Welcome W) The Busiest Town in U. S. A TOL. X Subscription $1.00 a Year in Advance Published by The Rouse Printery NO. 50 - ? PHD UP PUN FOR SBLDtERS' RELIEF FOUR ADDITIONAL PLANS ARi PREPARED FOR SUBMISSION TO THE CONCHIES*. ? - ?- i. v.* m ALLOWED ON STSEil . ; ? ? insurance Option Offered Is Said ti' b? One of th? Most Attraotivo 4 1 the Sovorai Suggested. Waahing ton. ? Republican n??1>Wl i of tho house ways ud moan com* mitt oo rirtually decided to inclbda it their soldier relief program a pia& at paid-up insurance, Its *alao to crease annually by compounded iatar est. and oa which loans could boot talced tram ur pes toff Ice. . .Ttt this addition os-oorrioo mm might elect a ny one at tho Are fofc lowing jlaas, incladed ia tho ropafr Haas program. A cash bonus sf $1J5 a day to* each day of sonrico; aid in baying fam land to bo reclaimed by tho gorersMt; aid In buyh* city homos; niftjB their education; or the taauraoM. To poyo'ariaa tho last foar pis as. tho republicans propose is allow 11.75 a day far each day sorrtoe inifnsd 'of ft Tit bona aa th? AAd kottf aid loans and tho gmoaat of form at orifmrtlniiaT tralciniu' ' 1 . .i i ??? Hthk teM ?1mc ? lIMnile front tat* tho Ukraine vu announced it ooauaaslqno kf th? IWtok general itaC. TM aorniMt, it to Mt forth, bftrfti expalstoa of the "foreign larMw** (lUutiaa boUherflti.) Moon Eollpee Wat Observed from Hydro-AJrplane Three Miles in Air. .i. 7.V; - v ? ?. Now York.? The eclipse of the moon w*s obsorred here by Heat. J. H. Til tea and W. H. Cushlng of the Rock aanay Beach naval air station at a height of nearly three and one-hali mllee. The two liootonanta aocended in a naral hydro-airplane, 'remaining in the air one and one-half noun. Th? observations were made at the direc tion of the nary department f ' . ? ' Failure of Government to Buy Cuban Sugar Fault of Congress - ?>T; ? ??? ' . ' ] i- ?? i Washington ?Failure at the govern meat to bujothe Cuban sugar crop last year at alow price wm due to'the "Ig noring" by congrtas of fteaideat WB ton's raqasst for extension of th? war : time legislation for emtrotling its dis trlbntion. Attorney General Palmei declared befwo the house sugar tars* tigatlng commlUee. \ ? ? ? ? ??? - .-v IwpcsalMe to Create a National V *r Merchant Marino Under teaman Aat Pinehnrst, U. C.? "America moot not be presented from taking her rightful position sis a world tttfoa by itttla Americans, Barrowrtal|Sfe< men ;et peanut politicians," V^acii H. 8ipMS, HfwJork banker declared at the aa* nual meeting of -the council gf of the American Bankers' aesociation. Mr. Siwon asserted that, detpite popular for a net*"?11 rjmn chant marine, one was Impossible oi creation under the present seaman's act Jewish Convention Announces a Bit of Very Interesting News. ' > i Washington.*? A telegram from the American and Canadian Union o t orthodox Jewtsh Rabbis asking that diplomatic influence be used to "help restore Palestine to her children* wa* made ps?ic it the white house. It was addressed to ? ? Seattle Wash.-? Vladivostok, in for mer years one of the most important shipping centers i# *he far east ** as qoiei as a deserted Tillage, accordini to advices received by the Paatftf Steamship Company from its Vladi vostok agent, steamship compa nies hafe withdrawn their vessels, he said, and only a line of Japanese tramp eoasters sow stop here, j These coadftioos are * result of the reign of the Russian "reds." * Up fa Arms Against Certain Movies Charlotte.?1 That SO per ?rot of the FEDERAL RESERVE 80 REPORTED IN OF APRIL COWl WaabtattoP ?Beporta from fed reserve agents throughout the com ?fcowed ? marked tendency of price rurat their upward movement, federal reeerre hoard reported. In summary of b twice ss conditions AprO. But the board noted pfcv.^op airs, from the consumers yiewjx of "anxiety miKXhiing the orerstr ed situation retaking from axceasi^ high price# and wages" which it liered forecast a slowing down in skyrocketing of price*. 'While high pricee of naeMea were obviiasly chargeable to in c!?ncy and under production to large degree, the board advanced belief that the already high coei production were aggravated by the "Pimyfoot" insurance ; :?l a Fairly fleasor ?ufar In New High Level Price of 82c a Pound. ? CMeaga?Sugar reached the high est price on record la Chicago,, ac cording to commission men, when a 1,000-pound lot sold for 82 cents a pound wholaeale. Buyer* attempted, to' ffbtain mare by offering 88 cents. ^ Lutheran Minister 8ays Divorces Premote a HlflNf llaral Standard ? , ? . T'vxj&fSsei Brldfeport, Conn,-,*?. tend to a higher standard pt BO^ and there Is really nb: needpte look with horror on their increasing num tTY COLLEGE PRESIDENTS rERESTED WITNESSES TO BRILLIANT CBRMONIAL ?I dent ? Mdrtw vfftt tn Analysts I How * SUte Unto*** Aid In Upbuilding PNW SvaVi ie offloUle, Df. MAtrj W?