Welcome to FARMVILLE The Busies! Town in U.S.A. Subscription $1.00 a Year in Advance -WATCH F. FABMVILLB. PITT ceUSFTT ?' '"N ' ' ? >C ' fife TOL. X FUfflEBSPUim A NOTICE WILL BE SERVED ON PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES TO SHOW THEIR COLORS. BARRETT ?- j A Petition Concrete to lacraoao . Mas* ?Him Loan Uador Farm Lata BUI " From 110,000 to fM^OQ. Washington. ? With the apoint* ment of a committee o t seve^ promin ent farm organisation leaders to dra* up a platform.'* American farmed as represented in the national heard of farm organisationa, served notice on present and prospective presiden tial candidates that he isr determined to participate actively lr. the coming campaign. ? The .piatform will comprise quee tions designed to bring oat munis* takably the attitude of each candi date open matters which agriculturists consider of paramount Importance. C. S. Barrett, of Georgia, president ' of the National Farmers' union, wa named as chairman of the commit tee. The conference adopted resolutions asking the early appointment of an American delegate to the Interna tional Institute of Rome to approved the storing to lective buying end ?d Santa Fe, Meted ratification of ?tan suffrage amendment leo is the'-thiity eecofad state LOIR PRICES ON MEAT WED FOR TO INVESTIGATE THE BOOKS OF RETAIL MEAT DEALER8 TO ASCERTAIN PROFITS* ? WHOLESALERS PRICE REDUCED ? ?' 1 General Palmer Says That%Meat* Have Steadily Fallen For Three . Month* Without Reduction) Chicago. ? Retail meat dealer* j throughout the country muet their prices u the wholesale price of Meat' declines or else submit their took* to federal agents for iDreatiga tics of their profits This definition of the government's attitude was announced by. Attorney General Palmer. Instructions to serve the notice on all retail meat dealers have been sent to every United States district attorney he said. "*,or thrfee months .has been falling," "The retail dealers have claimed their, supplies were old stock par chased at the higher prices. The old stocks should be exhausted by this] time, and unless the price to the con sumer comes down we will have to look into the question of the dealers' profits.* ADMIRAL NICHOLAS HOJtTHY NAMED REGENT OF HUNGARY. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IS TO SPEND 125,000,000. i Chicago.? The Armour Institute of j Technology announced pleas virtually were complete for"* erection of new buildings to cost 126,600,000. A new site of 80^ acres, it was said, would be purchased. A FORMER MCMI FOUR TIMES Rl One Hundred and Seventeenth "Unt ted fittes tafintty. of thi? mettcm. hsi received three photographs of hit owr irw* ' A. ? mm . .-?* vj. , ^ - NEW WORLD ? ? ? ? ? v- vj>," .*? '4 *? *\ v - '. PROGRAM DEVISED BYCHUKCHB8 By S. CARL TAYLOR : ? ii f- ? DR. a. t*RL TAYLOR, General Secretary Interchureh WorM If Cirist, on tlie day He was bera, fcad started oa a tour to preach la eve^y village la India, He' would stlU aave 30,000 mate to visit. We now believe we hare found a way by wbtch the leaders of the ProV eetant churches can ait around, a.' com mon table and bare the Christian pro gram of the entire world laid betorr anng vritn a ctmpajgn oc tou MEW RAILROAD ACT DOES NOT ; l?L?A3E RAILWAY "WORKERS OR UNION LABOR HEADS; p ?f the Promoted Arbltratloh ij Would Destroy Discipline ?nd Lead to Gheos. ' Magton. ? Organized railroad r? and union labor in central, C the ro drafted railroad reorgan* i bill to be destructive or res' constitutional privileges and a, called on Congress to defeat i as lire in its entirety. memorial, addressed to the pec tho United States, as weU as [at the financial return (it in subverts Us principles of ??01*r?K#aki?hi8 provision, aortal holde, would constitute indonment of government for imon loodh&i establishment eianeatyte private interest, j Ions efjtbe measure tor arbi of disputes are attacked i>e ! tbe manner in jrhich the spe ttration boards would be con land because of the way .in ley would operate. arbitration boards, including T. " ? eU, v?Hl U**?v - V?...< V- '? Hi" ? 1 PRESIDENT GOES TO W0?* W AN EARUf MORNING HOUR. ; - rtsbtasttm.? president Wilson has covcd to much. Bter Admiral yiou, bis ptjnlolJUi, Mid,- that he 8 to work In hi? study evtry morn . ION* PREPARE YO DE M AN D ttftPPED BY LACK 0F_ fHE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THF ? X HIGH C08T OP LIVING NOT WHOLLY UNSUCCESSFUL. LOWER PRICES NOT GENERAL Hostile and Barren. Congress Net Only Fails to Give Support to Wlson But Offers No Plan of Ita Own. Topeka, Kan.? The campaign against the high coat of living has* not been unsuccessful and, although there baa been no general lowering of prices to the container there has been marked tendency toward it, Attorney General A.Mitchell, Palmer declared in an ad dress before the Kansas .Democratic club here. That more pronounced re sults hare not been realized Mr. Palm er attributed to what he considered a lack- tf cooperation between the leg islative and executive branches. has been, tapdlcapped by a hostile and barren congress/ the attorney general said. "Not 'Only has Congress refused to support the president in his plans, but Jt. has failed to offer any plans of Its own." : ? ? KNC OF THE BJRLQIAN8 < TO' Vt81T RIO JANEIRO Rio Janeiro. ^Announcement la made that Albert, King of the Pel giaik Win visit this cityin June,., Solumbia, S. C.? Lieut. B; m. May Bard-, -the "flying pal-son," is . -at, the hospital at Camp Jackson,, under ob- J cervr.tion for Infiuoaga'and bfe likely be at the hospital for seveii' I L.? ' X ' ? * J ? : farm Council .wants loan >: OF $20,000,000 IN CANADA. Park-It has been decided by the j city council of Paris to float a muni- ? ctpal loan of i|20.000,000 ;?! in Ciinatb. [The proceeds xn' to be used for thto purchase of foodstuffs dad other, e? ? ?iW ?? market ? to thQvCanadian axiar^ec. : >i OKA?H TAKES WA8HINQTQIJ? ^ * WBOPgUTAN WUd jW WaiUi(tm.-((tlor Kaymoiid .W ? ;^i| :"??? 5e? SSPiAj$-i ?5 *.'2^5""'" ' " 1 V ' " 'Tl'&Zk - W ; : r^ylenna.? Systematic -yandaiism and robbery in iameteries has led to de mandB; for rpoliCe.protectibiL. Newspa pers say graves and vaults have been daepolled, articles of the slighteet yalue stolen and coffins smashed for firewood. ' * I I THE "MAD MULLAH" ESCAPES >ROM TANKS AND AIRCRAFT t? r .-V >? --S- - V": '? ? ?? ; ?, f * ? London.? Tie combined operation* of tlie Brtti?k and Italian* with tanks In Afcywlkia hara *??> T?y sttcoew* tented ant . tha operatic!#* been ?'? T^,r led/' fmt ?jW| ' - aaeaoedj^'' - i ?? . ?>' r Ci . ?" 1 . . -> ?< ,. '"*" i ii ... ' i ? rtCKtBS ARE |0T,'r0 ?Wji0L*J " .. OTHER WAN ??*?" - ? '? .--vAttonwyi for the ftta ? *51 f-f&LZSZ atapi^wltk (department of Justice offi- - ;ciala to complete detaUi of the agreed' TCNTH IfoggtPEH