Democrats Favor a Rsvtefon of tha Volstead Act -* * - New Haven. Conn. ? Revision of the Volstead act so as to pormit the man ufacture aad sale of. beer and light vines was favored by the democratic states esnvehtion. A recommendation of the state central committee that the Connecticut delegates to Saa Fran cisco be insructed to vote as a unit was rejected. Christian Scientist Fatter is Found guilty of Manslaughter Newark, N. J.? Andrew Walk, a Christian Scientist, was foond guilty of -mans laughter by a jury in the court of common pleas for failing to provide medical treatment for his nine-year old daughter, Dorothy, who died a yea? ago from what physicians diag nosed as nasal diphtheria. The girl had been provided with Christian Science treatment General Fiores Plans to Attack / Mazatlan a Seaport of Sinaloa Nogales, Aris. ? General Angel Fior es, revolutionary commander in Sina loa, will attack Mazatlan, the princi pal seaport with a formidable force (n a few days, according to Americans here from the coast state. General Fiores was said to have several siege guns, machine guns and a large supply of ammunition. While the seaport is protected, by a fortress it was said that the federals' supply \of ammunition was- scanty Congress Asked by Railroads for Addftlonal Loan Of $500,000,000 Washington. ? An additional $500, ? 000,000 during this year to finance .the construction of freight cars was asked of congress by railroad executives. E. N. Brown, chairman of the Board of the St. Louis and San Francisco road, said this sum was necessary to build 100,000 cars and 2,000 locomo tives immediately needed to relieve the present shortage. The companies themselves, he testified, could not bor row this amount on their own eerdit. ? > . Revenue Collector Reports a Collection of Extra $207,260, 000 Washington. ? Additional taxes amounting to $267,260,000 have been assessed against big corporations in the last nine months as a result of an audit of their tax returns. Internal j Revenue Commissioner Williams in formed congress in Asking for 11,300, 000 to pay the expenses of this work. Two Priests Tn Florence, Italy, Have Been Arrested for Theft | Florence, Italy.? Two priests were arrested on a charge of having stolen s bast of Antonio Canova, the cele brated Italian "sculptor; an altar by Lueia Delia Robbia, the 15th century, sculptor, and other art treasures from the Abbey of Arcevia. Copies of the original treasures were substituted by the thieves, the police having recover ed the altar. . ?' i ? *" firxL-' ,? ' -ri 4 v tr#?.^^a6ff^w^?56r" ; : ? yp& ? | r Mexloan General Reynaldo Garaa H a Fugitive on Amiriein Soil - ' ' :? . . Laredo, Texas.? General Reynaldo Garza, commander of federal forces In' : the Neuvo Laredo military district, la a refugee on American soil. Twelve Pound Nugget of Gold Is Discovered and Deposited in Bank " Brussels. ? The largest nugget of pure gold in the world, weighing just :>ver twelve pounds, has been found at the Kifo State Mines and deposited in the Belgian Congo Bank in London. Consulting Economist Says $2,500 is Required for a Family of Five - > ..W "Washington. ? A minimum of $2,500 i year is accessary for the support of an American family of five. W. Jett Lauck, consulting economist for the railroad brotherhoods, asserted before '.he railway labor board. Agea for Retiring of Government * Employes Range from 62 to 70 Washington. ? Conferees on civil service retirement bill have reported an agreement fixing the general re tirement age at 70 years. Letter car riers and government mechanics would be retired at 65 years and railway mail service employes at 62. Think of ii! By subscribing to fne Farravilie Building: & Loan Association you can easily build you a home wiih the money you are now paying. out for rent. The tenth scries is non open. See A. H. foyner, Sec'y., at W. M. Lan.s Co's. store for further particulars. YOUR EYES! Dr. Burke & JSpeacc, OPTOMETRISTS will be at Davis Hotel, Farm ville, N. C. every-' 2nd Wednes day. Beverly Hotel, Ayden. JN. C. eveiy 3rd Tuesday. Come early, hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. If you have head or eye trouble see us. ? ' \17E^ CAN furnish your home complete? from top lo ? ? bottom? at less cost than you can possibly procure goods of similar quality for elsewhere. frugality of Expenditure. on your part, at this store, does not uean common or inattractive furniture, carpets or hangings. Nothing of that kind ever gains admittance to our stocks. 44 A better qualify and a taller value." solid construction along artistic lines, are features that mark every article of merchandise found here. We especially invite prospective brides^ and newly-weds to investigate our stocks and compare valises. That's The Secret of This Store s Success T. E. JOYNER, Mgr. ;COMPAII% % ? - For The Home But The Wife " FARMVELLE, N. C. Be It Ofdained By Th6 Board of Commissioners of The Town of Farmville, As Fol lows: \ ? ? ? ? Sec. 1. Pursuant to fbe Mu nicipal Finance Act (Chapter 138 of the Public Laws of 191^'of North Carolina, as amended) bonds of the Town of Farmville are hereby authorized to be is sued in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $25,000.00 for the purpose cf enlarging the water supply system of the Town of Famville at> the ex pense of the Town at large. Sec. 2. ^ A tax. sufficient to I pay the principal and interest of] said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Sec. 3. The following matters] are hereby determined and de clared pursuant to the require ments of Section 17 of the Mu nicipal Finance Act. (a) The probable period of I usefulness of the improvements ! for which bonds are hereby authorized to he jssued is forty years-, computed frpiii Decern ber lstj 1919. (b) A statement of the debt of the Town of Farmville has been made and filed with the open to publjc inspection. (c) The ' average assessed valuation of property subject to taxation by the Town of Farm ville for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied, as shown bv said statement is $1, 367,869.00. (d) The Amount of the net debt of the Town df Farmville, ouistf.nding, authorized or lo be authorized, as shown by said statement, is $155,000.00. Sec- 4 This ordinance sh^JI be published once in tach of four successive weeks as requir ed by The Municipal Finance Act. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first publication "unless in, the meantime a petition for its sub mission to the voters is filed un der The Municipal Finance Act, in which event it shall take ef feet when approved by the vot ers of the Town of Faroiville at an'election sis provided in said act. It is hereby determine* that all expenses to be defrayed "by means of the bonds hereby authorised are necessary ex penses of the Town within the meaning of Section 7 of Article 7 of the Constitution of North , Carolina. R. E. BELCHER, Mayor. T. E. JOYNER, Clerk. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 6th day of Octo-i ber 1919 and was first published, on the 14th day of November 191 % Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said .ordinance must be commenced within 30 davs after publication, T. E. JOYNER, Clerk. . ? ) ? , . f OF SNOW HILL, N. C. __ ling ot your Bank Account and us, we in ! .-V ?? V, ?' > >,4 ' ege of co-oper; /"^RAND old '5B.uU" Durham. He belong ja thja VJ country's Hail of Fame. Can you thick of a mora familiar figure ? For over half a century Bull has been part of the landscape; the tobacco h: reor^or.ta ^ ?Ts ? iv-.'. .t iijst am?isSS2iK ^ ?? ? is.- :-j 1 ^ek?-. :_.r ? e