FAtofYILLE ENTERPRISE Published by Che Rouse Printery " , 1 ? 1 . - ? ? i E&tered in the Boat Office at Farm ville, N. C., as second class mail nattar. > ^ ' FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1920 plant Shade trees. \ * . > Mr. Editor: With several miles of p^ved streets completed, a large school building, tobacco st emery, bank building, theatre and nnmerous dwellingsT all to be completed this" year, FarmvHJe is easily placed among the progressive towns of the state. The citizen ship of the town is made up of progressive men and womeB, whose aim is to make it an ideal town in which to live. Under the direction of the State Board of Health, a campaign to eradi cate the mosquito will be waged; in fact a representative is now on the job, and he informs the writer that he hopes to make his work ninety percenj efficient. To all these activities we render a hearty Amen. But,' gentlemen, "One thing ladkest thou yet." No one will dispute the fact that shade, not only adds greatly to the beauty of any town, but to the comfort as well. Are we not badly lacking in this particu lar feature? 'Water oaks, and they grow abundantly in this section, will, whea properly Set, and it requires very Tittle skill to do the work successfully, in a few years furnish a delightful sb^de. Perhaps you arc skepti cal, and tbi? feature of progress does not appeal to you. . If so, the next time you go to Wilson, visit Park Avenue. Your skept icism will vanish, you will be converted on the spot. Those beautiful trees are a monument to the memory of the late Geo. D. Green, whom some of you remember as a prominent hardware merchant of We own no property in Farm ville, but as long as we stay here we want to tell the people thai ours is the best town in the state. While we are makhfg it the best commercially, lets make it the prettiest. We would like to see the property owners, who have not already doiie w, hscis the prosecution of this work at the proper season. ? C. Report of die Condition of the " YES" OR "NO" WHICH DO YOU SAY? ? ? ? i. Folks Witt Thin, Pale Blood ^ Hesitate? Feel Uncertain ^ SHOULD TAKE PEPTO MANGAN Red-Blooded Men and Women Know Wfy They Want To Do adnlto It qaay be you are just recover ing from a sick spell? or may be your system is run flown and your blood so weak that yo* are in a poor shape to resist infect t?B^ But if you don't feel and look robust you are not robust Such state is often^due to weak bloo4, not enough red bk>od cells, a condition known as anemja. The best remedy for anemia (bloodlessness) with its low men tal and physical vigor is Gude's Pepto Manga n. Pepto-Mangan supplies the weal;, wattery blood with the very elements it needs to put new life into it. It repairs, re creates, and re ttuilds the ex hausted blood, the vital fluid of health and life. Try Pepto Man gan if you are "run down." It cannot harm you --it wilFcer tainly help you unless you have some deep seated chronic dis - ease requiring the physician's caie. Be sure tbe name ^Gude's" ? .v* r._ is on the package. Without "GudeY* it is not Pepto-Mangan. For sale at all druggists.? Ad. . APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF; J W. L, SIMONS. Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the purpose of sale and sent tenced to the common jail of Pitt County for a 'term of eigh teen months. AH persons who oppose the granting of "Said pardon are fin# vited to forward their protests to the Governor *itfiout dfelay. This 20th day of May. 1920. Martin & Sheppard, Att'y. Hi^jden Hand Whispers. : V , A correspondent of an English paper recently indulged in t?ia ball: "Lest a whisper of the hidden hand be heat*-." " 14 an English clergy man wJio wild to his congregation : ??Brethren, the muddy pool of politics was the rod: on which I split"?? -Ont at Foitfiitaiii, thg& close of business May 4th 1920 $406,266.20 *5*484.93 5,000.00 5,000.00 Loans and Discounts, -v Overdrafts secured Nortk Caroliw %Bo.A All other Stocks, Bonds, and ,!e? 53,?15.M over 21 hourj-f^KWp everybody ov; nod :"one r~ cr could, if he wanted to. There a i?t of wasto about irctoring in those days. A man spent a lot of n-'eney on his car and never thc;:.rl:i: * ? ? ? ? - * ? x . . "*l ? - - . ? . y?- ; ? , 7. . .... . very much about whs; hj was getting in return. Wheh a man buys a tire . . * nowadays he has apreity motorists of ttias community. , v "? i The U. S. reputai qualify is not built OP one tirCo ??? ?* There is not one aianc for !ail?cU.S.Tires ondaripth cr zic.ndaid for small ones. Every tire that bears the name "U.S." is built the best way its makers know how to builct it The oldest andv largest rubber concern in the world cannot afford . - ? " l\ 'ijfr-' *??. '2, 'V ~ . "r'-rV" '?"< ?'? ??'? ' to play favorites in seeking you whether you needb a Nobby, Chain, Usco, or a Royal Gord. ISPS 'L ?\< : ;Vh- . ? Bfeftu r,v.^ Sflect four tiraa ac cording to the roads 4 . etops, & Town of Farm' " tows: IsBSwla |Sec. 1. Pursuan nicipal Finance 138 of the Publicl North' Carolina, made and filed with SOroW? Clerk pursuant to The Municipal Finance Act, and is open to pub He inspection. (c) the average assessed valuation of nroperty subject to taxation by tne .Town^fi ^arm ville for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied, as chnwn bV said statement is $1, The amount of the n^t debt Town of Farmville out gjjgjf ? o?|to be shall I h of asrequir vilfe within the meaning ofSec lion 7 ofArtlcle 7 of the Consli tuition of North Carolina. RV E. BELCHER, Mayor. iitv e. joyker, cue# ifg *ADMN Havin tratraggl Moor<$| adminis Of J. K i of Pitt a^thif-js ^ ?HLtsohs having claims against the estate of said deceased to; exhibit them to Martin & Stieppard,- Attorneys Farmville, North Carolina, or to the undersigned at Andrew, SoiStf Carolina/ on or before the 1st u?y of May 1921, or this notice will be pieced in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please majce immediate payment to Msrtin & Sheppafd or Mrs. Marie Parsons Moore. Tht23rtd^lAP'il,M?4 .$&#? ilMfSSi Martin & Sheppard, Att'ys.