Published - &M NO. 49* FRANCE FEELS SINS OF OMISSION AS TO TREATY OBLIGATIONS. The Sritfth Seem to Feel That The* Leadership Among' Ail lee it Some How Being Sieputed. Sea Remo. ? Discussion of what shall be asked of Germany, aad how what Is asked shall be exacted has begun by the supreme council. Tension between the French and British delegations on this subject hae been considerable. - ; The French are declared to feel deeply that they have been the greatest sufferers trom Germany's omission In her treaty -ob ligations; that the reduction hi coal deliveries keeps an important frac tion of the French industries Idha They say that Germany during the last nine months, had indicated clearly to the French mind that she intends to do nothing she GREAT RISC IN THE COOT OF LIVING URGED IN SUPPORT OF PL.EA8 FOR RAI8E. Washington. ? Aif amenta on the mty increases Remanded "by conduc tor* and switchmen were made before the railroad labor board by L. S. Shep pard. president o t the Order of Rail* way Conductors, and 8. W. Heberlin, president of the Switchmen's Union of North. Amesfcp Both cited tfcefisc in the cost of living during the past few years to support the Idea , lot demands of the switchmen caB foi pay increases of approximately Mfpei cent with time and a half for overtime. Sundays and- holidays. ' :|j Similar allowances are asked by th? conductors, together., with wages suf fldent to lire on a jpre-war standard JB)et aak in addition an allowance foi *m w9 business ? well m to popUJ or a solid tnOiiload fofreTMy d the year. This is known to b business to the business circk ' -JWr ' ' JLz. i '^y,"v > -~"y the awHfc-^pThe Southern Bi girea Thomasrllk the credit for u the postoffice receipts are tlie index to the amount otlm Ftotota* Hffls . Eion College, Robber*; enter Blon Bank & Tru?t company, hi vault door from its hinges, rif deposit boxes, and escaped with $1S, 090 in liberty bonds and otl curitta* rjf bas not teto detei whether several: thousand doll currency deposited in the safe, ed in the rear of the vault, wt taken/ pending thev arrival fro leigb of a state bank examiner, i cbarsrs ^aconJing to custom. The robbery occurred durii early hours of the morning. of aahyHTC&enn., one of the i laadina Presbyterim;1 divinafi deliver the literary address y" Si c?Uefe commencement May ' wfllfce gratuation day and is expe< to one of peculiar interest on count of tbe f 400,000 endowment fettlldinx movement wbSch, U is ailn any mfcnner waeflt declared iy the . , -mayor. llMlMippi Valley Association . Demands Prohibition of Sfcrlkei Delation at Its closing convention ion here adopted resolutions' ss or free officers and enlisted President Wilson ! Disposition of Irsehim Province ' ? ? * i San Remo? Th& supreme council of premiers decided to leave -> to Presi dent Wilsoa the final decision as to Whether Eraerum shall be assigned to p| fcey ; Natr York.? Claims to unpledged delegations, virtually conceded by riv^l candidates, show a wider diver gence in the standings. These claims added to the instructed delegates, would show the following results: v Woed, 14t SLowden, 231$ Nicholas Murray Butler, 88; Johnson, 87; ^udge J.^S. Frltchard of North Carolina, 22. .. X^Wden. made the greatest gain the past week, receiving instructed ftSeyte s froip loiira. COWM official* prices was In prospect ;e, assistant to the at Refiners ^ attMOtfce ?T the conference said there had been "much talking hut no action"