*d ? VM Inaugurated >1? lilt j wTWttt/ w t state usiversity Hi fee ??4t l Aiscvg tin rfeften were a 1W repreaeinUltaM ct wl i learned ? S8 eollege pre?14f *? sat A. Uwtmm Lew*!, of President Jota G. Bibles of i Dr. Cksrlee fL Mann, bead r?r Department'# educational .'resident Poteat Of Wekc For '^Tsrn.N^ ?ghatB> jfeffichlbald Hender j ? *. W. Btelwtt Chief Justice ' 'lark of tbe supreBtSeonrt of ' the forward man i to nilse Wi.0000 r? fceHere th**'wi i rafcfef $86,000 h* SlpssiM wee hold here. The, main Jncl ^re the .greet chorue of chil ora all part* of the oounty and lifloent addreee by Dr. & <>. State^perlntendent ; ?y tad mot expe? because most ?* in the past tea * Georgia Fruit Exchange Has Mad* Arrangements for Big Peaoh Cref Atlanta.? A "bumper" peach crop for Georgia, estimated at from nine to ten thousand cars, was the fore cast made at. a meeting of the mem bers of- the George Fruit Exchange and railroad representatives who made arrangements for getting the fruit to market New York Qo|ng fnto Municipal Operation of Street. Car Ltaea New York.? New York City will try Its hand at municipal operation of street cars within a few weeks if the board of estimates prorides fund* for the 'carrying out an ordiaance adopt ed by the board of aldermen. Tfie al lermen voted 40 to 16 for municipal operation of 'cars on the Williamsburg bridge line. The city already owns the tracks. Want Officers as Clearing Houtoe* . for Information on Foreign Trade . Chapel Hill, N. C. ? Resolutions re questing the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, to establish dis trict offices in Atlanta and co operate offices in North Carolina, South Caro lina and Florida and preferably at the state universities, all four offices to serve as clearing houses for informa tion on foreign trade for the four states were adopted b/ the education al committee of the South Atlantic states association meeting. i Entire World .Must Tlghien Belt If There la to be Food for AH. t ' ? "?? <; - ? . . " ? . I New York.? The entire world most tighten its belt if there is ; to be enough for all, end that beft ;'ir 8 strict control of bank credit without which the world will continue to gorge itself vBT IhflWiC declared Pjijil M, ? h Washington.? Another effort to gain a hearing before the railroad Mm# board was made by representatives of the non-recognised association# of railroad men who hare quit thejr Jobs. In a letter to Chairman Bartqp, offi cials of the new organisations . said the recognized onions had misrepre sented the strikers and they : asked that the new associations o? yardmen and engfnemen be permitted to pre sent wage demands. : ?? . British to Support Sultan In a Move Again** Nationalist? Turks Constantinople.? British troop?, it is believed; plan-to support the sultan's forces In Its movement against ?&*? tah nationalists in Asia Minor and svek Join in an aggressive offensive sgslnStliuatapha Kemalr Lieutenant ??mmafd" 2 British forces here, has e^ne to Ismid on antwetion tour and elaborate preparations are being vaU* tqr M?a Wtlsk ?tas tte inolollu ?mt of V ?' . ? ? ?? eUB8TITUTE * FOR RESOLUTION RECENTLY PASSED BY LT?E i LOWER HOUSE. (.?it ? TtBE WEEKS OF DISCUSSION i ' . I t*rT Virtually Solid Democratic Oppositlsrj to the Measure Is Predicttc* by ( Loaders of That Party. 7T ' uji ? Washington.- A Joint resolution proposing repeal o I. resolution* by Congress declaring a state of war with Germany and Austria-Hungary has been reported out by the senate for ?igu relations committee by a strict party rote* Introduced by Senator Knox, re publican, of Pennsyl/ania, as a sub stitute Cor the republican resolution recently passed by the heoso, the measure was formally presented to the senate late in the day by Senator Lodge, the republican leader. > Readers of both parties predicted several weeks of diseussio? with lit* tie prospect of action ua*H near the time set for a recess for the national , conreatless. ' Virtually solid democratic opposi tion to the substitute, was predicted by leaders of the party. ? ? ? I Ml Suspicion Aroused That Mexicans Are Importing Hin W^r Matt ' y i iTr^|>-; fi3 4$ ' -j, J Washington. ? A total of 76S deper tat ion warrants hare been Issued the department of labor as a result of the so-called radical raids by the d apart aaant -of /aettec, Assistant Sec *etary rl^oet ?ld te a letter to Chair man: Johnson of th* house y imnigr* tlon oemmittee. 4X& total of 6,350 warrants of arreel were laired, Mr. Post said, and ap> proximately 3AM pf these executed* The .lumber cancelled was 1 ,1W. ????? . preparing fer Grand Opera . AahevMe,? With the electte* ef ef1 fleers of. the AsberiUe Maeleal SW ttral Asaociatloa here, the woWEec hating beea-charter^ spuflimjiiwat the ioUd ctbtatltli 'wb iM iM Btt ?*? here dufta* the first KraaS opera w*efc wMoh will!

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