.f~-v FARKVntE The Busiest Town in U.S.A. Subscription $1.00 a Year in Advance A., MARCH 5, 1920 gjatepgaaa . j.. i..1 ROADS RETURNED 18 MIR ^ A'.;. 9 - ?V DIRECTOR GENERAL CONTINUE# IN HIS PRESENT POSITION UNTIL ABOUT MAY 1, MM {MUTES LOSE J8BS .j*. . 1 :* -< Of .tffti QiganVc Otganlzatien Which Wu Created At i War Expedient Pew Retain Their Peeitfone. - 5* ? . . -f .. istratioa, informing them that they wotdd "report to the proper officiate of the corporation* -which resumed control at 12: Of a. m. March 1. Of ated by Adoo as a rail trail* as one De be dl LAST OF THE AMERICAN ARMY HAS REACHED VLADIVOSTOK Washington. ? The but o( the Amer Scan army detachments along the Si berian railroads Is now believed to fcaro reached Vladifostok tar the evacuation of Aaerfean troops. BIG SEIZURE OF CONTRABAND HAS BEEN'MAOC IN CHICAGO Chicago.? Tiro csfloads oi pstsa medicine said to contain 55 per cen klcohol were seised^ hy federal an Charities, On warrants fused h; (he United States Afcrfct attorney, KNOXVI EFFORTS TO BREAK DEADLOCK IT IS CONCUJOKD, 18 A ' MERE WASTE OF TIME, ? ? ' ? ' fflR& ?' II COUP OF Compromise Negotiation* on Subject of Major ReeervatWJis to Article Ten Are to b? Dropped. ris is reported to bar? been killed ai Kovno, Lithuania. Harris joined the Lithuanian army a tew months ago M Instructor. ? Washington.? Convinced that for the present their labors to break the peace-treaty deadlock are arwaste of tfcn* senate leaders moved <o get the treaty oat otthe way of pressing legis lation and to let the issues raised by the ratification fight go into the polite cal campaign for tedsian. Under the plan agreed to and ap parently acquiesced in by, all element* of both parties, compromise nexotia> tions on the crucial reservation to ar ticle ten ere to be dropped, readop- : tion of the republican reservation pro gram of last session is te be completed as a formality, and then a final rati fication vote to to be taken to put the treaty out of the senate and into the campaign. " ~~ The coup of the frreconcilables in thus bringing the treaty fight to a truce was a virtual repetition of the move by which, several weeks ago, they ended the bi-partisan compro mise negotiations by bringing: pre* rare to bear on republican leaders. - * GOVERNMENT OP BOLIVIA IS TRYING TO SECURE SEAPORT 165,000 ACRES GOVERNMENT LAND WILL BE ftDLO SOON* : . . Washington. ? Public sale of 165,000 jct?s of land In ths former Cheyenne rirer and Standing Bock Indian reser rations, In North and South Dakota* war ordered by Secretary Lane. . ' : i. i' ... ? . AMERICAN FEDERATION TO TAKE NO FURTHER ACTION. ? mmmm . Miami, Ha.? Nb. farther action wfli he taken by the American Federation rl aC r ersanlsed labor, Samuel ?Jomp?*; president ot the federation, IMCOURT N8 ARE WHAN*. ?FECIAL TRAIN TO CONSIST OP TEN OR MOW PULLMANS WILL BE REQUIRED KMBwiMnm ? * i ,? . - * ?; Charlotte Members .r. j Royal Good Time on Thio Unusual and Lengthy WvJtfn Trtp M Charlotte. ? Members of OMU lMp Ma (ot the Shrine art looking tonmrC with keen pleasure to the trip to ^pr?? tod, Ore., in Jane, dIma ? wwjill train of "10 puNmans wfii ha operated rat af Charlotte, bearing the Carolina members to Che meeting of the Im perial council. The cost of the trip will be ahMt |2<Hi for each individual. the special train wfll leave Obw> totte June 14 ao4 will he en roots, Incfuding the stope, for II daya, re? turning ;??% The Journey going will he by way of Chicago, St M anrf over the so-called "northern po?te." The retain trip will he hy war of San Rranciaco, Lea Angelea, the Grand canon aad the eocaBed "southern route.*' K ia expected thaf there wfll ha. Shrinere aboard froa^aheviile, Hicfct Salem, Salisbury, CeoopEt and practi cally every city of consequence in the state. Roaaaat haa heea -aeceived to aljow the Squtb CMOllM Shltort. ft JftJ* -?? tt. Wttctt. tut no . Wilmington requesting thaft me found to furnish Wilmington a of whiskey to fight influenza, (a said to be very ^iTin Wiiin Ashevflle, ? "The tev JKM l? the big trucks toe fee lotto expre*a line w^^f;fPMN|N and enrerythfa* in inilueai jif JMgfc the operation o< tmiinaai first." ;#Att E N. BdmaMOivto.tfce AsharHle Board <* aW tfetfsa, am* fra* MM" and let* for the toeniMd Nvenl hundred per , *rv TfUflp declared that ra* m ?jJ Bjfll Ub<* had each ajk nit more than 15 - per cettt to on> zaoath Twni*a a * rt *45.000 QS a capitaliiatian ef OOLLEOS FftATEWWTIES AS1E ^ "WU UNDER BAM OP