pageant will be given em -bracing the entire history of the cctanty ajul Sir. Cecil Bertie, second LOr&of the* Admiralty of England, has JW^^&vitatJtia'-^ be present aRdudeliver the main address. The I county of Berfie is named after James | Bertie, who. was one ol the lords pro-_. by a succession and who wa a : of eir CecA Berti* . w'inaton is , now engaged in l ting a history of his county and on ' ?.day of this great celebration he I proposes to hand over the manuscript to the_ county commissioners for pub lication under the'ict covering those ? ' ' ' ; -iFLvV ;< JO ' s. ? Charlotte,1 ? The totafi amount of taxable property Jn Meckleflmrg coun ty for the year 1919, including real and one! property, corporation excess railroads, is 146,622,583, according .^ftgtreis complied 1>y P. M. Ores ^?county auditor. .?Mp. z ?:???? ???. aleigh.? Dr. A.B. Hawkins, ene of, i's oldest citisen, 95 ^ celebrated the event by r his friends. Dr. Ha-wkjM and hearty.* HsTi* tb? alumnus of the IJaivw* H. HartlqA ; .... of the most prtitiSi?nt?id weaRh* lest citizerns of Davidaon county ttflji at his home at Tryo at the life ^#4^ years. SheJfry, ?-Thomas J. Ashley, i31ev<dand county, convicted -In [,1918, of manslaughter and seat to a term of four yeers in the " prison was pardoned by Ck . Bickett upon recommendation of t|Mj solicitor, the Judge who tried the. flpte and a large nnmfber of represeatdtrf citizerns of Cleveland county. Ctoklsboro? The capital case of tfcd throe young white men of this oountjr, Jasper Farmer, Sylvester Mathls and George Hopewell, charged with erfm tail assault upon Hiss Martha Out law. a 15 year, old white girl, also of this county, ended here when, after deliberating upon the case for only a fev minuits, the Jury filled into the courtroom and rendered a verdict of oqt guilty. In commenting on the verdict, the presidering judge was very severe la his strictures on the jury which passed on the case. '?I*' Afiheville,? With all the theaters and schools closed and public- father toga of all kinds banned by the city commissioners, and With HI new eases of influenza reported here the situation . In Aaherille has acute. ???? Peiat? Startling facte regard J in* <he school .system of JIl*3i Point ?riijrealed at a mass mating of ? js here when it was asserted & T. Tomlihson, chairman of tha board, Oat unless immediate were /take n to Improve the b? Utiles the system would, collapse by September) ibtt.. ' t ,?/ At the present time, Mr. Tomlinwa said, there wdi-e 350 more pupils es rolled, in the schools of the city than ?here arr seats for children. Some Big Taxpayers. ^Durham,? Four corporation^..' and citisena, pay mora than half of ? taxes on. real estate and personal iroperty in the city of Durham.. Jha paid flOMS^f^the elty The American Tobacco r com ' taring $40* ' is wild ;? -r ?X'K^r. h/C':

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