StATE. PDtdtor PRESIDENT WILSON APPOINT* BAINBRID6S COLBY TO Be SECRETARY OF STATE. COLBY IS Jtt EX-BUU MOOSE Not Kvon Among ThoM on tho Intldo | of Administration Circle* Wu ? Thought if Swoh a Solootlon. A VQTI ON- RATIFICATION OF TREATY MAY COME ANY. TIME WMlti&ftpn. ? President WIIboq ?pkto WMt the expectations of official *ad political Washington by naming Bala bridge Colby, a New York attor ney who left the republican party with Theodore Roosevelt In 1911, aa secro Tfce ealactioo camed scarcely lest 9t a sensation thaa the dismissal of j Robert lanstwg from the state port folio two week* ago, and waa received with such undisguised surprise in the MMto, where the President's choice muatbe approved before Mr. Colby can take up the duties of office, that j no ae of the leaders cared to predict when confirmation might be Toted. Not qpren antoog those on the inside of administration circles had there been any expectation that the selec tion would tall on Mr. Colby, who told Inquirers that he himself had been given' only a very brief notice of the President's Intention. ITALIAN LASOR CHAMBER HA8 CALLED .SYMPATHETIC STRIKE Naples.? A gsnaral strike in sympar fty uttfe st*ft4a* Aetai workers has b*? deolarod b? the labor chamber. ?.i ' . ~ ? ? i A8QUITH V > 9 at1 Washington.? A vote within the next two week* on ratification of the treaty at Yoraaffle* 1b contemplated by sen %te leaders. SOUTH CAROLINA'S ASSEMBLY V KILLS ?CL0S?O SHOP" BILL. ?. '? ^ ?' i.".-; > 7?. Colombia, S. C.-?After antt of the mmt vigorous fights of the legislative ?eaaiool which flnalljr developed into a SUtaker.jabill prohibiting "closed *XV9? in South Carolina waa kilted is tta* South Carolina general uiim INDIANS Oi+joB, ^ ???? u***tuu coun S^trEF" " ? * iz? t ?? ?* the gaa?^ AND HALF PER CENT g|& ICR WINS IN NEW JERSEY ' ' ? a, N. J.-AmM scenes oi tod cries tar recognition by ,?? v:i .->%* ? V i\ S- > tACRFICES MADE BY ITALY DO NOT AT ALL JUSTIFY AN UNJUST SETTLEMENT. WOULD PROVOKE FUTURE WARS Counts Upon Cooperation in Effort* ? to Maintain Direction of Affairs Initiated by Peace Conference. Washington. ? The conclusion, of Preildent Wilflon'B latest note to Uie supreme council reiterates his former position and is as follows : Referring to Italy's sacrifices, ad vanced in the correspondence as rea son for her claims, the President's reply was: "Bach considerations cannot be made the reason for unjust settlement, which will be provocative of future wars. - A course thus determined would be shortsighted and not in accord with tile terrible sacrifices of the entire world which can be justified end enobled only by leading finally to settlements in keeping with the prin ciples for which tbe war was fought. The President asks that the prime ministers of France, Great. Britain and Italy will read his determination inythe Adriatic matter in the light of these principles and settlements. "He confidently counts upon their co-operation- In this effort on his part to maintain for the allied and asso ciated powers that direction of affairs which was initiated by the victory over Germany and the peace confer ence." ^ver^again^ll *ppple*t*orM mv concert platform, nbr^ to re-enter pdlttlcs. accord ing to The Vevey, tfwitaerldnd, corre* pondect of The Daily Mail. MARCH HAS NOT PLANNED ANY SUMMER CAMPS THIS YEAR. Wtahlngton.? The war department dees not plan to bold training camps for reesrve officers this summer and in no case will reserve officers be call ed this year without their consent, General March announced. &'? [? m ' ii TO BUILD PIPE LINE FROM north Texas to chkaqo. > . ? ' " ' / .Chicago, ? A pipe line to carry oil from the Kansas, Oklahoma and north ern fexas fields to Chicago, with a distributing center at SL Louis, will be constructed and, in operation in tttitt^twelrirnibntha, two petroleum journals announced. A VW VALUABLE SAPPHIRE Bombay, India.? A sapphire eight Inches loaf and weighing more than are pounds, Is reported to hate been found gt Mogok by a Burmese. Ita ralue la estimated at between 85,900 ; pounds sterling and SO, 000 pounds ARMY REORGANIZATION ?ILL 18 NOW RKAOYFOR THI HOUSE Washington.? Its provision ?for uni versal military training eliminated, the home anjajr re-orgdnizatloti bill laying down the general principles on which the nation's- milita*^J||tabU8hment would be based, is ready for prase* HON ; 8KEVIKI. fc^-Release Stockton,

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